Sunshine Days

The days came and passed by like autumn leaves with him drifting along with the pretty lady. Every day was like calm intoxicating poison.

It was nice.

Awaking to the sight of her gaze looking down at him, the reincarnate smiled. No words to be said, she took his hand and dragged him out.

Washing his mouth out with river water and some leaves she'd shown him ages ago, he drank it all down. It was a weird leaf. It had a myriad of odd effects and tasted like toothpaste.

When mixed with water, it basically was just edible toothpaste. The blue eyed lady made it made somewhat seem like she'd cultivated them herself.

She didn't speak much and neither did the reincarnate.

Looking at the reincarnate stare at his reflection, she laughed as he dunked his head into the water, a bunch of bubbles rising to the surface.

Pulling his head out, he looked at her. By now, she'd stopped laughing, so he didn't notice that, although, she did seem like she was enjoying herself.


He wondered if anything amusing happened while he was underneath.

She shrugged with a smile.

Raising an eyebrow, he just shrugged along and got up. Standing to his feet, he stretched a little and picked her up, before, abruptly, tossing her into the water.

With an drop and a splash, she was drenched. Slighty raising her arms to her side, water dripped down her newly wet hair, and her shirt clung to her body. Furrowing her eyebrows and pouting, she looked sorta like a wet cat.

Lucks grinned in amusement before his eyes widened as she had cleared the distance between them. She grabbed him by the leg and yanked, dropping him into the water with her.

Similarly drenched he sighed and floated on his back. Closing his eyes, the lady held him in her arms.

Opening them up, he was met with her eyes. Like a billion stars in the vast abyss of blue, her eyes shined.

Wordless. There was nothing to be said. He stroked the water with his arms, slowly drifting himself back to land, before crawling out of the water.

Taking off his shirt, he sighed and looked at the lady, before shaking his head and smirking again as he squeezed water out. Following him out of the water, she stood beside him, stretching a little. Before softly slapping him with a grin, without even turning her head. Frowning, he put the shirt back on and picked her up as she flailed around, lifting her straight over his head, and threatening to chuck her back into the water.

In the midst of them messing around, there was a sudden rustling of foliage. Stopping, the two paused, and the reincarnated man set her down.

And then bam. It was like explosions were going off as the earth around them shook.

Looking around, the two of them were like dears in headlights. Snapping to action, the lady jumped on his back and pointed towards what seemed to be the source of such ruckus 

Running through the trees and foliage, the reincarnate stopped, as they were greeted with the sight of two people fighting. It was quite the sight. These two would be pretty tough opponents even for him in his past life. And right now he was nowhere near close to that sorta level of strength. Although, he did sorta gain an innate ability in this world, which apparently most humans had.

Getting off of him, she looked at him and patted his back.


Patting his back again, she pointed towards the two fighting, gesturing for him to do something.

Raising an eyebrow, he sighed and hopped in. Catching two attacks from both of them and he pushed them both back. One of them was a tall lady clad in black and the other was this guy who had the whites of their eyes black.

Wielding two chinese sabers, the lady stuck one to the ground. They spoke in an urgent tone. "Yo! What are you doing?! Move out the way!

The man grinned, "Move. Fool."

The reincarnate crossed his arms and shook his head. No can do. He'd subconsciously copied the lady's trait of just... not talking. Dodging a strike from the guy, he caught them with an uppercut to the gut. As expected, it did nothing. Dodging a strike to the head, he grinned a bit nervously as death flashed by his face.

Kicking them and using the force to take a couple of steps back, he took a fighting stance.

Looking at the two fighting, the lady scowled, "Tch. Idiot."

With a sword embedded on the sword, black marks covered one side of her face. "█████ ███. ██████ █████. ████████. █████."

Hmm? What just happened?

With her shadow turning pitch black, it spread out like tendrils consuming everything around her, then it stopped.

No… something was wrong? Behind her, the blue eyed witch smiled. Turning around, the lady swung her blade towards them.

