A Signal Home

If we go by the definition, then the Force, known to the Kwa as the Power of Cosmos, was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power.

Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the Light Side of the Force, the Dark Side of the Force, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force, and the Physical Force.

The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force.

The light side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge, and enlightenment, healing, mercy, and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy, and malevolence.

The latter four aspects were defined by prominent Jedi philosophies: The Living Force dealt with the energy of living things; the Unifying Force, with the entirety of time and space; the Cosmic Force, with life after death; and the Physical Force, with anything within one's surroundings.

Though the Force was categorized in this way, no specific abilities or powers were only usable by a follower of a particular path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside the life forms that used it and drew energy from their emotions.

However, that's only if we simply accept this definition of The Force without actually exploring it, and Kol was not the person to simply accept things as they were believed to be.



It didn't take long, just a few days later Queen Amidala agreed to all of Kol's propositions. So he relinquished control of her now 'kingdom' over to her.

Of course, it wasn't that easy to change the very foundations of a nation, but for a world like 'Star Wars,' it wasn't something unheard of, at least there wasn't to be had any great wars like the ones in 'Marvel' world.

The procedure was entirely bureaucratic and official, therefore it was to be quite lengthy with many debates involved. Minor negotiations were still going on, and Queen's talents in politics were tested every day even with Kol's help.

After Queen's position was well established as the eternal Queen of Naboo, dialogues would then begin involving the detailed terms of agreement of their cooperation with Himinnheim.

As this was all going on, Kol secretly moved to Lake Country, the most isolated area of the planet Naboo.

The region, known for its great natural beauty, was a popular vacation spot, located in a valley dotted with numerous lakes and surrounded by mountains.

Kol stayed there within the Varykino Villa, which was built upon the island of Varykino that existed amidst the waters of Lake Country.


Kol currently had two goals, one to study The Force, and then to completely repair his watch to be able to go home.

While studying the Force, one thing was for certain, The Force was both metaphysical, and ubiquitous, which meant that Kol could access it from any location and study it anytime he wanted.

He sat down cross-legged in the garden of his villa and used The White to try to sense its presence.

It didn't take long for him to be able to access it.

All of a sudden, information started to flood Kol's mind like a dam was suddenly burst open. He was connected to The Force through The White as a medium.

On the other hand, Jedi masters Mace Windu and Yoda, along with Jedi knights Qui-Gon and the newly appointed Obi-Wan were on their way to Naboo when they suddenly felt a tremor in the Force.

This disturbance was much more significant than the one from a few years ago, and therefore its origins were concerning.

Without wasting any time, the Jedi took a meditative stance to delve into The Force to find any clues.

Surprisingly, nothing was hidden. This was no doubt caused by the mysterious being known as Kol Mikaelson, the one they were just on their way to meet.

After Qui-Gon came back to the Coruscant with his young padawan Obi-Wan and an unfamiliar young boy named Anakin Skywalker, he informed the Council of what transpired on Naboo.

Such a thing was unheard of. The news utterly shocked the Council to its core. Master Yoda decided to visit this mysterious being himself before deciding anything, and Master Windu naturally tagged along.

As the Jedi sensed Kol's presence within the force, Kol also sensed theirs. So he pulled them towards himself, within his mind space.

Joda, Windu, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon suddenly found themselves in an endless white space.

At one point they were still in their ship, and then next they were here, somewhere within the Force, yet had no idea where.

"Master! Where are we? What was that?", Obi-Wan asked while looking around.

"It seems our consciousness has been pulled here by something within the Force.", Qui-Gon replied.

But master Windu didn't think so, "It doesn't seem like it. I can not sense The Force, it's almost as if...".

"Inside one's mind this is, discovered and brought here we are, although doubtful the reason seems, Kol Mikaelson our host must be.", Yoda confirmed his conjecture calmly.

And just then, Kol appeared in front of them, "You're right! This is my mind space and The Force is a concept that doesn't exist here.".

Obi-Wan and Windu were started and looked visibly alert, while Qui-Gon and Yoda had their reservations.

After calming down, Windu scrutinized Kol with eyes filled with astonishment, "A powerful supernatural being that does not utilize any Force-related ability and yet can do things otherwise considered impossible... I couldn't believe it. Even now as you stand before me, I am doubtful of my reality.".

