121_Deep Slumber

Matriarch Fan sat by her desk with a solemn expression. She never uttered a single word even when Fan Jun knocked on the door and entered the study. 

He stared at her long and hard until he heaved up a low sigh. After waiting for some time, he went towards her and stood beside her. Gently putting his hand around the old woman's shoulder. 

"Grandmother." he started.

"My aunty.. your daughter.. she suffered enough." he said slowly.

"Let's not make things difficult for everyone, okay?" Fan Jun glanced down towards the matriarch as he gave her a smile.

He wanted her to see that the Mu's were their allies. And it was definitely wrong for them to act against Mu Lihai like they did. He regretted it so much that things had turned out like this. 

"I know you're angry. But your anger isn't supposed to be directed towards them. President Mu.. is innocent." Fan Jun told her. He started massaging the old woman's shoulder so that she could relax.