Sign From Heavens

In a specific location somewhere in The Celestial Realms, a female dragon in human form hugged her two newborns tightly yet gently in her bosom with trembling hands and eyes full of sorrow.

If one paid attention to the two, they would notice precisely the reason for her anguished expression overflowing with grief and sadness - neither of the two babies were breathing nor showings any signs of life.

You could only imagine how traumatic it is to come to such a realization just after giving birth to them. Mother's love for her children was immense - it was one of the few things that could even ignore laws of nature, not to mention the grief…

Yet, the female in a narrow cave overflowing with nothing but darkness didn't let a single tune out of her. If such amount of grief and sadness was being forcibly held in there would be nothing but endless trouble and even potentially threaten her health.

"My children... Why are Heavens so cruel to us!????", her barely audible trembling voice crawled out its way out of her mouth with a great deal of hardship.

Why did she hold back even her voice when there was nobody around?

As if predestined to serve as an answer, a thunderous shockwave hit the cave as sonorous *BOOM* resonated through the surroundings and even passed through the massive boulder blocking the cave.

Many ancient symbols, lines and images flashed on that boulder, giving off a vast and powerful aura.

But that aura didn't come from a mere rock - it came from an item that was protruding a bit from the boulder, but it wasn't clear what that item was.

What could be seen of that item was merely the cylindrical shape that had an uneven surface and extended into the interior of the rock. But if one plucked it out by force, they'd see it was actually a massive claw.

Shortly after the explosion, a thunderous voice boomed as it reverberated through the cave.

"Tianlong family, you won't be able to escape this time! Heavens are on our side!!!"

As if annoyed by that voice, another powerful yet more imposing voice calmly responded.

"Old dog Xu Ming, even if I have to forfeit my life here, don't even dream of trying to harm my people!!!"

Right above the cave, an enormous dragon was suspended over it as if standing on the very air with his feet. There was not a speck of Spiritual Energy swirling about in his immediate surroundings as what happened with the human standing opposite of that massive and awe-inspiring dragon.

Yet the heavens truly are cruel sometimes as above the dragon, a giant swirl of black clouds was gathering right above its head as if ready to strike at any moment. Occasionally, a red-colored thunderbolt would flash here and there which could be seen from far away since it was naturally dark because of the night.

Under the onslaught of so many people led by the man standing in the air, the dragon stood unshakable and unmovable as if a mountain was suspended in the air instead of the living being.

That even Spirit Energy could not flow around the dragon signified a very terrifying level of control over Spirit Energy, but it was a second nature to their race to have that ability - after all, they are worshipped as gods of their world.

Yet clearly, they didn't belong to such a lowly plane because even the tiniest atoms in several thousands of kilometers were continuously disintegrating and appearing again - hell, even the space itself was trembling from the divine might.

Even though the surroundings of the mountain were flat because of the various Martial Techniques shot at the dragon yet all of them being either deflected or neutralized, the sheer energy of those that slipped by leveled everything to the ground.

The mountain in which the female was hugging her dead newborns was the only thing in the surroundings that stuck out like a sore thumb yet what could be seen from the distance resembled fireworks in the shape of various heavenly beings - Tigers, Dragons, Phoenixes...

Who knew what kinds of flashy and gorgeous techniques were used but before the Divine Might of the Heavenly Dragon all of it was naught.

But even the Dragons favored by heavens had their share of misery. The stronger the being was, the higher the difficulty of reproducing as a species. Could one even imagine how hard it was for Heavenly Dragons to bear a child?

Being able to bear those two children was already a gift in itself for those two poor dragons, but even then, the girl was unwilling to just let it go when she held her dead newborn babies close to her heart.

Nature works in wondrous ways, they say...


Countless nights and days passed, yet the scene was the same - thousands of humans assaulting the heavenly dragon in front of the mountain, but this time it was a bit different. The dragon was standing on the ground!

It couldn't continue flying in the air anymore because even dragons couldn't go against the laws of this world. They had to exhaust themselves, eventually.

The terrain around the mountain was a complete mess - canyons formed from sword slashes, tunnels and holes from mere thrusts of a spear. One could see a variety of unnatural shapes in the barren land, but the mountain was untouched like a Goddess of the Seas under the rain.

Runic light was a spectacle in itself - it was already in full power and didn't cover only a boulder anymore. It now formed a strangely shaped barrier around the entire mountain and was burning with even brighter light than before.

Various living things gathered in a circle around the area where Martial Skills and Techniques didn't reach and naturally saw that show.

They were bound to witness the glorious event today!