Girl Clean Workout

He looks at me with a nervous smile while almost bouncing in excitement. I chuckle at his antics as he pulls me out of the entrance hallway and into the house proper. He steps away to reveal, what I actually kinda expected his house to look like.

(Ah, hello ex-boyfriend flashbacks. It looks like a tornado went through here. Clothes and other stuff all over the floor, dishes with old food, trash everywhere. Heh, looks just like what a single guy's house looks like. If it gets cleaned up, it would look pretty darn nice, even with the tree.)

I turn to see an expectant look on Natsu's face, like he is silently hoping that I approve. I smile warmly at him and he starts smiling back at my positive reaction. (He is just too cute, acting like such an eager little kid about this.)

"It looks really nice, Natsu." I tell him encouragingly as I turn back to study the house more while looking past all the clutter. (Solid seeming hardwood floors, yellow brown walls with some cracks here and there. They could use a coat of paint to spruce it up. The windows look nice and clean from here. Hmm, an interesting looking old-fashioned stove. I wonder where the sink is? High ceiling and I see a storage area above. Could be some stairs elsewhere to get up there and that looks like a request board, kind of like the one back at the guild.)

I feel my eyebrows shoot up in wonder. (Why does he have a French maid outfit on display? That's.... odd.) I shake my head at this and continue looking about the room. (It looks like he sleeps in a hammock. Interesting. So he doesn't have a bed then?) Turning back to see his proud face beaming at me, I can't help but smile back at his contagious grin.

"So, do you guys have a bathroom I could use to change in?" I ask. Still grinning, he turns to point at a door at the other end of the house.

"Right over there. Hurry up and finish! I want to start training!" he exclaims excitedly. I laugh at his response as I gingerly make my way through the mess, trying not to trip. I stop to grab the clothes bags that were sitting on the couch I slept on. I breath a sigh of relief when I am able to make it without breaking anything or hurting myself, again. I open the door only to be met with a rank odor.

(Ye gods! This is a boy's bathroom alright!)

Trying not to cough, I take in a deep breath and plunge in while closing the door behind me. A quick glance confirms my suspicions. (An unclean toilet and bathtub. With old clothes thrown around and mystery stains everywhere. Why do guys never think to clean these things?) Setting down the bags on the cleanest part of the floor I can find, I rummage through them to find what I want to change into.

Double-checking that the door is firmly closed, I begin to change into my new duds. Nothing special about them, just a pair of dark form-fitting shorts, a forest green t-shirt and a very tight sports bra. I slip out of the hiking boots and switch them with the combat boots that were lightly armored.

(They are heavier, but I feel good about them these boots. It is kinda surprising at how something as simple as clothes can change how you feel.) Picking up the bags, I head to the door to get out of the smelly room and almost hit Natsu with the door. He looks at me in surprise and I raise an eyebrow in question at him as he moves to let me out of the bathroom.

"That was fast! Lucy never gets dressed that fast." he states in astonishment. I smirk at this.

"Well, I'm not Lucy now, am I?" I drawl out while putting a hand on my hip. He laughs at this.

"No, I guess you're not!" he agrees. I walk over to place the bags on one of the two couches.

"So what training did you have in mind for us?" I ask him as Happy flies over from wherever he was to land on my shoulder. "Well hello there." I greet the cat as I reach a hand up to give the top of his head a light pat.

"Strength training of course!" Natsu shouts out with both arms pumped up and ready for action. He hops down to the floor and starts doing pushups really fast. I laugh at the sight.

"Of course, strength training to get stronger." I chuckle out while rolling my eyes. Before I join him, I first work on stretching out my body. Happy flies over to sit on Natsu's back to add some extra weight to his workout as I begin mine. I start off with my right arm and shoulder by crossing them over my chest as far as I can and counting to ten before switching to my left side.

I do this five times each to make sure I'm limbered up then I go to work on my legs. Happy watches me, still on Natsu's back as he continues to do the pushups at a lightning pace. I watch this display with slight awe. (How is it possible that he can move so fast. Its like he is a jackhammer!)

"What are you doing, Krysti?" Happy asks which shakes me out of my thoughts.

"Stretching out my muscles to warm them up." I reply as I bend down to touch my toes.

"Why?" he asks in a curious tone.