"What else can you do?", Kol replied, "Snap!", and snapped his fingers, making a set of couch appear.

Then he sat down and continued, "When you're taught to believe in something all your life to the point that it becomes the only thing that matters, you tend to live in your own fantasy of a world where you actually believe that the world you know is all of it in its entirety.".

Then as the Jedi sat down, Master Yoda inquired, "The Force not which is utilized, but what is? Unusually resourceful you seem, more than possible, was what we believed, but how so?".

"Thanks to an energy called 'Kolforce'. It's not related to the Force, but I believe is more versatile. Not something anyone can use because it's more like a racial trait. All members of my species possess something similar.", Kol replied.

Windu asked, "What species is that? We've never heard of something like this before.".

"We are the oldest species in the universe, have many names, like Deities, Gods, Higher beings... depends on your language and culture", Kol replied.

Then even as they silently considered the implications behind it, Kol continued, "Alright! I can sense that you're already coming to Naboo, so let's talk then. I have something urgent to attend to.", and then, "Snap!", Kol snapped his fingers, sending the Jedi back into their bodies.

It wasn't just these Jedi who had sensed Kol's presence within the Force, but anyone who was Force-sensitive and had delved into the mysteries of The Force could easily find him. Kol had no intention of concealing himself.

One among many was Darth Sidious.

When Kol took the Jedi into his mind space, he disappeared from the Sith's senses, but when he snapped them back, Sidious could once again pinpoint Kol.

He was a cautious man, so he had a wait-and-see approach, like many others who were strong enough to accurately sense Kol.

But Kol had other plans for him.

He pulled Sidious into his mind space, just like he did with the Jedi, and stared at him with scrutiny.

Sidious was bound, his consciousness was restricted. He couldn't even communicate. But Kol just stood there.

Eventually, his struggles grew. He became more and more desperate but could do nothing about it.

After a while, fear became apparent in his projection. Eventually, he stopped struggling and just stared at Kol with a look of pure terror. He could feel it. His life and death were completely in Kol's hands.

But Kol wasn't done just yet. He raised his hand and, 'Snap!", snapped his fingers.

Then suddenly, the scenery changed. They were no longer in that endless white space but transferred to an endless dark space where red shadows, red like blood moved around, screaming and crying. This was a depressing, truly horrifying place.

As soon as they transferred here, the expression on Sidious' projection changed from utter terror to hope. He could once again sense the Force. This was inside his own consciousness, his own mind space.

Kol had transferred them from his mind space to that to Sidious'.

Sidious once again tried to struggle, yet like before, nothing happened and he became more and more impatient. Like a pig on a chopping board.

He could reach the Force, touch it with his consciousness, yet it did not respond to him like it had a different master now.

Sidious had never felt like this before. In this place, he could truly realize the gap between himself and Kol. He understood how insignificant he was in front of him.

And just then, Kol finally spoke, "If I ever see you again, if I ever see something or someone related to you around me or those related to me, be it directly or indirectly. If you are to have any presence or influence on planet Naboo or Dathomir, in any shape or form, well...", then he walked towards him and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Then I just won't let you die...", then drew his face closer to him, and asked, "You do understand, right?".

In response, Sidious nodded desperately, almost hysterically.



- Kol's homeworld. A few weeks after he left.

"Your majesty, I am a high human, 263 years next month. My 100 years tenure as an employee of the department of foreign affairs ended last week.", a man appearing to be in his early thirties explained to Qetsiyah, who was sitting on the throne in front of him.

A high human was a person who had consumed the Elixir. In other words, a human being with a limitless lifespan.

Qetsiyah nodded, gesturing for the man to continue.

And so he did, "I was paid off around 800,000 in credits by those finance guys, but when I did the calculations myself, I was still owed 127,000 for my work in strengthening the relations between the Kingdom and the tribes in the south. Your majesty, I was cheated.", he spoke in a dejected, very downcast, tone.

Qetsiyah lazily adjusted her posture, and replied, "How is this possible? All the financial exchanges are well recorded, especially when it comes to the credits...".

Then commanded one of the two warlocks who was standing guard behind her, "I demand a thorough investigation of this case.".

The warlock left but it didn't take long for him to come back with a file in his hand and another official-looking lady following behind him.

