I snap and jaw the motherfucker in the middle of the hallway people quickly make a circle around us causing the hallway to quickly become congested with other students. The crowd is actually thicker than normal for some reason which actually works out in my favor, considering it will take time for security to get through the students.

This won't hold them for long though and in a matter of twenty seconds I bet they'll be in the center of the crowd with me and him. "A man is the last thing you should fear" I take those words of Lloyd Banks to heart and start wailing on him. He has a bigger frame than me and he's fat. Not the fattest person but pretty fat, and on top of that he has a few inches on me too. This makes for a bad combination that not only makes it incredibly difficult to work his body with the amount of power I have in my punches (especially when you consider the small time frame I have), it also makes it a difficult task for my hands to connect with his head due to the height difference. None of these things hold me back though.

I'm positive he didn't expect me to swing first because he was stunned and didn't even swing back for a second, but a few seconds is all it takes to get the upper hand in a fight. I connect several times to his face and barely dodge his sloppy punch thrown at an attempt to fight back. I keep gunning for his head with risky shots and make no attempt at a body shot. One of his fists clip the side of my skull but the power behind it is still great enough to disorient me for a second though. I don't waver or let up with my assault though. With adrenaline coursing through my veins and my heart racing and every muscle in my body seemingly feeding off of the energy of the crowd around me I lash out with every ounce of my strength and hit the best shot I could hope to get. My fist connects with the side of his jaw and suddenly his body falls over lifelessly into the lockers on the wall.

Seeing him passed out on the floor my senses quickly begin to return. I push through the crowd not giving a single fuck about how hard I bump shoulders with or shove people. I hear the security guards make it to the center circle and start yelling at students to clear the hall. "I refuse to get expelled for this shit if I can avoid it" I think to myself. Once I push through the crowd I make it to a far less congested hallway connected to the one I just exited. I quickly walk to my next class and take off my school sweater and walk with just my school shirt underneath in an attempt to even slightly change my appearance from the boy that everyone had just seen fighting.

Walking into my class my heart is still pounding and my anxiety is through the roof, and not to mention I'm straining to keep my breathing normal. A student walks in and begins speaking to me while I sit at my desk waiting for class to start " yo I saw you -" I bang my fist against my desk to get his attention and motion my hand against my throat in order to say without words " please shut the fuck up I'm begging you". He lowers his voice and says " oh my bad aight aight" and walks off to his desk.

Class starts and ends. The entire day my anxiety is through the roof and I walk through the halls trying to act natural and not tense at all, I probably only succeeded in making myself look more suspicious though. To my relief I don't see the guy I fought at any of the classes that I share with him. "Maybe he decided to just go home or something" I think to myself. He doesn't know my name, I'm ninety five percent sure of that, but he does know my face and he'll probably tell the guards that he was fighting with me.

I should have just told him to meet me outside of school and fight me later, but had I done that I know I would have gotten scared and the pre fight anxiety would've eaten me alive. There's no time to get scared when you don't think ,and just react because there's no time to think. I finish up these rest of my classes for the day and finally catch the bus home with a sigh of relief.