She Came!

History teaches that organizing evil is easier than organizing, good. The simplicity of evil and complexity of good appear rooted in nature.

You will never find an animal protecting another that is not its kind. When predators hunt, they go after the weakest and smallest first. The black widow can hide in the desert for days, just waiting for its prey.

One can argue that savagery is merely a manifestation of the instinct to survive that is present in all lifeforms, and that is indeed true in most cases, but it still begs the question - Why? Why did nature evolve in such a cruel manner? Why not some alternative way?

That question can never truly be answered. Scholars have spent centuries trying to, inventing religion and other things in the process, yet ultimately failing.

In the end, one thing is for certain - Doing evil is easier than doing good. Doing what's right takes a lot more work and dedication, but by organizing evil, people can fulfill their aims and aspirations in a much simpler way.

In this context, if we want to understand Force, specifically speaking, the Light and the Dark Side of the Force, then we have to look at nature itself because the Force just reflects nature as a whole. It is deeply rooted in it.

The Force in 'Star Wars,' is somewhat like the 'Power Cosmic' in Marvel 616, except it is not a different form of energy, but is a phenomenon that can create different kinds of energies for different purposes from different means.

For example, the energy of the Light Side of the Force is mostly drawn from emotions suck as compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge, and enlightenment, healing, mercy, and benevolence, while for the dark side, it is drawn from hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy, and malevolence.

On planet Dathomir, the unique magical energy of Force is automatically produced from the life force of the planet.

All this implies that the Force is something that is deeply rooted in the very laws of this world, and even the very force of life itself.



Three years had passed. Not much had happened in the galaxy, yet a few things did happen in Kol's life.

First of all, even going against his Jedi code and the decision of his superiors, Qui-Gon had accepted Kol's proposal and now lived in the capital city of Naboo. Sometimes, Anakin went to him to get guidance.

In these years, Kol had understood quite a lot about Force and how it worked.

Midi-chlorians were microscopic life forms that resided within the cells of all living organisms, thereby forming a symbiotic relationship with their hosts. They were much like organelles, except they only existed in a limited number of cells.

Just like the mitochondria oxidizes glucose to produce energy, the Midi-chlorians used different emotions to produce a different kind of energy, which was then used to communicate with the Force.

Kol found that he simply could not make a person Force-sensitive without making at least a few altercations in their genetic code.

However, it was a lengthy, unsafe, and inefficient procedure, so Kol came up with another method - creating a new kind of organelle by altering the original Midi-chlorians on the basis of the genetic code of vampires, and then modifying the genetic code of human beings accordingly, to accept the new organelle into every cell.

This created a new kind of microorganism that Kol named, P-chlorians, or peckish chlorians.

He didn't need to invent a carrier either, because the cells that contained P-chlorians were very potent all on their own, much like Hulk cells, except more targeted.

The P-chlorians fed on Midi-chlorians and the life-force of living organisms who had a high enough Midi-chlorians count.

As long as the person who had P-chlorian cells continued to feed on life-force, then he/she could potentially live forever.



The sun was hidden in the clouds and it was still early in the morning.

Anakin and Sabe stood a few meters away facing each other in a grass field not too far from Kol's residence.

Even the loose Jedi robes could not hide their tense posture. Nervousness was quite apparent on their faces.

"Begin!", a voice came from afar.

In response, they both moved into action.

Anakin took out his lightsaber, "Buzz!!", and used Force speed to rush at Sabe.

On the other hand, Sabe also used Force speed, but to retreat back.

Just as Anakin reached the place where Sabe previously stood, something broke out from the ground below his feet, "Buzz!!", Sabe's lightsaber tried to hack Anakin.

It was a trap.

But it seemed Anakin had already seen through it. He put his foot down and, "Buzz!!", deflected it to the side. Then continued to charge at Sabe.

However, that lightsaber was controlled by Telekinesis, how could it be so easily handled? It followed behind Anakin, trying to pierce his back.

When he finally caught up to Sabe, she took out her second lightsaber and got ready.

However, when Anakin tried to hit her, his lightsaber passed through her image.

It was an illusion.

"Oh-Oh!", Anakin realized.

The lightsaber that was following behind him now caught up to him.

At the same time, "Boom!!", a piece of ground where Anakin stood abruptly raised.

But Anakin jumped high and used Force movement to stay in the air, then deflected the lightsaber that kept bothering him and kicked it away to who knows where.

"It won't work!", he yelled, "These tricks are nothing but distractions, you need to come out and face me.".

As a result, two more lightsabers controlled by Telekinesis flew over from different directions.

