Can I Call You Master? - Part 3

Asura Ryuu asked the white dragon about why his blood breaks down the lightning and the answer he got was quite troubling. Considering his origins and that his bloodline was of the Heavenly Dragon tribe, his perception towards the Spirit Energy was immense, but under the fusion effect of Avatar of Chaos, his bloodline evolved into the Chaos Dragon Bloodline.

Now there was a trick with his new bloodline - only the purest and concentrated enough Spirit Power could remain within his veins. Everything that wasn't up to the standard would get dissolved and over time accumulate to form a single grain of the most powerful Spirit Energy - Chaos Energy.

This meant that Asura Ryuu would need somewhere around a thousand times more energy than others in order to form the same amount of his own Spirit Energy. How could he not feel pained?

Although it was a good thing in a certain sense, he would need to go through hell to keep up with the cultivation of others.

He needs to cultivate a thousand hours with a normal speed of absorption in order to have the same effect as others who need only one hour for the same effect. However, he wasn't the only one suffering like this because Asura Tenka needed to do so as well, although the Dragon God only required ten times more, not a thousand...

But now that Asura Ryuu thought about it, how strong is his Spirit Avatar actually if he needs a hundred times more effort than his sister for the same effect?

His Spirit Avatar is hundred times stronger than the Dragon God!

Won't he be a monstrous existence once he reaches the same level as his peers?

While he was thinking that, Asura Ryuu suddenly felt cold and opened his eyes. He found out that the surrounding water was gone, together with the mist above the pond. What remained was Xiao Lan with eyes full of shock, disbelief and a major portion of concern. She wasn't partially naked anymore but didn't have clothes on either. Her body was covered in blue scales and only some parts were showing a pale skin with a bluish tinge beneath it.

Xiao Lan: "Little fellow, how are you feeling?!", she asked in a panicked voice while holding Asura Ryuu by his shoulders and shaking him up-down.

Asura Ryuu: "Umm, it feels very comfortable..."

Xiao Lan: "Huh? Just that?! You don't feel pain anywhere?"

Asura Ryuu merely nodded his head and his tummy suddenly let a dragon-like roar... of hunger...

Xiao Lan looked at him and feeling not a speck of Spirit Energy, she felt very concerned.

Asura Ryuu suddenly said something that dispelled her worry: "Sister, sister! I actually feel a speck of some kind of powerful energy in my body but it's very faint... is that good?"

Xiao Lan hurriedly said: "Quick, try to lead that energy through your finger. Show me!"

Asura Ryuu naturally urged the multicolored grain of energy through his blood and it appeared above his finger, quietly floating. But it was microscopic, at best.

Asura Ryuu: "Here, sister."

Xiao Lan: "... Where?"

Asura Ryuu: "Eh... on my finger..?"

Xiao Lan narrowed her eyes because she saw nothing. Her sapphire eyes suddenly glowed as powerful might filled the entire bathroom and thunder streaked across the walls. Her previously round pupils were now slits leading all the light to an abyss as her strong Spirit Power focused above Asura Ryuu's finger. She saw an insignificantly small speck of multicolored light floating above his finger, but it was so small that without using all her power, she couldn't see it.

Xiao Lan thought: "Just this... from all that?"

Xiao Lan: "Can you imagine letting go of that... thing?"

Asura Ryuu: "Eh? Why? Won't it explode?"

Xiao Lan: "It will, that's what I want to see."

Asura Ryuu retracted his Spirit Power and the crisp *PA!* resounded from the place where the microscopic point of multicolored light was a moment ago.

Xiao Lan quietly pondered: "Such a big explosion from just a little grain of energy... What kind of monstrous Soul Spirit did this guy awaken? Now I'm even more certain that he's a Chosen Child. Actually... he may not be the one the elder saw. If his Soul Spirit is so strong, I doubt the old monster would even be able to glance at the future of this kid. My choice was correct!"

Xiao Lan: "Uh, Little Ryuu, what kind of Soul Spirit did you awaken?"

Asura Ryuu: "Eh? Did Elder Lan not tell you?"

Xiao Lan: "No."

Asura Ryuu: "But aren't you her friend?"

Xiao Lan giggled at Asura Ryuu's words and ruffled his hair once again. It was something out of her control. Whenever she saw this little kid, she felt like she must ruffle his hair. It was even better that the little guy seemed to like it, because she heard some kids hate it.

Xiao Lan: "We are just acquaintances and she's just staying at my place now because it's big. There's no reason for her to tell me such a secret."

Asura Ryuu: "Ahhh! Then this beautiful house is yours?"

Xiao Lan: "Um! Are you surprised?"

Asura Ryuu nodded like a chicken: "Surprised! Very surprised!"

Xiao Lan: "Do you like your elder sister?"

Asura Ryuu: "Um. Very!"


An angry roar once again resounded from Asura Ryuu's stomach, which made a perfect chance for child-like attention-grabbing behaviour of his to appear: "I... Sister, I'm hungry!"

Xiao Lan smiled and said: "Do you know who I am?"

Asura Ryuu nodded innocently: "Yes! You are the big awesomely beautiful Qilin from before, right?"

Xiao Lan: "Heh, so you did recognize me! You little fox... Come with me, let's find something for you to eat."

Asura Ryuu excitedly nodded because he was dying of hunger and hurriedly ran up to the door and opened them for his elder sister, Xiao Lan.

However, she was looking at him with a tilted head and asked: "Where are you going?"

Asura Ryuu: "Um... to eat?"

Xiao Lan: "Haha, that's not where you need to go in order to eat. Come here."

Asura Ryuu hopped up to her and found her arms coiling around his body. Air flashed with sapphire-blue glow and the Spirit Energy in the air condensed into a pair of familiar wings behind the girl's back. Only now, the wings were smaller. Each wing was slightly bigger than two meters but the power within them was as clear as day. The transparent wall magically opened and Xiao Lan flew out with Asura Ryuu in her hands.

However, there were two problems that Asura Ryuu noticed only now.

One was his fear of heights and the other...

He was still naked.

And there was suddenly a third problem:

He didn't feel any Spirit Energy in the air.

But still, the problem that troubled him the most was the second one.

His bare butt and little friend were dangling in the air as he was carried by his new elder sister. He didn't particularly mind that she saw him naked, but he did mind an occasional burst of wind that made his little brother swing like grass. It was uncomfortable.

Before he could even complain, a blue mist surged from all around him as he felt a chilly cold and tingling feeling on his skin and after it disappeared, he saw a cool-looking shiny blue robe on himself. The most important thing, though, is that his little brother wasn't swung around by the wind anymore.

That left him with only two problems: Being unable to absorb Spirit Energy from air and the equally worrying one: Fear of heights.