A Parent?

The sect leader of YummengJiang sect snatched the letter and hastily tore it open, his eyes hurriedly scanned the contents and with each passing they grew darker with fury.

"What! How could sister leave you with me?! What am I to do with a baby?!!!! Why not Wei Wuxia?! He has too much time on his hands!"

Jiang Cheng's lips curled in disdain as he looked at the face of his nephew that was sound asleep.

His disciples looked uncomfortable and displeased at the way their sect leader was acting towards his blood relation. His cold hard tone sent a shiver of fear down their spine.

"How can sect leader say such a thing to his sister's child? Young master Wei isn't related to their family, so why would he want the baby to be taken care of by someone that does not share the same blood?!"

Young boys in purple robes cowered in fear.

"Quiet! Can't you see how serious the situation is? Why don't you see it from sect leader's view that the child is a burden that would shackle him down?"

"I'm only worried about getting hit by Zidian, whether sect leader chooses to take the baby into YummengJiang sect is solely up to him."

Disciples of YummengJiang sect whispered back and forth between themselves.

Fearful that Jiang Cheng would pounce on them with his infamous purple lightning ring, that was known to send the strongest cultivator into a fit of unimaginable pain.

"What do you all think? Should I take my precious nephew in?!"

None of them gave their sect leader an answer, they could tell that he wasn't really asking them what they thought about bringing the newborn to be a part of the YummengJiang sect.

The veins on Jiang Cheng's face stood starkly on his pale jade face, the letter that he held in his hand became rumpled from crushing it in his fist in anger.

"Talk! Before I slice your tongues out!"