Seeing this, "Ok, I spoke too soon. This... might work!", Anakin's face paled when he realized Sabe's plan.

But he quickly descended down on the ground and stood up straight.

"Buzz-Buzz!!" when the two lightsabers reached him, "BANG!", Anakin used every ounce of Telekinetic power he had to generate a repulsive blast around him.

This disrupted Sabe's Telekinetic hold over the two lightsabers and they dropped to the ground.

Then Anakin quickly picked them up and hid them in his robe.

"Three down... now six to go.", Anakin spoke.

Sabe sucked at close combat, but she was very talented when it came to illusions and Telekinesis. So she carried a total of nine lightsabers on her person.

Just at this time, "Buzz!", Anakin blocked an attack on his waist and quickly turned back.

But Sabe immediately followed through with a top to bottom chop.

That's when Anakin realized that this wasn't an illusion because Sabe wasn't capable of such rapid follow-throughs with Telekinesis yet.

So Anakin immediately deflected it to his left, then used exceptional wrist movement to chop at Sabe's outstretched arm.

However, this time his lightsaber once again just passed through her without any hindrance.

"How!", this clearly surprised Anakin.

But just then, he had to jump aside, because, "Bang!", another lightsaber flew over and pierced at his previous location.

While Sabe had more raw Force power and used the Force like using racial abilities, Anakin was truly connected with the Force on an intimate level.

Just when Anakin escaped the trap and his feet touched the ground, another Sabe appeared in front of him, while the previous one collected the lightsaber that just failed its attempt, and ran over to him as well.

In fact, just now, Anakin got it right. That was the real Sabe. However, when Anakin deflected her first blow, she slightly shifted back at the last moment and create an illusion at her previous location to trap Anakin better.

Facing two Sabe and without a clue as to which one was real, Anakin was really depressed.

"It seems there's no other way", he thought.

The next moment, he used Force speed to retreat, and then, "BANG!!", he released Force lightning.

In response, the Sabe holding two lightsabers faded away and the lightsabers dropped on the ground as the Telekinetic hold over them was gone.

Then the Sabe with one lightsaber stretched out her arm and created a Telekinetic shield that blocked the attack.

Seeing the opportunity, Anakin used Force speed to appear beside the two lightsabers that had fallen on the ground and kicked them away.

"Four left.", he thought.

Just then, Sabe tried to hack him, "Buzz!", but when Anakin deflected the attack, the lightsaber unexpectedly dropped on the ground and Sabe disappeared.

Another illusion.

But this time Anakin didn't even have a chance to be surprised.

"Bang!", a lightsaber broke out from the ground, "Buzz!", while one came from up in the sky, and Sabe herself attacked from the front.

Anakin could not avoid the first two attacks that came from the air and underground, so, "Boom!!", Anakin once again released a Telekinetic pressure around him, making the first two attacks invalid as the two lightsabers dropped.

Then Sabe came from the front with a horizontal slash, which Anakin blocked, and immediately sidestepped to avoid being pierced by the lightsaber that came from behind.

This particular lightsaber was the one that dropped after he attacked Sabe after using Force lightning. It was not affected by Anakin's Telekinetic blast, so Sabe's Telekinetic hold was still in it.

After Anakin avoided being skewed, the lightsaber that he just avoided flew into Sabe's other hand.

Now she just had two left and she was going to dual-wield.

"Buzz!", with the buzz of lightsabers, "They charged at each other.", and their combat began.

In the beginning, Sabe had the advantage because she was using illusions in between her attacks. But soon, Anakin got used to it. He started to feel more than believe his eyes.

Afterward, naturally, since he was more skilled in close combat, he started to gain the advantage.

Not long after.

Anakin spoke to the unarmed Sabe, "You lose!", he had his lightsaber at her throat.

Sabe had fallen down and looked pretty miserable trying to get up from the ground.

But she looked up at Anakin and replied, "No, YOU lost!".

Then once again, she faded, but another Sabe appeared in her place, in exactly the same situation, except this one was armed with two lightsabers.

One she used to block Anakin's attack, and other she pointed at his throat.

"This... how!", Anakin was surprised.

Just then, Kol's voice traveled over, "Remember you hid two of her lightsabers in your robe in the beginning?", he spoke as he walked over to them.

Anakin confirmed, "Yes they...", but he paused.

When he took them out, they weren't "lightsabers" at all, but two pieces of wood about the same size as lightsabers.

"But how?", Anakin asked.

"From the very beginning.", Sabe replied, "Just before you picked them up, I switched the real ones with these.".

"That's the price of your overconfidence.", Kol observed, "You know it's her specialty. If you'd been using your senses from the beginning, this wouldn't have happened.".

