Wrath of The Heavenly Dragon

The dark clouds above the dragon spun with such intensity that tornadoes paled far in comparison.

But in the female dragon's crimson eyes, in the depths of those vertical slits, the despair was blooming with increasing intensity. Her period of trauma passed several days ago, but the grief was deeply implanted within.

"Even if all of us die, the children must stay untouched!", a crazy light flashed in those eyes with burning resolve, enough to send shivers even to Gods and Devils.

But as if a message from heavens, two sonorous thunderbolts parted the clouds and dispersed the vortex as they absorbed all the thunder energy on its way as if it was never there to begin with.

One black, one rainbow-like thunderbolt with a golden halo spiralled around the other like coiling dragons as they advanced towards the mountain, splitting open even the barrier of runes which caused shock to surface even in the eyes of spectators and humans who assaulted the dragon.

"RETREAT!!!!", a booming voice roared, visibly shaken from the core. It was the man leading the humans, Xu Ming, who shouted as a multitude of rays shot back, backing off from the mountain as far as they could.

By the time they retreated outside of the thunderbolts' area of effect, the two thunderbolts already disappeared completely as if absorbed by something in the cave but the mountain was no more - it couldn't bear such monstrous energy and collapsed as soon as the thunderbolts bypassed the barrier of runes.

All of those watching, even the dragon whose eyes were already brimming with sadness which didn't have the time to morph into tears, thought the female dragon and her children were long gone by the heavenly phenomena.

But contrary to their expectations - the female dragon was on her knees shaking like a sieve, her hands with protruding scales covering her mouth as her crimson eyes stared at the two babies lying in their respective eggshells with unparalleled shock and joy.

"Waa.. - waaah!", both babies let out excited cries of joy for being born, as if paying respects to heavens for granting them a fresh chance at life.

After overcoming the initial shock, all humans had already activated some kinds of talismans and vanished into nothingness for unknown reasons, but the massive dragon paid no heed to them and already shape-shifted into a handsome human form as it came rushing in front of the babies.

The feelings of joy blossomed in both of the two as they stared at the babies with incredulity and astonishment. The dead babies had come to life!

The male turned to his wife, gently looking into her eyes and affectionately kissed her and the two babies after which he left behind the shimmering dragon claw that was stuck in the boulder and shot up to the sky.

In the dragon's eyes there was only joy and happiness as its momentum rose to unbelievable heights and his eyes locked to the point in the sky, after which a heaven-shaking dragon roar tore apart the space itself!

All of those humans that tried to escape a moment ago came falling down like meteors, as if an invisible hand plucked them out of the space tunnel back here. But it was far from an invisible hand - it was the wrath of the Heavenly Dragon.

Now that he didn't need to protect his wife and babies anymore, the situation had turned in the dragon's favor.

A pair of violet eyes locked onto each and every human except the one who led them all here, and in the next moment all of them magically inflated like balloons and exploded to smithereens!!

The only one left alive was their leader, the strongest of them all, who could contend with the dragon, but his fate could be called miserable.

Just a while ago he was basking in glory and now all of his comrades had fallen.

But how did the dragon turn the situation around so easily? If he could do that now, why could he not do the same when defending the cave?

Well, the reason is simple - disturbing the spatial tunnel would lead to its collapse and naturally, the ones inside will bear the full rebound of the force which almost took their lives.

It was as if someone suddenly slammed you to the ground in the middle of your jump, while you were in the air, unprepared.

You would break a bone or two at best, at worst you'd die, depending on the pulling force and the height from which you fell. Except, in this case, the force was naturally the one which expelled them from the space tunnel and the force of gravity complemented it - there was no way to come unharmed out of those conditions.

The Heavenly Dragon Race was known for their ability to control Spiritual Energy and had a great affinity with it which was just shown when all of those practitioners exploded from the influx of a vast amount of Spiritual Energy.

It was as if a lake was suddenly poured into a glass and condensed to the point of being able to fit into it - of course it'd expand to the original volume and destroy everything in its path once the restraining force disappeared.

The sole man of thousands of his fellow friends stood in front of the Heavenly Dragon, staring deep into those violet eyes. He stared at his reflection in those two massive eyeballs and felt a looming hand of death coming for him. He even saw an illusion of his dead grandfather waving at him from the sky...

Or was it?

Every question naturally had an answer, so did this one and the answer was a big silvery-white dragon claw which crushed him to pieces, only his Spirit Core was intentionally left behind because it was of a higher quality than those of his friends'.

Naturally, the Spirit Core was just a snack for the newborn babies, but it was a snack that should last for a while and was pure enough.

In any case, it was much better than the Spirit Energy of this world so that's why it was spared otherwise its fate would be the same as of its owner - to perish before the wrath of the Heavenly Dragon!