"Your majesty!", the lady respectfully bowed in front of Qetsiyah.

The warlock then handed the file to Qetsiyah, who started reading it.

After a while, she looked up at the man who was appearing more and more unsettled by the minutes, "I don't know where you got your education from to make such a ridiculous claim, but there's no problem here.".

The man argued, "Your majesty, it's a lie. It's all a lie. They are all working together. This corruption is deeply rooted in all government departments.".

"Nonsense!!", Qetsiyah had had enough of it, "Our government system is not just run by people, but secretly well monitored by artificial intelligence, that is created on a magical platform with Runes, and therefore can not be tampered with.", she explained.

But the man didn't give up, "Your majesty...".

"Desist!!", Qetsiyah shut him up, "You know it's a crime to waste my time like this, right? Making false accusations and questioning the integrity of a well-respected department?".

Then turned towards the warlock and asked, "Who is this?", referring to the office lady who was awkwardly observing everything play out.

The warlock explained, "Your majesty, this is the employee from the civil office who evaluated this gentleman's work at the southern lake water tribe, and paid his fee upon completion of his tenure. She knows his situation quite well.".

Qetsiyah nodded, and, "You go ahead...", gestured for the lady to speak.

And it seemed that the lady was told beforehand how to conduct herself in front of her, as she didn't bother to introduce herself or all those usual formalities that Kol or Astrid would usually prefer.

The lady walked forward and bowed to present herself before her, then got straight to the point, "Your majesty, this is his second 100 years tenure as an employee of the ministry of foreign affairs. After the first one, he brought the Elixir and became a high human, but during his second posting, he fell in love with a tribal girl and got married.", she paused.

Then continued, "Since she's a mortal, he needs enough credits to either buy an Elixir as well or make her a Beta, a Dhampir.".

"But he already does have enough. Why bother with this elaborate nonsense?", Qetsiyah questioned the lady.

The lady nodded, "For the Elixir, indeed so. But therein lies the problem. Eventually, they will have children, so he has to think about that. Becoming a Dhampir is much more cost-effective.".

Qetsiyah nodded, "I see...", she understood exactly what was going on now.

In the Kingdom of Himinnheim, Beta vampires, or better known as Dhampirs could not just turn more humans.

Well, they could, biologically speaking, but the first of the Dhampirs were spelled so that they could only turn one other human into a Dhampir throughout their lives, which was forever. If they wanted more, then they needed sufficient credits for that.

This was to increase the overall humans/blood-suckers ratio in the Kingdom. The more humans there were per blood-sucker the better.

It also provided motivation for the masses to work harder, to spread a belief that if you worked hard enough, with enough dedication to your country, then could achieve almost anything.

As for the credit system, the Elixir was the cheapest, then becoming a Beta vampire of Kol's sireline, or more commonly known as a 'Dhampir'.

Then came getting a werewolf bloodline, which had no restrictions, and could be passed on from generation to generation, therefore it was the most costly option, and didn't even provide immortality, so also the least popular.

This man that just presented his case before Qetsiyah wanted his wife to become a Dhampir because it was more cost-effective. It would be like getting two immortals with the price of about one and a half if we compare it with the price of an Elixir.

It seemed that because of his 100 years posting that was outside the country, the man had forgotten how things were done in the Kingdom that he thought that presenting such a weak case before the queen would get him anywhere.

In the end, he had to pay a fine of 100,000 in rare metals, which was not as precious here as the credits that could even give people immortality, or magical abilities.

Afterward, just when Qetsiyah was getting ready to hear the next case, a messenger walked in, "Your majesty, the grand magus, Tsarina Vladimirovna has tracked down the signal from his majesty the King. She requests your presence in the hall of adventures.".

Even though Himinnheim had always tried not to expand towards the rest of the world, believing that it was not yet that time, it didn't mean that their influence didn't spread the entire world.

Tsarina Vladimirovna was born in a Russian coven, but due to her superior talent in mage craft, she was invited to Himinnheim along with her coven at a very young age. Today, both her capabilities and status within the Kingdom were at the top.

After getting the message, Qetsiyah dropped everything and headed to the hall of adventures to meet Tsarina.

It was to be a test run and Kol was supposed to come back in a couple of days, yet all this time, he hadn't even sent a message back. Qetsiyah was starting to get worried.