Sink or Swim

Without been told Jiang Cheng knew that he was all alone in caring for his nephew. As a first-time parent or makeshift one, the situation he had found himself in was out of his control.

Part of the liquid green poop had travelled all the way to his robes, staining the mid length of it.

"A-Lin! What did you eat for you to shit this much!!!!"

Enraged beyond measure, Jiang Cheng stormed out of the study hall carrying with him a wailing Jin Ling whose face had long since turned red from crying.

Not thinking of what his action would result in, Jiang Cheng roughly placed the still crying Jin Ling on the cold hard floor that led to the hot spring, before hurriedly stripping his robes in disgust from the stench of baby poop.

"Will you stop crying?!!! I should be the one in tears because of you I have to take a bath!!!"

Undeterred by the irrational barking of his uncle, Jin Ling continued to wail pitifully as he watched his uncle carelessly toss his soiled robes and inner drawers everywhere.

With a naked baby in hand and down to his white loincloth, Jiang Cheng waded into the steamy water to rid himself of what he assumed to be a body covered in baby poop!

Arms flaring in the air and screaming with all his lungs, Jin Ling was beet red by the time both he and his uncle were through with their bath. Which mostly entailed Jiang Cheng fully immersing Jin Ling in the steamy water and allowing his body to soak from chest down.

Unknown to the two, waiting outside on dry land by the stream were his Disciples who stood aghast as they saw what they assumed to be their sect leader practically drowning Jin Ling in a body of water that was not fit to be bath in by a baby.