40_Come Clean (R-18)

"I promise I'll stay with you forever." he told her with a kiss as a seal to the promise he made.

When Mu Lihai's lips touched hers, Li Yao felt a strange buzzing sensation coming from her stomach. It was a different kind of feeling when she first kissed him. Maybe it was due to the promise he made.. or because of how she was finally able to come clean with Mu Lihai.

Li Yao suddenly felt proud of herself. She was able to break through the walls. If someone was to ask her how she was able to try, she would answer that it was due to her thoughts of Mu Lihai in her mind. That was why she was able to get past the walls in the past several days without him.

Because she had him in her mind everyday.

No matter how early their stage of relationship was, she felt that she could trust him with her life. Mu Lihai's influence on Li Yao was big.

Hooking her arms around his neck, Li Yao got bold as she returned the kiss with a French one. She shoved her tongue inside his mouth fiercely in one motion. Mu Lihai was startled by her advance. But it was a pleasant surprise.

He returned the gesture as he also played his tongue together with hers. They danced together until their breath was no more. When they parted, both were gasping for air. Mu Lihai knocked his forehead softly on hers with his eyes closed. They stayed in that position for a brief moment before he attacked her again.

Li Yao was feeling very restless. She felt like all her pent-up feelings were about to burst. She was feeling weird and hot. She didn't know why.

Getting more agitated by seconds, Li Yao decided to take matters into her own hands as she clipped her legs around Mu Lihai's waist, creeping closer to the man. When she saw him stiffened slightly, a small smile graced her lips unconsciously.

Li Yao got very brave when she suddenly flipped him to the bed. She was now on top of him, her butt on the base of his stomach. She recalled their lovemaking before. They did it right after she came back from work when she was harassed by a stranger. And they did it again on the early morning when they woke up. They did it twice that morning.

It was true that when a man had his first night with his lover- then he wouldn't be ashamed to demand more after that first time. They literally became insatiable.

Thinking about it, Li Yao felt that that did not only apply for men. As she was feeling very hungry for Mu Lihai right now. A blush crept up on her face until it covered even her ears. The level of heat in the room had risen to an higher degree.

Li Yao bended down slowly and her lips met with his. Mu Lihai didn't think that it would come to this when he first went and got the bowl of water for her. Nevertheless, he welcomed the advances as he too- was craving for her since last week ever since he couldn't reach her.

Mu Lihai snaked his hands behind Li Yao and he pulled her body closer. They kissed again with her on top of him. Their body seemed to be getting hotter. And with all their feelings and secrets bare, they made sure to get their body bare too. And the one who worked the magic was none other than Li Yao. She was in a hurry, it seemed.

She pulled out her clothes right in front of Mu Lihai who was staring up at her beautiful body. Then she helped him stripped. When he was half naked with only his black trousers on, Li Yao gulped. She saw his fine abs and sweet skin.

Li Yao suddenly had an urge to touch his body all over. And she did just that.

When her fingertips graced his skin, Mu Lihai shuddered as her touch seemed to spark an ignition inside him. She could feel his manhood grow under her. Li Yao looked over the bulging tent that was growing under his pants, she suddenly felt very horny yet shy. Her cheeks reddened again.

Despite that, her subconsciousness told her to move. So she grinded against him making him groan. His sweet manly voice sent shivers down her spine and she instinctively quickened the pace.

"Li Yao.." Mu Lihai managed to say her name which came out like an erotic plead. It turned her on even further.

Mu Lihai couldn't get enough of her teasing. He placed his hands on her waist as he guided her to move forward and backward faster. As much as it was a torture to him, he felt satisfied with only the role play because it got him all excited.

"I must.. have it." Li Yao murmured to herself. And as soon as she said that, she unbuckled the man's belt and pried open his pants then his briefs. His manhood sprang out dramatically, twitching.

Li Yao was in a daze.

She wasn't very knowledgeable about the act on the bed. But something told her she should just do whatever she wanted. Thus, she touched it barehand. When she did, she heard Mu Lihai hiss in pain and pleasure.

Her boldness came resurfacing again and she began touching his shaft to her liking. She saw him reacting and she loved it.

Li Yao couldn't help but wanting to get the stick all for herself so she just ditched it without finishing her touching- she moved herself up from Mu Lihai. It made him groan as her warmth was disappearing very quickly due to the cold of winter.

But then- he saw her positioning his shaft underneath her opening that was already wet from day one. Li Yao plunged her body down in a harsh manner that made both of them moan without restrain due to the sudden impact.

The collision between their body made them become alert in an instant.

"Mmn.. Lihai.." she called his name with that sweet, seductive voice.

Mu Lihai was in a trance. He liked the sound she made when they were in the act. He felt himself getting bigger and she felt it too. She trembled because of his unexpected changes inside her.

Mu Lihai saw her closing her eyes while her hands were shaking slightly. She was new to this, he thought. And he knew that she was also afraid. Good thing she didn't cry like their first time.

"Li Yao.. look at me." his voice low and restrained. Yet it sounded sexy and magnetic. It drew her closer towards him, making her open her eyes instantly. Then Mu Lihai reached his hand on her cheek. Caressing it softly.

Li Yao leaned her head closer to his hand and she liked the feeling she got with it.

"Ride me." he told her. Today, she was going to be the lead. He would give her the honor. She deserved it.

Li Yao was speechless but not for long when she finally understood what he meant. Wanting to make him happy, she obliged. She rode him with moving her hips up and down slowly. Then the pace quickened. Mu Lihai thrusted his rod harder and faster upward to meet her soft peach inside.

"Ah.. Lihai- feel like.. bursting..!" Li Yao confessed while she tried to stiffle her moan.

"Come here, let's do it together!" he pulled her hand and crashed her body closer to his chest.

Mu Lihai could feel her getting closer to the climax and so did he. When he pulled her towards him, he immediately dipped his head into her neck, inhaling her haven-like scent. His nose traveled to her shoulder then her breast. There, he halted his adventure and he bit her hard near her left breast, marking her body with a love bite. Mu Lihai didn't stop as he journeyed his mouth to her right breast and bit her skin there too.

Li Yao gasped hard and she failed to cover up the moan she was about to make. Her chest felt hot and it was hurting. He bit her too hard and it was red, almost bleeding. But she didn't mind. This pain taught her how to be in love. As love taught her how to deal with pain.

The biting and sucking on her chest made Li Yao convulse and she finally reached the pinnacle of heaven. Mu Lihai shot himself inside her- fueling Li Yao's thick soft walls with his essence. Covering the whole area. She felt full. She could feel him throbbing within her and he continued to shoot.



Li Yao fell on Mu Lihai's body. Her breathing ragged, the same as him. Both trying to calm themselves after the hot stuff.