Connecting with their neck, the sword was halted at the surface of their skin, unable to make even a cut.

Placing a finger to the blade, the blue eyed lady gently moved it down, before driving her fist towards them. Picking up the the other blade, they blocked the brunt of the mysterious impact and slide a few feet back.

Something was odd. They couldn't use their domain…? What? An aura user?

Smiling, the lady looked into their eyes. Something was off about this lady, but the swordsmen was unable couldn't quite put her finger on it. Nonetheless, something was wrong.

Digging a sword into the ground, she spoke, repeating the words she'd said before, "█████ ███. ██████ █████. ████████. █████."


Clicking her tongue in irritation, she pointed a sword at the blue eyed lady and scowled, "I'm mercenary Mono sent to take the head of the necromancer named Mortimer. I'd really appreciate if you guys just let me kill him."

In response, she just shrugged.


She had no clue who Mortimer was. Neither did she know anything about much going on in the outside world.

"Tch." Turning around, the mercenary tried to move towards the two fighting it out, but stopped as the lady stood in her way.

"Get out the way!" Placing both sabers to each other, they changed in color, one becoming white, and the other becoming black. Cutting through the air, she created two giant black and white slashes which overlapped as they flew towards the mysterious lady.

Catching the attack in her hand, it was dispersed seemingly effortlessly. Having leaped above her, the mercenary dropped down on them. As they did so, the blue eyed lady raised an arm to block to attack as they slammed into her with both legs.

The ground beneath them gave out, as a crater formed from the impact. Throwing a saber, and embedding it behind the lady, she could feel a restriction being freed.

[Black Sun. Ending Dance. Eclipsed. Spill.]

As she spoke, the shadow of the blade which she'd embedded into the ground darkened and began spreading. Covering the area around them, it enveloped the both of them, snd the world around them changed.

Looking at the two being covered by a blanket of black, with an orb forming around them, the reincarnate immediately tried to stop it somehow, running straight towards it. Only to be slammed away by the demonic strength of the monster he faced. As he hit a tree, and looked up, and saw her grinning at him with her blue eyes, as the two were enveloped in the domain.

The world around them had become one of white and black.

A smooth ground of black and sky of endless white.

Looking around, the lady took in the sight and smiled at the mercenary, who was now standing in front of them. The mecenary furrowed her brows, "I don't have time for this."

Holding the white and black sabers, she dashed forth and did a cross slash. This time, they avoided the attack instead of blocking. As they moved back, the mercenary did not stop the offensive, throwing out an onslaught of quick, slow, light, and heavy attacks. Avoiding most of the attacks, the blue eyed witch raised a hand and caught the white blade, their eyes widening as both of the mercenary's blades unexpectedly shattering.

Holding onto nothing now, she was surprised as the shattered pieces of the contrasting swords seemed to melt into black and white energy, melding together to form a larger white and black sword.


Pointing the tip of her sword at her, it multiplied in length and gleamed past her fast as she dodged.


A pillar of black rose from the ground, raising the mercenary into the white sky. From there, she used a two handed grip and began sending out a barrage of slashes, which were extended by the massive range of the white and black sword.

Having avoided a slash, they appeared behind her, only to realise that they had a leg constricted by a black tendril coming out of the ground.

As it extended, they were then flung away. Flying through the black and white world, the witch's eyes widened as she was met with a enegy infused dropkick. Blocking and being sent rocketing down, a crater was left in the black ground.

Reforming the blade to a more condensed length, she pointed it back towards her.



The sword she wielded rapidly exploded into massive white and black spikes spilling out in every direction, obscuring the other's vision.

Putting her hand out, the witch created a barrier, breaking a few of the spikes which came at her, and halting the rest which did as well. As the spikes instantly dissipated, she saw the mercenary rearing up for a punch. Her fist covered in a black and white energy that swirled around her arm.

Their eyes met, but they did not reflect the other. Strike.