23_"I'm in love with you!" (R-18)

As Li Yao was in his embrace, she cried even further. She didn't want to look weak but somehow the tears wouldn't stop. She cursed herself for appearing weak and whiny in front of him but she didn't deny his comfort that he provided her with.

Having a special someone to look after her was a big change she had to get used to. She was no longer alone. And this felt weird to her. All this while, she knew crying was pointless as nobody was there to lend their shoulder. Now that Mu Lihai was here, she couldn't help herself to lean more on him.

Mu Lihai could feel the tremor in his heart once he saw her tears flowing down. He wanted to comfort her and give her strength but it killed him to see her crying in his embrace.

"Sorry.. I'm not usually like this. I just-" her words were cut off when Mu Lihai crashed his lips together with hers.

Li Yao felt butterfly in her stomach and she wanted the feeling to last. She reciprocated his kisses as she suddenly had an urge of wanting more of him.

Her mouth opened wide as she welcomed his tongue inside. Sneaking into her slippery area and playing with her tongue together. His kisses turned rough as he was telling her how worried and helpless he felt when he saw her getting injured. It was his declaration of war. If she ever got hurt again, he would hunt down every one responsible for it and nothing could stop him.

Mu Lihai parted their lips and he proceeded to kiss her cheek and jaw, while he brushed her tears away with his cold thumb. Causing her to shiver inwardly. Then his kisses lowered to her neck and shoulder. He placed open mouth kisses on her flesh that Li Yao felt like screaming in pleasure because of the sensation. Her moan escaped her lips as she couldn't hold it back anymore. At that point, Mu Lihai had gotten crazy over her moan. Her fairy-like voice was akin to a law binding him to her.

He became unrestrained as his beast took over and his hand went up to her nape securing her lips once again in a heated kiss. He angled her head so that their lips could merge together as a piece of complete puzzle.

Li Yao felt heat creeping up from her body and it was a danger sign for her. Her head was telling her to stop but her heart demanded more of him. She was clueless in choosing between the two.

Mu Lihai knew that she was reluctant but he couldn't suddenly turn off his flickering fire, could he?

As his eyes were clouded with desire and passion, Li Yao took a peek at him. At this moment, she regretted doing so as it felt like she was being absorbed in those black obsidian gaze of his. His eyes that were full of mystery and wonder. She was sucked into them completely. As her heart was being pulled towards him and his gaze, she called his name.

"Mu.. Lihai.." Li Yao could feel his cold body emanating heat for the first time.

"Li Yao.. can I make you mine?" his sweet voice broke at the end of his speech, making it sound hoarse and sexy.

Li Yao became frozen. Was this it?

She was aware that when people were in a relationship, they didn't escape that kind of activity. It took her a while to process the idea.

Then she nodded. He was initially surprised. Mu Lihai didn't know that Li Yao could have this much trust and love in him. His heart soared just at the thought of that.

It was all it took for him to pull her to his body. He hooked her in his arms and lifted her up to the bedroom.

All reasons gone. Their clothes also gone, scattered on the floor. As they both laid naked on the bed, Mu Lihai turned on the heater to the maximum. It felt even hotter than usual due to the fire burning in their body.

He hovered over his lover, being on top of her. Li Yao felt the penetrating gaze of him right now to be the most torturous. He was looking at her body like he was going to eat it all. She felt self-conscious over her own naked flesh and she tried covering her mounts. He didn't like it. His hand held her two hands in place on her head and she was immobile. She never thought that today would be the day of their first time together.

Mu Lihai kissed her lips again and again. Until a string of silver line could be seen once they parted their lips. Their saliva melting and merging against each other's.

"Delicious.." his voice reverberated. It made her heart skip a bit.

Then he continued down to her neck and shoulder blade. Taking his time marking over his territory. His one hand grabbed her breast and she gasped. Li Yao didn't feel like she could do it anymore as she begged him to stop. She was starting to feel uneasy.

But he didn't stop. More like he couldn't.

"It's okay, dear. I'll turn all of this into pleasure." he whispered. He knew it was her first time. So he wanted to cherish her as much as possible.