"It helps loosen out the muscles so then you can exercise with less chance of hurting yourself. It's also a good way to make your body more flexible while increasing your muscle coordination. It can also help increase your energy levels." I explain to the blue cat.

"Really? It can do that?" Natsu asks in amazement as he stops his pushups to look at me as I stand up from toe touching.

"If you do it right, then yes. Being flexible can be very handy. And I like the less likely to get hurt part as well." I laugh slightly at the end. I bend back down for another round of toe touching, this time putting both of my palms flat on the ground. I can feel the burn in the back of my thighs, signaling that they are getting stretched correctly.

"So what all stretches do you do?" says a voice to my right. I look over, still bent to see Natsu and Happy copying me. I stand up straight again while rolling my spine to pop it as well. They follow suit while looking at me curiously. I grin at them, delighted that they are joining me.

"Well, first I start on my arms, like this see?"


(I can't believe it, we spent the whole afternoon just doing a mix of yoga, pilates, and tai chi that I picked up over the years.) Shaking my head in light amusement, I watch the guys as they sit calmly trying to put one leg behind their heads. We moved to the clearing outside the house when Natsu and Happy kept getting too competitive about stretching better than the other and was making an even bigger mess inside.

Natsu considered it a challenge when I mentioned that putting my leg behind my head as one pose I have yet to be able to do. And the guy has been working on trying to do it for the last hour. Now that I am more than properly warmed up, I feel up for just about anything. (Hmm, I wonder what I could do while they are working on this?) I glance around the clearing to see if any idea strikes.

(Light bulb.) I grin to myself as I figure out what to do. Cracking my neck, I hunch down and start to run. (Not the most original idea ever, but hey I need the cardio. Especially if I want to have any chance of keeping up with these guys on just a day-to-day basis.) A moment after I start, I remember the doctor said no exercise.

(Dammit, that's gunna put a cramp on my training.) I abruptly stop my run with a disappointed groan. My hands go to my hips as bite the inside of my cheek while I think.

(Ok, what can I do that won't have me sweating and/or possibly reinjure me? Cardio is definitely out, so are most workouts. So no sit-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups. Damn, and I already did a bunch of stretches too. Its kind of a waste to not do anything else after warming up so well. Maybe I could do some wal...) A hand landing on my shoulder startles me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Natsu with a questioning look on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asks cautiously.  I give him a half-hearted upturn of my lips before I sigh despondently.

"Just remembered the doc said that I gotta stick to very light exercise. So just trying to figure out what I can do besides stretching. I mean stretching is good, it just seems a bit of a waste to not do something else that's worth the stretching." I prop my arm up with my other arm in a thinking pose while biting my lip.

"I know that I promised to train, but without any workout equipment, there isn't much I can..." he interrupts me with a grin and a quick laugh.

"If its equipment you need, I got some weights in the house." I perk up at this.

"Really?" I ask hopefully. His grin widens.

"Yup." he answers simply. I shoot my fist up in the air.

"Let's pump some iron then!" I say, before letting out a loud 'whoop" to amp me up. I twirl and start jogging towards the house with my fist still in the air. I reach the door and burst in with a big smile on my face that falls as I see the mess inside.

(Oh yea, its a mess in here. Not going to find anything any time soon. Maybe I can make house cleaning my workout? Just picking up the clothes would be considered its own workout. Not to mention when its time to clean that bathroom.) I make a disgusted face at the memory of that smell.

"Now what's wrong?" Natsu's amused voice calls out from behind me as he walks around me to get in. I let my face relax out of the grimace it was in.

"Thinking about how cleaning this place will be its own workout. Specially that bathroom." I make a gagging face. He gives me an offended look.

"Hey! This is clean!" he cries out with a frown. I give him a pitying look.

"Oh sweetie, there is so much that needs to be cleaned." I reach up to pat his shoulder in a consoling way. He pouts at my words.

"You said it looks nice!" he retorts indignantly. I nod slowly.

"Yes, the house looks nice, but it stills needs to be cleaned." I calmly explain to him.

"But it is clean!" he protests.

"Its boy clean, it is not girl clean." I inform him. At this, he looks at me puzzled.

"What's girl clean?" he asks me while slowly calming down. I smirk at him while putting one hand on my hip and the other on his shoulder.

"Let me show you." I simply say while my smirk grows.


