Can I Call You Master? - Part 2

Asura Ryuu: "Mus-mustah? What's that?"

???: "You don't mind me calling you that, right?"

Asura Ryuu shook his head innocently, but his mind was in turmoil.

Asura Ryuu: "If I'm not wrong, it's her... The Blue Qilin from before. Why does she want this?"

Chaos Dragon: "It's not a bad thing for you to become her master. Only benefits will come for both of you. Why are you hesitating?"

Asura Ryuu: "But... what will the powerful figures of the academy think?"

Chaos Dragon: "What do you even care? If they had the ability to tame this wild female Qilin, they'd already succeed by now, yet it's obvious they don't. Now that there's a chance to have such a powerful Spirit Beast for yourself, why let it slip by?"

Aura Ryuu: "Indeed... I didn't think of that."

Looking at his confused face, the girl smiled and pricked Asura Ryuu's finger with her index finger that turned into a claw for a moment. A powerful aura filled the room as her Spirit Energy condensed in that moment and then vanished the next.

Xiao Lan: "Press your finger in this spot", she said while pointing between her brows.

Asura Ryuu did as he was told and shortly after, a faint connection formed between the two of them. It was a strange feeling that he felt for the first time.

Xiao Lan felt her heartbeat suddenly skyrocket as dangerous lightning snakes became visible inside the pond. Luckily, Asura Ryuu was out of their reach. Otherwise... otherwise nothing would happen because the connection was already established.

Feeling the breath on his body, Xiao Lan's blood started surging as an unknown emotion awoke within her innermost being. Something resembling crazy excitement and the closest to it was madness, although not quite.

Asura Ryuu: "U-um... sister, what's this feeling?"

Xiao Lan: "Fufufu... The feeling you got just now is quite a special thing. It means sister can go with you anywhere in the future and protect you. Also, you'll be able to feel what your sister feels and I would in turn feel what you feel. In other words, if you get mad at someone, sister will get mad too."

Asura Ryuu: "Then why did you prick my finger?"

Xiao Lan: "I needed your blood for this to be possible. You don't mind, do you?"

Asura Ryuu: "Of course not! Why would I mind it if a beautiful sister needs my blood? I was just curious."

Xiao Lan was slightly stunned by the words of this kid. If any girl was told that she was beautiful by a little kid, then she would be happy for sure.

But she...

She was exceptionally happy, a bit too happy in fact, which caused Asura Ryuu's head to once again fall between her breasts, but this time, he was facing away from her.

Asura Ryuu thought: "What a pair of badonkers - holy! They're simply a portable heaven! The contract was definitely worth it!!"

Xiao Lan: "Little Ryuu, do you know how to gather Spirit Energy?"

Asura Ryuu immediately became interested and reflexively jumped out of her grasp while shouting "No-oh!", and fell into the water full of electricity. Strangely enough, the electricity rebounded against his skin and there wasn't that previous reaction which caused a... *insert dramatic music* pain in the ass.

Xiao Lan giggled at his exaggerated reaction and felt content wash over her innermost soul, followed by immense joy. It wasn't caused by a master-slave contract she just forged, but came from her own will that was influenced by the similarities in her blood to the True Dragon Bloodline.

Xiao Lan: "Do you want me to teach you?", she asked in a charming and slightly magnetic voice that had a faint buzz to it, probably because she cultivated the power of lightning.

Asura Ryuu's head stuck out of the water with incredible speed as his eyes focused and turned sharp: "YES!!!"

Xiao Lan giggled at the look on his face, because serious expression didn't suit those chubby cheeks and silvery-white hair, yet in a certain sense she felt it very suitable for him. Two contradicting thoughts were troublesome to deal with, so she went with a more reasonable one.

Asura Ryuu was floating in the water with only his head sticking out of it, which made for a very funny scene, while Xiao Lan explained the process of cultivation to him.

Xiao Lan: "Try closing your eyes and feeling blue things similar to your hair in the water. Tell me when you do."

Asura Ryuu did as he was told and after half a minute he nodded his head to let Xiao Lan know he succeeded.

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion, but the light within them seemed as if saying: "As expected, it was nothing to him.", which made her even more happy.

Xiao Lan: "Now, try imagining those blue wisps float towards you and when they come in contact with your skin, imagine as if there's a little hole in it through which they enter your body."

Asura Ryuu naturally recognized this process because absorbing Spirit Energy was the same even in The Realm of Gods he was in before. This was the most basic of the basics, so it wasn't strange that they were the same in both worlds.

Asura Ryuu seriously and carefully felt the blue wisps of Spirit Energy in the water and instead of visualising the hole through his skin, he silently led the power from his index finger to spread through his body under the effect of Divine-Grade Spirit Power. It was the power that almost took his life in the Dragon God's realm when he infused it within a spear - the power of Black Dragon Claw , but now with better control of it and a higher quality of Spirit Power, he could precisely determine the amount needed for that action.

The wisps of electricity resembled the spikes similar to ferromagnetic fluid as they gathered around his body in a few breaths and slowly pushed his pores open, wriggling through them into his body. Xiao Lan's eyes were, naturally, wide open. How could she even expect something like this happening? What's more, the blue mist above the pond also gradually descended and transformed into wisps of electricity inside the water, but the process wasn't fast enough for her to notice. Nevertheless, the amount of mist slowly decreased.

What Asura Ryuu didn't expect was that as soon as the blue hair-like wisps of electricity entered his body, they were broken down completely and just turned into pure energy coursing through his blood. Because of this phenomenon, regardless of how much he tried to gather them at one place to form his own Spirit Energy, the weak power of thunder dissolved into his bloodstream and became nourishment for his blood.

Suddenly, Asura Ryuu felt an agonizing feeling of hunger screaming from his blood as 'spikes' resembling a ferromagnetic fluid formed around his body and concentrated even more while mist became less and less present. His pores were rapidly opening one by one under the effect of his absorption power while Asura Ryuu resembled a hedgehog with conical spikes instead of needles. Only his hair had a needle-thick strands of power of lightning attached to them.

Xiao Lan didn't interrupt him at all because she noticed that Asura Ryuu knew what to do even without herself explaining and merely observed from the sides. She noticed that Asura Ryuu's breathing became steady, but his brows were furrowed as if he was troubled by something.

Xiao Lan murmured: "Deep mediation... what a guy, hehe. Master no saikyou*!"


*Saikyou means The Best in Japanese