
The expression on the faces of the disciples could only mean one thing "What in Buddha's name is Sect Leader doing! Has he gone mad?!"

None dared to say exactly what was going through their mind as they saw Jin Ling being slung across the shoulder of Jiang Cheng. The sight unbearably painful to watch, but no one was brave enough to set their sect leader straight on the errors of his ways.

"Why are you all standing there? Don't you have better things to do or have you all come to watch me make a fool out of myself?!"

It was at that point, some of them saw the golden chance to clear the misunderstanding that their sect leader was having.

"Sect Leader, we heard young master Jin Ling's cries and thought something terrible had happened to him. Please do not see our presence as cause for ridicule!"

"Yes, Yes, we only came to help!"

The rest chorused their response as they waited to hear what Jiang Cheng would say.

"Scram!!!! You all ran away when Jin Ling was crying! Then you think I would believe your pathetic excuse for coming back?! You really have so much nerve!"

To the horror of the disciples, Jiang Cheng whipped out his Zidian in readiness to beat the crap out of them.