Mu Lihai began to knead her breast slowly and Li Yao instinctively arched her body upwards from the sensation he was giving her. He took another in his mouth and played it with his beastly tongue. Li Yao couldn't help moaning so loud. It turned him on even more as he could feel his manhood twitch. It became so hard that it was painful for him. Six years without sexual activity made him become a man deprived of love elixir tonight.

He really did turn into a monk for the last six years.

Mu Lihai then kissed under her breast to her stomach. It went down to her belly button and finally, her twitching wet triangle. He was pleasantly surprised to see her so wet already.

"Hm.. I like this, my dear." his lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"Don't- please..!" she screamed from the sudden intrusion when he began licking her bottom lips.

His hot tongue made her crazy as she felt like tossing around the bed. Li Yao couldn't handle it as she felt a surge of heat beneath her, inside and under her stomach. He continued to play with his tongue to make sure that she was more than ready tonight.

The ministrations went on as Mu Lihai didn't waste time as he pushed one finger into her entrance and found that it was so tight. Li Yao gasped hard and moaned without restrain. She couldn't sit still at all while he was working on her flower down there. Her fingers clutching the mattress cover so tight that her hands even became red. She felt extremely sensitive and embarrassed. But above all else, she felt a kind of surging heat in her body that she thought only Mu Lihai could extinguish.

Then it took two fingers. He wanted her to become accustomed to the feeling of having something inside her, moving.

As he explored her world down below, he found a good spot as his woman screamed in pain saying no for a million times.

"Don't be scared, dear. I'm here." he coaxed her and she nodded silently, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Li Yao didn't know how much time had passed while he was still working on her body.

Then the man continued his ministrations and pushed up his fingers through her whole entrance until Li Yao felt like releasing something that she was currently holding up.

She shouted his name and arched her back as a magnificent release came to her. Mu Lihai took this chance to open her legs wide and position himself in between.

His hard shaft was begging him to go into action immediately as it was throbbing so badly. Mu Lihai brushed his tip on her wet clit to make sure she was aware of what was to come.

Li Yao braced herself for the merging but nothing could stop her from screaming under him as the pain was real and she was hurting.

"Sorry, dear. I'm sorry. Hold on, please. It will get better soon." he whispered lovingly as he pushed all of him into her slowly. She was really tight. It was almost impossible for him to get inside her without those heavy minutes of licking and fingering. Nevertheless, he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. He continued pushing slowly as he hissed when he felt like his member was tightly wrapped up and clutched within.

He was now completely inside of her.

"No! It hurts- Lihai! Ah!" Li Yao cried for the second time today and the reason was him.

He caressed her head with love as if telling her that she did a good job holding on.

Mu Lihai stayed put for some time to make Li Yao accustomed to his size. She was panting and her inside was so tight that it was hard for him to move.

"It's okay.. I'm here." Mu Lihai kissed her lips again and she started getting comfortable with him.

"Lihai.." she whimpered. Tears fallen.

"I'll make it less painful for you. Trust me." he started moving. She became alert instantly and began moaning.

He pumped up and down slowly and she finally could feel the rhythm. Like a beat of a love song, the pain gradually turned into pleasure. It was a painful pleasure, a sweet torture. He took his time in leading her and Li Yao could now feel the pace.

The newfound pleasure took precedence over the pain and she felt a kind of euphoria.

"Ah! Lihai-" he thrusted inside and outside. Her eyes widened upon experiencing these wanton feelings.

"You feel it? It's not painful anymore right?" he kept thrusting and she was now screaming in extreme pleasure instead of pain.

A wave of stimulus clouded her judgement in desire and Li Yao could feel herself getting intoxicated. She wanted more. This wasn't enough. Truly wasn't enough. It was a sweet addiction. She could finally say that he was hers and she was his. In body and in soul.

Li Yao began following the man's pace and she found herself moving her hips in accordance to his thrusting. He grunted in approval. Mu Lihai smiled in satisfaction at how fast his lover was pacing up. As a virgin, she was doing a great job enduring her first time.

"I don't think I like you anymore, Li Yao." he told her with a smile.

"I'm in love with you!" and he thrusted deeper into her. Penetrating her very core as she screamed his name.