Fire Majesty (2)

It feels like it's impossible. A Prisma Stone that has changed color once is impossible to change color for the second time.

"Gray means obscurity. Which means your soul cannot determine or know what strength you have. "

Cain mentioned a fact that wasn't a secret anymore. It's just that Rio almost forgot about that.

"Hey, does this have something to do with you who did something to me yesterday?"

If Rio remembers correctly, Cain somehow casting a spell on him. Even though he doesn't remember what kind of spell Cain used.

"Well, I'm just helping you to remove the barriers that are blocking your power to get out. As simple as that."

So it's true Cain did something to him. Plus, a barrier blocking Rio's power from coming out?

'So all this time, the reason why I don't have an element is that something is blocking my power?'

"Everyone has the potential to use Prisma Stone. Even if you give a baby one little pebble Prisma Stone, the real power of the baby will surely come out. So how could there be someone who has no elements unless something has happened to him?"

Rio did not know what had happened to him or what caused a barrier in his body. But that's not important for now anyway.

"[Fire Majesty]."

Rio chants a spell which is a condition for releasing the power from the Dignity Weapon.

Small flames burst from the Broken Knight Sword. The flames enveloped the entire blade like a torch that was burning brightly in the darkness.


Rio had never felt so satisfied in his life. What he wanted as a knight finally came true.

To prove whether it was real or not, Rio swung the Broken Knight Sword down. The fire trail from the swing line is very satisfying.

A smile that he had not shown for a long time unconsciously appeared on his face.

"OK. Because you have realized the power that you are grasping, so now is the time to throw you in there. "

"Huh?! That fast?!"

Rio just gained that power. If being told to go straight into battle, "You're not ready yet? Didn't you always fight without that power before?"

All memories of his fight with the enemy of humanity returned to Rio.

At that time he fought with all his strength. He only relies on the muscles and friends he has.

But this time, without a colleague he could fight with.

"Think less. Act more. "

"Huh? Huh?"

Cain throws Rio into the portal he made.


No matter how strong Rio shouted. He was already thrown.

[Building Terrain]

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

[Entering Dark World]

"What is this place?"

[Searching for: Place]

[Status: On Progress]

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

[Result: City of Lost Grace, Darken Wood Elves]

Rio has entered into [Dark World]. It's just that the city he visited was different from yesterday.

If the city yesterday only had countless streets and buildings. The city of darkness at that time was filled with many holes and many buildings were swallowed by giant trees.

"A city devoured by trees."

The amazing view in the darkness was consuming Rio's concentration. Make him forget that he is inside enemy territory.

"Damn, I have to find a hiding place."

Any place is enough. The most important thing is Rio can survive in the darkness for three hours.

Rio entering the closest building. In the darkness that made him almost unable to see anything, he hid.

Rio is breathing heavily. In the darkness there were many possibilities that he could be attacked. Remembering the other day he was chased by a bunch of angry Arcdemon.


Even yesterday's experience still gave him trauma.

In a place darker than darkness. Rio feels safe. But suddenly a flash of light coming from the eyes of something made Rio realize that he was not alone.

A pair of glowing eyes came to Rio. With instinct Rio can feel the creature came by holding two blades that are ready to slit Rio.

Rio could not be sure where he would be attacked. Then all he could do was get out of the building.

When Rio jumped out he had time to listen to the swing of the blades that attacked the wall where he had been hiding before.

'So fast.'

The movements of the enemy are so fast. There is only one type of Arcdemon that can attack that fast.

"Dark Elves."

Rio just realized, he was indeed sent to the Dark World, but this time he was thrown to a different enemy base.

[Darken Wood Elves] As the name suggests, the Dark World that Rio is now on is a hotbed of Elves' type Arcdemon.

They are a type of Arcdemon that can move quickly. Use a light weapon like a knife and a one-handed blade.

Not only that, if a portal shows their arrival, then the level of caution must be increased. Because of the one type of Arcdemon that the most caused the death of the Knights on the battlefield.

Rio was thrown into a very dangerous place for him now.

If he was thrown into yesterday's world, [Alphanage], maybe he could train himself more fully. Because Arcdemon from the world is the same as humans in general.

"If I know it, I would ask him to be able to choose the place where I will be thrown."

Since the beginning Rio did not want to be treated like that. But there seems to be no choice but to face the challenges.

Rio prepares Broken Knight Sword. Precautions sharpened to the maximum. He could feel the wind around him quite well.

When he closed his eyes to try to feel the whereabouts of the enemy, an Arcdemon approached from behind at high speed.

Rio immediately swung the Broken Knight Sword backward. A spark is created when two swords clash.

Rio put more strength in his swing. It repels Attacker 1.

Attackers 2, 3, 4 came together from Rio's back.

Rio avoids their attacks by pulling his body to the side.

Fend off and counterattack quickly the attacks that come right at him.

Rio does his best to survive every attack. That ability he got from his experience of being a Zero Star which only served to fend and divert in every battle.

The barrage of attacks continued. Rio is having a hard time defending his defense.

A decision to attack was made.

A swing from the Broken Knight Sword was launched and sliced ​​Arcdemon's half of the body in front of him. But it has no effect.

'Damn, this is not a fantasy story of sword fighting!'

Arcdemon can only be finished with elemental power released from the Prism Stone. To do this, an element of Dignity Weapon must be owned.

Broken Knight Sword already has elements in it. But because of his habit of being a Zero Star, Rio forgot that he had to make moves and cast spells to fight.

A counter-attack from Arcdemon in front of Rio was carried out.

Although Rio can avoid it, several attacks have hit him.

Two incisions in the left hand and one stab that cut the left side of his stomach. It was the first wound that Rio got from fighting in another world.

The pain from the wound made Rio realize, that he wasn't just training now. His life is at stake. If he's not serious he is going to die.

A determination grew to strengthen his heart.

When everything feels stopped, Rio can feel a lot of attacks coming from various directions.

Even though he knew where the attacks came from, he still had trouble just fending them off.

Dark Elves have twice the agility of humans. Rio was able to withstand all these attacks because he had a lot of experience on the battlefield, and that wasn't the first time Rio had fought with Dark Elves.

But if it's like that then Rio will be in danger. Moreover, he felt several Dark Elves coming from various directions.

Dark Elves are indeed not as numerous as the types of Humans. But if their number more than ten, the portal can be given Nightmare difficulties if necessary. And two 4* Aditya must be called to handle them.

In other words, if Rio did not reduce the number of his enemies who were still numbering four, the threat of danger would increase. He must kill at least one or two of them.

To do this, Rio must carry out a spell attack.

"[Fire Majesty]!"

The Broken Knight Sword was enveloped in red flames.

'Then what?'

Rio stopped. Because he never carried out a spell attack he forgot what to say next.

The time is getting closer but Rio can't think of any ideas.

Four Dark Elves' attack kept coming in repeatedly. Even though their attacks are as simple as horizontal or vertical swings, because of the large number of them Rio's having hard time.


The attacks that Rio received from the four Arcdemon gave him an idea.

"[Fire Majesty - Offense Move: Horizontal Slash]!"

The Broken Knight Sword that was enveloped in flames was swung horizontally and immediately killed one Dark Elves that Rio attacked.

Finally he can do it. Having the ability and strength to fight. A broad smile is a sign of satisfaction that Rio cannot hide.