Surprise Behind the Door

The ship Rick was on board had a least a hundred people all going to different mission. Some were from different guilds were were there from different reasons.Those from the explorers guild would make only exploring-type missions like searching for something or inspect the region for the attack force. The fighters guild were those that took care of most of the fight where its members would gather to make an attack force before accepting missions of hunt and extermination. The Hunters guild was similar to the fighters but with a focus on hunt, they would have the explorers search and the hunters bring the object if it is in a dangerous place.

They all had the same system of merit points and ranks while only the alchemist guild was different having 9-grades of alchemist. Modern alchemy was a perfect merge of the present elemental powers, medicine and the gathering of knowledge accumulated for a thousand years.

Alchemist were graded by the level of what they could do on the area they worked at. Some alchemist could make a simple healing potion that would increase human regenerative speed by two times what could be considered 1-grade concoction. A 2-grade concoction could increase by four, 3-grade by eight and so on. There is also those that work on a way to permanently increase a attribute or give a new one like the upgrade injections. Upgrade Injection would change the DNA and make permanent changes like making someone incompatible with fire element be compatible just by taking it a single time.

"Hey are you here?" Rick tried to contact the voice inside him, but no matter what he did the voice didn't respond to his call.

"I guess it's useless to contact it now." He thought to himself before he sat on a deck and stared at the weapon hanging on his waist before he drew the sword out to have a closer look at it. A very long, slim, smooth blade made of copper is held by a grip wrapped in dull, black wolf leather could be seen on his hand, it even looked like a rod with only the tip being sharp. He could have any other weapon and yet he chose this one mainly because of what he read in many books that a weapon like this would be a better choice for him at the moment. Guns were good, but wasted a lot of ammunition which is a bit expensive for any other person and could not even hurt a beast if the shooter is not a elemental master.

In the relative shallows of a serene ocean lies the wreck of the a large but light spaceship. Spaceship only become truly useful at the end of the year of 2690 when the spatial rupture travel was first discovered and humanity could cover millions of times more than what they could cover before with the old ships, soon colonizing a few dozen planets in a thousand years. When the beasts started the revolt and rose to power, most of the rich ran away in their space cruisers, battleships and cargo spaceships to one of those colonies.

In the relative shallows of a serene ocean, Rick could see the faint silhouette of a island where it lies the wreck of a silver-black spaceship. With the wind blowing against his face, he jumped out of the ship and stepped toward the silver-black spaceship. The space didn't have any windows and there was only one entrance to the interior of the ship which was blocked by a huge metal door.

"There must be something like a control pad that should control this door." He searched the entire outer body of the spaceship and found a thin hole with the size of a finger. He draw his sword and aimed a the thin hole with sparks of lightning gathering at the tip of the sword.

"Release." A bolt of lightning was shot at the hole passing through it to the numerous cables before the door suddenly opened just to see a huge metal figure, tall as tree and face was like the incarnation of terror as it stared at him with its menacing red eyes.

"Shit, I woke up the terminator." And the metal figure shot a ray of red light toward his head.