They spend a good couple of hours picking the clothes, dirty dishes, and trash up off the floor. It went faster when Krysti turned it into a competitive game in who can pick up the most. Happy got into the competition as well, although he had more fun sabotaging the two humans. The clothes were piled onto the unused couch, the dishes near the sink, and the trash was put into bags outside the house.

"Wow! We got a lot done in here. So this is girl clean, huh? It looks so... so bare in here." Natsu comments as he and Krysti flop onto the couch with her bags. He gives her a puzzled look when she starts giggling.

"What's so funny?" he asks with a slight frown. She grins at him, her eyes full of amusement.

Patting his leg gently she says, "Its a good start, but this is not girl clean." His eyes widen and jaw drops at this revelation.

"A good start?! How much more needs to be done for it to be girl clean? I don't remember seeing this place so clean!" he exclaims while waving his arms widely. A thoughtful look crosses Krysti's face and she raises her closed fist as she starts counting out the things left to finish.

"Let's see, there is washing and sorting out the clothes, washing the dishes, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaning the walls, organizing our stuff, repainting the walls, plugging up the holes where the branches are, possibly go through the top storage area to see if anything can be done to organize to have more room, and don't get me started on what needs to be done with the bathroom." she lists off. His face has an unreadable expression on it.

"Hehehehe, Natsu's face looks weird." Happy chortles out.

Krysti waves her hand dismissively as she says, "Of course we don't have to do all of that. I was just listing off everything I can think of right now that can be done. I thought that I could clean your place properly to help say thank you for letting me stay. If you don't want me to bother your things, I won't. I can take over the chores for you as well. Cooking, laundry, and other menial things. Oh and I will make sure to brew you the tea everyday. I don't want to be a burden after all." She finishes that with downcast eyes and her voice softer than when she started.

Happy flies up to flop over on Krysti's head as he asks, "Can you cook fish? I'm getting hungry."

"I'll give it a shot, Happy. Not sure what all you guys have here for food, but I'll do what I can." she states while looking up to try to meet the cat's eyes.

"Krysti." Natsu's voice has the woman and cat turn their turn to face him. He looks at the brunette with a serious expression as he says, "You don't have to all of that work. Happy and I did not invite you to live here with the intention of making you do all that. We invited you to live with us, not work for us."

"Speak for yourself!" Happy says haughtily. Krysti giggles at the cat's response. With a warm look in her eyes, she reaches over and grabs onto one of the dragon slayer's hands.

"I know that I don't have to. I want to." she says fondly. She then tilts her head and a crooked grin forms as she continues, "I was planning on doing this anyways unless you really don't want me bothering with your stuff." She gives his hand a squeeze as the crooked grin becomes a proper one.

"This is the price you have to pay with living with a woman. We clean. There are very few women who don't start cleaning a guy's place when she moves in. So if you don't want your things messed with and stuff getting rearranged, you better speak now or forever hold your peace." She finishes that with a wider grin and a wink.

"I just have one thing to say to all of that." he says with a serious expression. She raises an eyebrow.

"What would that be?" she asks with a just as serious tone.

A grin forms on his face as he says warmly, "Let's eat." She laughs and nods gently in agreement, not wanting to knock the blue cat off of her head. Together, they stand up, her hands letting go of his. She turns to look towards the sink and doesn't notice his grin slipping into a small frown.

Happy does and starts laughing hard at the pink-haired man to the point he falls off of Krysti's head during his outburst. Natsu just gives the cat a deadly glare where he lays on the floor in a giggling mess before brushing past a confused looking brunette to show her where the food is kept.

After they ate some grilled fish, Krysti stands up and announces that she is going to take a bath. She heads to the bags sitting on the couch and rummages through them before grabbing some bottles and extra clothes to change into. The boys move off to do their usual routine of working out after eating with the weights they had uncovered earlier.

Krysti gets to the bathroom and silently gags at the smell once the door opens. Putting down her bathing items, she quickly grabs all of the dirty clothes and tosses them out of the bathroom which catches the attention of the males in the main room.

She grabs a bottle of spray deodorant and gives a couple of small spritzes in the air. Not as much that it needs to completely take away the smell, but just enough so she won't be gagging while inside the room. Satisfied for now, she turns on the water in the tub and picks up a rag that she didn't throw out.

