Energetic Eyes

"Lightning Reinforce!" Blue light erupted and surrounded Rick's body as he felt his speed of thought increase to the point of being able to see the laser approaching at high speeds. His feet moved faster than lightning as he rushed far away from laser leaving a trail of faint blue particles.

"My energy reserves are at a 97% after this sudden burst of speed. I shouldn't engage in long-distance combat or I would waste too much energy." This huge droid was really big and powerful, but at least it was too slow to hurt him. Yet its defenses was more too good. It was clear that the one who made this droid was better than everybody of his area in the present days.

"Ohh, I can't bear to hurt you, a droid like this is so rare it will be a complete waste to destroy him... I know!" Rick rushed to behind the droid, however in a boost of speed he was unprepared for the droid turned and its hand was shot like a rocket before he could dodge.


"Arg!" Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Rick strugled to get up with having to bear with a lot of pain.

"It is time to try out one of the two secret techniques I made in the past six months." Since awaking his lightning element, he really trained in a lot of different ways until he created two techniques perfect for him.

"All the energy inside the droid, come to me!" Opening his arms, he yelled at the same time he saw a blue radiance covering the droid as all its energy reserves were converted in a single lightning bolt that flew toward him before stopping in his hand just like a timid little animal.

"Like I thought, most of the energy is fully under my control." He had tried using this energy stealing in small devices and it always worked, it was when he thought he could try using it on a bigger thing.

[Of course it would work. We are a god, how could it not work....]

"Okay, okay... I'm really tired of hearing you always saying I am a god. If I'm truly a god then which one am I." The rough voice Rick named of "Bother" was really irritating.

[Even if I told you, it will be useless. I came to the conclusion this is a parallel world like the ones we've seen in movies. Things are very different from where we came from, there is from magic users that used their own magical force to cast numerous spells to cultivators that slowly cultivated their own energy from nothing until they could overcome heavens itself.]

"If it was like that, Can you give me something that can make me stronger then?" Rick walked to the deactivated droid and carried him to a secure place before staring at the insides of the spaceship.

[There is only one thing I can give you.] Feeling a stinging pain in the eye, Rick stumbled to the side before pressing his hand on the head. When he recovered his senses he looked from one side to the other before raising his voice angrily.

"What did you do to me."

[Nothing, just focus on your vision and you will see what I did.]

Following the instructions he heard, Rick focused on his eyes just before they lit with a blue light just like the other times he activated lightning reinforce, this time however was completely different. Rick was shocked, his entire world suddenly changed to something amazing. The entire world was covered by billions of colored particles and the entire flow of energy in the underground was revealed to him. No energy could escape his eyes while each had its particular set of colors.

It was when he finally realized how everything produced energy. Even the amount of energy could be calculated by the deepness of the color. The faint blue light was just a small remnant of energy, like the ones he left while moving in the form of reinforcement, while the deep blue could only be seen in an overload state when the energy he released was much more concentrated.

[I just helped you awake your energetic eyes. Eyes than can see through any energy, while you only have control the blue energies. It will be easier knowing when the enemy will attack just by seeing the energy flow inside him.]

"Really?" He was really happy to receive something like the energetic eyes. Despite not raising his offensive power, it was an immense boost to his scouting abilities. Even more if the person with it was an explorer like himself. Even someone like him could understand how precious this eyes were, anyone else would try to take him to study the nature of his eyes while there are those could try to kill him just for a change of having it.

"I must keep this an absolute secret." He murmured as he stepped into the interior of the ship.