Blue Eyed Star

Waking up, the reincarnate was met by the sight of a beautiful lady directly above his face, staring straight into his eyes.

Lightly pushing her face away, he slowly rolled backward in a lax manner and stood up, almost completely instinctively. They both looked at each other.

The lady was unbelievably beautiful. Reminiscent of this witch he'd fought once. Flowing black hair. Flawless skin, similar to his in his current condition. Soft pink lips and blue eyes that resembled two galaxies. Although, she was completely different.

The two looked at each other in deafening silence. Shrugging, he brought his hand out. The lady shook his hand and smiled. He felt sorta charmed by her. It was an odd feeling.

The two didn't talk.

Wordlessly, she led him by the hand. Through the trees and through the forest before they stopped.

It was a small little cave. Sitting down in the dimly sun-lit cave, she gestured for him to sit. So he got on his knees across from them, looking into their galaxy eyes.

This was nothing quite like love. He was mesmerized. He could see what others probably wouldn't have been able to perceive. Their soul.

It was a talent that some others apparently had. He didn't have a "talent" for it per se. But through years and years of being enveloped in the death and agony of countless people losing theirs, he eventually gained the ability to see the vague idea of the thing which people called, a soul.

It was different than all those he'd seen before. From what he could tell, it was unbreakable. There was this purity and darkness in her eyes. And it sorta scared him. Maybe in a good way, maybe not. He didn't really know.

She smiled and offered a handshake. He accepted it. Her hands were small in comparison to his. Still, they were firm and a bit tough. He felt entranced?