24_All for Himself

Li Yao stirred in her sleep as she felt a soreness between her two thighs that she never experienced before. As she blinked her eyes, she looked at the surrounding. It was just around nine that they went to bed last night and now the clock was at four in the morning.

The memory of last night replayed in her mind causing her to blush. She tried to cover her face with her two hands but then an arm sneaked under her body and it pulled her closer to the side.

Li Yao's face met with Mu Lihai's solid rock chest with her hands on his body.

She realized he was awake and she further squirmed in his arm to make herself smaller and invisible. He chuckled seeing her and he swiftly landed a lingering kiss on her forehead. Only then did she stopped moving around. He hugged her tightly around him and as their naked body came in contact together, Li Yao could finally feel her boyfriend's taut muscle and strong abdomen. Her face redder than before.

"Good morning, dear." he told her with a smile. She stayed silent without even looking at him as she buried herself in his chest. She loved the smell of his body. It reminded her of home.

"Mu.. Lihai.." she called him. Her voice small and cute. It caused his heart to stir. He was too happy.

"I love you.. too." she said.

And Mu Lihai froze.

Did she just respond to his love confession last night?

He had told her that he was in love with her and in the morning, she gave him her answer.

"Say that again." he demanded. He was afraid that he was hearing things. He knew how vast the difference between like and love. So he wanted to make sure.

"I'm in love with you too.. Mu Lihai." she repeated. He turned to her side and leveled their head together. His face was so bright and happy that the happiness was also being transferred to her and it caused her to smile.

"I love you." he said as he kissed her lips slowly. Nibbling her lower lip torturously.

"Hm.." she eagerly responded to his slow kisses and he found her quickly following the pace with ease after they had done it. She became more bold and daring now. He liked it.

For Li Yao, she was still shy. But they were already at this stage, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. She also wanted to show him how much she loved being near to him. She wanted to show him that she only feel complete when he was with her. And physical intimacy was one way to tell him her feelings. Li Yao definitely didn't want to become a log in their physical relationship.

Mu Lihai snaked his arm on her back to pull her closer. Their body crashed together and her chest met with his. He could feel her breast on his chest with those two perky buds and let out a low growl. Li Yao became enchanted with his low voice and she blushed.

"Li Yao.. it's still early." he whispered to her.

"Hm.." she nodded to him as she put her hands on his waist. Feeling the very flesh of this strong man in front of her. He was too sexy and cool. She didn't know whether to take her hands further or just stay put.

"Li Yao.. touch me." he muttered with the same low voice. Li Yao didn't want to disappoint the man so she followed his wish.

She roamed her hands on his waist then to his back, he groaned lowly and the sensation of her touch ignited the fire in him. As her hands travelled back to his chest, she couldn't stop anymore. His body was sculptured with perfection and this body now belonged to her. She couldn't help but feel proud.

Mu Lihai couldn't take it anymore as he pushed her under him. She gasped in surprise. His eyes darkening with desire.

They went for it again. Making a mess out of the bed.


When Mu Lihai woke up at seven, he found his woman not by his side. He quickly got seated on the bed and roamed his eyes around the bedroom. She was nowhere in sight. He got up and walked outside to look for her. Where was his little lover?

As he stepped towards the living room, he heard someone working in the kitchen. The aroma of delicious food stroked his nostrils and he suddenly became hungry. They didn't get any dinner last night because he was busy tending to her injury right after they got home. Then they just went into 'action' immediately after that.

As he stepped closer to the kitchen, the sight of Li Yao in an apron, frying some bacon and eggs turned him into stone. He stood there in place without moving an inch. His eyes only saw her and the color around them dimmed.

Li Yao saw Mu Lihai and she smiled.

"Let's have breakfast? Go and wash up first." she said.

Mu Lihai nodded absentmindedly and he took steps closer to her as he hugged her tightly.

"Hm?" she was clueless as to why he was suddenly acting like a koala.

"You're like my wife." he said.

".. W- wife?" she stuttered while she blushed hard.

"Hm.. the way you woke up early to prepare breakfast for the two of us.. it's like we're newlyweds." Mu Lihai told her as he pecked her cheek.

Li Yao smiled then she giggled after he rained kisses on her face.

"I would love to become your wife one day." she said in between her giggles.

"Then.. let's get married?" he said to her. He didn't know where all the courage came from.

"Huh?" Li Yao was speechless. For some seconds, she wasn't responding but then he received a smack on his shoulder.

"What was that?" he whined.

"How dare you ask for my hand in marriage without proposing to me first?" she pretended to be angry which he thought was cute.

Mu Lihai finally realized that he needed to do the formality!

"Forgive me, dear. I'll definitely propose to you okay?" he kissed her again.

"Hm.. it's fine. We can take our time." Li Yao said in a low voice. She didn't want to sound desperate since they were just one month in a relationship. It was still new. There was no need for them to rush.

The fact that he even thought of marrying her was enough to tell her that he was serious in this relationship. It made her the happiest woman on earth. Her love soared up again for this man. She didn't know that love could grow further and further. Now she knew, there was no limit to how much love you could love someone.

Mu Lihai saw her expression and he was suddenly determined to make it happen. He wanted to propose to this woman in his arms and make her his wife. Whenever she was around, he wasn't afraid of anything. He felt peace and calm. And when he embraced her last night, he had professed his love to her. He really wanted her all for himself.