The Truth

Opening his eyes after a long time, Roderick saw a white light spin above him. He was inside something that looked like a capsule with filled with a colorless fluid. Noticing he was awake, the capsule send out a alarm when a few doctors and a burly man stepped on the room.

"Sir, he is awake. What do we do?" A doctor asked the burly man as the later pressed a button that released Roderick from the capsule.

"Make a all the exams you find necessary, I need to be sure he is alright." Aiming a Flashlight at Roderick's eyes the doctor observe a little then using a scanner on his wrist he checked the patient's blood pressure, energy flow and many other things before he turned to Roderick and showed three fingers.

"Are you awake? Can you say how many fingers I have here?"

"Thr-Three..." With great difficulty, Roderick managed to answer the doctor before he felt sleepy closed his eyes.

"He is fine. Just let him rest for a while."

Hours later when Roderick woke up, he felt strength returning to his body as tried to leave the room and saw the blue-haired female wearing that tried to save him walking toward his room. There was a few bruises on her face but she seemed to be in a better condition than him. Noticing he was leaving the room, Artemis pointed at him and then at a table facing the garden. Seating together, they stared at each other without knowing what to say as Artemis could not hold her curiosity any longer and asked.

"What was that thing you did with the blue lighting all over you." She looked really excited to talk about his strange power as they had nearly died just some time ago.

"I don't know. Maybe it was the reason those men were after me and the same thing that made me incompatible with the four primal elements." Even Roderick could not believe he had such thing hidden within him, but now he thought about the priest's words that his power could threaten even god. What did he mean with that? Seeing the look in his eyes, she knew he was more confused than her if not more. When she thought of something, she smiled and stared at him.

"I've looked at everything about you, mister Graham. Allergic and completely incompatible with any element to the point your right arm burst into pieces while trying to force the connection with the elemental force. Left behind by you girlfriend and nearly everyone in your life, you tried frantically to change yourself but to end in nothing. As for the strange blue light, we've searched your apartment and saw the alchemy book and empty bottles of blood. We know the potion you used and tested multiple times but it was useless." So she pressed a device and a hologram showing some of the exams they made while he was unconscious and some made even before, at the time he lost his arm.

"We are in the Divine Guardian's HQ in the Central Sector, medical quarters. Ares, the present leader of the DG told me to show you this. While the potion may have helped you release that power, we tested your blood in many ways like touching with elemental power and any time a element comes closer to it, your blood releases a repelling force to the element while it shines with a faint blue light, see. Then we looked for your older exams, the one you made after the accident where you lost your arm and we noticed the same thing happened by with much more intensity, so much that it could rip apart an arm if those two energy clashed inside a body."

"So you mean?"

"Yes, you are also quick to think. Your arms burst because it was too weak to withstand the clash of the altar's elemental force and your's strange power leading to the present day. While the potion made your body a lot stronger you survival was pure luck or you would have surely died on the dock if you awakened with a slightly less strong body or if you haven't consumed the potion. Ares also told you to go up to meet him, he wants to talk with you in person. We can continue later, it was fun to talk with you." Saying this, the seemingly friendly Artemis walked to the elevator leading to the lower floors, she stared at him just before the door closed and she was gone.

Assimilate everything that happened in those few moments, Roderick could not believe what he just realized. He was in the Divine Guardian's HQ! His face showed how excited he was. The Divine Guardians as the main protectors of Eden, they are the elite of the elite even with a HQ so big there were only six Divine Guardians, each with their own title. While others were just the best fighters, explorers, elemental masters, alchemists you could find inside Eden. Not even his father that was famous in the northern sectors and the Blaze family could amount to something here.

Stepping in the elevator, he pressed to reach the top floor and waited at the door opened and he was received by a burly man in a black suit.