Taking a bar of soap, Krysti soaps up the rag and washes it in the tub to clean off the crust that was on it. After deeming it clean enough, the brunette then uses the soap to work on cleaning out the tub. She turns off the water after the tub is filled a few inches. Minutes of hard scrubbing later, she wipes the light sweat off of her brow and admires her work. It's not completely clean, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was before.

(The wonders of soap and elbow grease.) She thinks to herself proudly with how much better the bathroom looks already. She unplugs the tub and lets the water drain, then starts the water again to get out more of the soapy residue. When satisfied, the woman plugs the tub and lets it fill but not before pouring in some bubble bath.

Going to the door, Krysti tosses the rag out into the other room to take care of it later. Closing the door firmly she then strips to the nude, but not before removing her iPod, ear buds, magic translator, and earrings. She also lets her hair out of the bun that Auntie Vi helped make earlier that day and sets the chopsticks down with the rest of her personal items.

She slips her possessions under the clean clothes so they won't get wet. Seeing that the water is now high enough, she turns off the tap and places the toiletries along the edge of the tub. She steps into the warm water with a sigh and sinks until only her head and knees were above water and the bubbles were high enough that she sould only see the ceiling.

She closes her eyes to relax and doesn't notice the door opening quietly. Enjoying her first bath in days, she starts humming a wordless song while relaxing into the warmth. Before long Krysti changes from humming to softly singing in la's and da's which then morphs into full song.

Her voice fills the bathroom with a gentle melody. It may not win any singing contests, but it is nice. Natsu and Happu stand by the door, watching as she starts to sing with more passion. Without the translator the two have no idea what she is singing, but it doesn't stop the smiles on their faces as they listen.

After she finishes her song, Krysti soaks for another minute in silence before she is done with just relaxing. With a big push with her legs, she manages to sit fully upright in the tub. Still keeping her eyes closed, she raises her arms over her head to stretch out her back muscles.

A smile of contentment rests on her face as she lazily opens her eyes. Since she decided to face the wall that has the door, she fails to see her two roommates perched on the sink behind her. Reaching for the soap, she plans to wash off all the grime she has accumulated since she came to this world.

As she washes, her eyes drift closed again as she remembers her home and how much this one is the same, yet so different than where she grew up. She hums to herself, absorbed in her memories until the soap slips and flies out from her hands. She smiles to laugh at herself until she hears a 'thud' with a surprised yelp of pain.

Her head whips around to see Natsu laughing at Happy who is rubbing a paw on his belly with a sad face. Her eyes widen in shock and embarrassment to realize that they have been watching her bathe. Anger at this blantant disregard for her privacy surges in her and before she can unleash the wrath of females everywhere, the conversation she had with Lucy on the train comes back to her.

Her anger quickly subsides which causes Natsu and Happy both to become uneasy. Their experiances with Lucy led them to believe that Krysti should still be angry, not thoughtful. With a start, they see that the brunnette is smiling at them and waving her hands at them.

It takes a few tries but Krysti is finally able to convey to the guys thay she would like them to leave. Happy asks her why, but with a quick tap to her ear the boys remember that her translator isn't in. Krysti claps her hands together in a motion to indicate 'please?' before making the 'shoo'ing motions to restate her desire for them to not be in the bathroom with her.

Natsu nods and hops off the sink with a bored expression on his face and Happy flies off after him after a bit. Krysti lets out a slighty annoyed sigh that the duo didn't close the door behind them. Grabbing the towel she left nearby, she covers herself before approaching the door to close it firmly. Half an hour later, a cleaner and much more relaxed brunette walks out of the bathroom in damp, clean clothes.

"Ah! Nothing quite like a nice relaxing bath to ease away your pain and stress." she says to no one in particular as she sinks into the couch that has her bags. She looks over to her roommates and a thoughtful expression adorns her face.

"Hey, Natsu." she calls out suddenly.

"Yea?" he answers back questionably.

"You and I need to have a talk about manners and customs." she tells him firmly, not planning on taking a 'no' for an answer. Happy starts to laugh at the look of unease on Natsu's face until Krysti pins him with the same unyielding look.

"Same goes for you, kitty cat." she states. The two males share a wide eyed look at the feeling this is not going to be a fun lecture. Krysti pops her neck and cracks her knuckles as she prepares to spend the rest of this day and night teaching these two manners even if it kills them.