He said that, but in fact, Kol was quite satisfied with the progress of his students. Sabe's Force abilities came from P-chlorians, while Anakin already had an unusually high Midi-chlorians count.

As for the lightsabers in their hands, they weren't the usual type but were created by Kol using Kolforce.

Not only were they more lethal, but had a long-range attack and even a non-lethal mode that could be used while sparring.

Just as Kol was thinking about such things, all of a sudden, "BUZZZ-BOOM!!", a sphere of blinding white light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Wha...", Anakin.

"What... what is this!!", Sabe.

This not only startled Anakin and Sabe, but Kol was also looking at it with eyes wide open.

As the sphere was slowly fading, "####", a woman's voice came from it, speaking something in some other language.

In response, some mist suddenly started to envelop the area around it.

This was a spell.

Kol understood what was going on. After all, he had an X-ray vision.

He glanced at his students, then flashed into the mist.

A beautiful naked woman was desperately trying to cover her body with her arms.

One hand was pressed into her big bountiful breasts, failing to successfully cover them, while the other was on her vagina, with some of the nether hair peeking out.

She was just about to chant another spell to conjure herself some clothing. However, "Siya... it really is you!", Kol's voice traveled over.

That's right. This was Qetsiyah.

She raised her head to look and found Kol standing beside her.

Without saying a word, he grabbed her waist and drew her into a tight embrace.

Qetsiyah had questions. A lot of questions. But seeing his behavior, she understood that something must have gone wrong, so she hugged him back to comfort him.

"I didn't know when I'd get to see you again... years, centuries, or maybe even millenniums! I had no idea. I missed you so much!", Kol confessed.

But soon they broke the hug, and, "Snap!", Kol used the White to create a set of robes for her.

Qetsiyah was surprised, "What is this... this is new!", but then her gaze met his.

He was looking at her with a look of longing. Qetsiyah could see his eyes that held endless love for her, along with a bit of despair that was now fading. He seemed like someone who just found a lake after wandering around days in a never-ending desert.

Qetsiyah leaned over, "Kiss!", kissed him on the lips, and spoke, "Let's go find someplace private.".



In Kol's residence.

Kol hugged Qetsiyah, intimately, from behind as they stood buck-naked at the entrance of the balcony, with only a bedsheet wrapped around their bodies.

Facing the sunset, Kol broke the silence, "Where is Astrid?".

"Still in Europe.", she replied.

"Do you think I was right?", he asked.

"No! You need to believe in her more.", she answered.

They were referring to whatever Astrid was doing in Europe back in their homeworld.

He nodded, "Hmm...", and spoke in a contemplative tone, "I learned a lot in these years... about myself, and human nature.".

Then he continued, "Everyone has something that entices them, something they can not resist, no matter how much time passes or how much they change. Something fundamental, like, lust, power, control, money, or even just to be proven right... but all that doesn't matter. Only when you face true despair do you realize what's the most important thing. It's not what you desire, but what's most right for you.".

He tightened his hug around her, drawing her closer to himself, like afraid she would disappear, "I am a conqueror by nature. That's who I am, fundamentally. But that's not what's right for me... what truly matters... It's family! That's what matters the most.".

Then he broke the hug and turned her around to face him, "I thought I lost my family. I thought I was all alone... it was despair.", his voice was a little hoarse.

Qetsiyah held his cheek, and spoke in a comforting tone, "It's alright now. That part is over.", then she drew him into a hug and kissed him.

This time they had no reason to stop.

Kol threw the bedsheet aside as she went down on him.

When she was using her tongue, "Spit on it!", he commanded.

"Sthoo!!", so she did.

Then he held her head in place, and, "Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk! Ghuk!", started thrusting in her open mouth.

After a while, he came into her mouth.

Then she opened her mouth and showed it to him. And swallowed it in.

Then he grabbed her hair and helped her stand up.

A kiss on the mouth, "Kiss!", then he sucked on her breasts for a while.

But soon stopped and turned her around, hugging her, holding her breasts from behind.

She looked back and their open mouths met for a kiss.

But soon they stopped as he leaned her forward, locked her arms with his, and then started thrusting her from behind.

"Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!", as the sound of flesh hitting flesh sounded in the room, "Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! YES!! Oho... yes!", she cried.

By this point, her eyes had already rolled back into her skull.

After a while, he came inside her, then stopped and turned her around. Then picked her up as her legs wrapped around his waist.

He walked over to the bed as they kissed, then threw her into it and jumped after her.

They would probably not go out anywhere for days, at least.


Kol going home in the next chapter.