Bronze-Rank Explorer

Divine Guardians HQ, Top floor.

Rick sat next to Ares before he asked. "Why Ares told me to come here today."

"Well, you have been making a good job over the past six months. So we decided to start your last test."

Rick coughed, "Last test?"

"In three days, you are leaving Eden. Roderick, you may have become an excellent fighter, however you are still lacking in a few areas. Tomorrow I want you to register in the Explorers' Guild and start doing missions. Your objective is to reach gold-rank in six months."


On the next day, Rick arrived at the entrance of the northern Explorers' Guild. It was next to his family home and a place full of memories. He saw countless people and friends from the past that now walked by his side without even recognizing who he was. Reaching the reception he stared at the middle-aged woman before speaking.

"I would like to register as a bronze-rank explorer." Explorers were divided into three ranks, bronze-rank, silver-rank and gold-rank. Anyone would start as a bronze-rank and you advance upon receiving merit points during missions. 5.000 merit points is the minimum reaching silver-rank and 10.000 for a gold-rank.

"Show me your ID please..." Showing his ID, the middle-aged woman filled out the papers. In the ID she saw his age 16 and her eyes showed shock when she saw he was from the divine guardians.

"Young master follow me to the test room." The woman could not believe she was seeing a member of the divine guardians for the first time. For anyone else they were legends, something they could only hope to see. Following her to the test room, Rick stared at the mission board on the other side of the guild and saw a brown-haired man, with scar on the neck and a longsword on his back.

"Dad..."Rick felt a heartache when he saw his father's tired look as he chose his mission and felt the desire to rush there and hug him, but he knew it was not possible because he wasn't even sure if his dad would recognize him. After a quick psychological and body test, Rick received his Guild's Bronze Badge and he already decided to check the mission board. If it was someone else then they would make a test to see if they were or could become elemental masters, however the female attendant thought it was unnecessary for a member of the Divine Guardians.

Locate the nest of Inferno Rabbits in the ruins of V-city.(Flame God Territory.)

Difficulty: 3-Stars.

Required: Bronze-Rank explorer.

Reward: 120 Merit points, 3000 Credits.

Mission issued by the Fighters Guild.


Bring three volcanic stones.(Flame God Territory.)

Difficulty: 6-Stars

Required: Second Stage Fire Element Master, Silver-Rank explorer.

Reward: 600 Merit points, 12000 Credits.

Mission issued by the Alchemy Guild.


Explore the ruins of a Lightweight Spaceship.(Neutral Territory.)

Difficulty: 2-stars

Required: Elemental Master, Bronze-rank explorer.

Reward: Anything found in the ruins, 80 merit points and 2000 credits.

Mission issued by the Explorers Guild.


Rick quickly noticed that from the entire mission board no one would choose the the last mission. It was not that the mission was bad, but elemental masters were too rare and the rewards were too little for them. Normally they only accepts 4-star missions and above, as for ordinary people they could not accept this last mission even if they wished to because of being a Elemental Master.

As for the information about the territories, it took a few seconds for him to understand. After the elemental beasts take control of the world, each of the three beast gods would take a piece of the world for them. The continent most close to Eden, a large mass of land and extensive deserts with a enormous volcano in the middle became the Flame God Territory. The second continent which has many huge mountains and the largest amount of land became the Earthen God Territory. While the ocean outside Eden's area became the Water God Territory.

As for the nearby islands close to Eden and a few other places where the beasts would not approach, it was known as the neutral territory. A territory devoid of beasts and relatively safe.

"I'll take this last mission." Having chose his mission Rick headed to the Guild's harbor to take the ship to the mission's location.