
When his eyes open slowly, Rick scanned the room he was and saw his dad, mom and Artemis all staring at him with worried expressions on their faces. At this moment he thought back to the conversation he had with the old voice while unconscious.


[Brat, you should stop using our powers for a moment. That elemental kings is a real bastard, I guess I underestimated the experts of this world, the man that called out that giant sword was at least close to demigods. If those beast gods are even above it, then we could be in some serious trouble.]

"Then what do you suggest? You said before that discharge was comparable to the second stage, but why I have been thinking it is the third?"

[Cough, cough. You are not wrong, if we divide our powers in the same system as this world then lightning reinforce/overflow is the first stage, Charge is the second and the third would be the discharge, but at the same time charge and discharge are the same thing just like reinforce and overflow which makes it the second stage. However, which stage you are is not what makes our power impressive, did you know why you could protect you and your mother from that sword?]

Rick thought for a while before his eyes lit with surprise and understanding, "Oh! I see, when all that energy from all the near sources, including my mother who was an elementary king was attracted towards me..."

[Right, then all that energy gathered into a super-massive core of condensed energy. Energy enough to form a protective energy field capable to defend you from any harm. Then what if all that energy was used to attack instead of defending?]

"I could've released a lightning formidable enough to break all the enemy's defenses."

[Yes, this is why I told you to stop using your powers for a moment and try to feel, understand and control the power behind your two stages. At the same time you should train you body more to be able to hold even more power in the future. It will be when I will help you refine a lightning spirit.]


"Mom, I'm really fine. You can stop looking for any injuries." His mother was really scared when she found him collapsed onto the ground with his body full of injuries as well as making everyone worried when they saw her arrival carrying her son in her arms while she was driving his flying bike toward Eden. His father hugged her tightly as Rick was taken to the medical division of the divine guardians in the HQ. It was when he discovered he was sleeping for week and that Ares had something to show him.

There was a few injuries on his body and Artemis was holding his shoulders as she help take him to the elevator before pressing a combination of six numbers just before the elevator started descend over fifty floors before stopping at the -37 floor. It was nothing more than a simple but elegant room full of inscriptions he could not understand, with a huge double door on the front.

Ares, Neptune, Hermes, Athena and Hecate were all there wearing the same white robes. It was when Rick looked down and saw Artemis was also wearing it too. Ares gestured with his hands for him to approach and he said.

"After all that happened we decided to give a position between us and a title of your own. Walk through that door and the truth will be revealed."

From Ares mysterious way of speaking and the gazes of his parents, Rick knew none of them would tell him anything when Artemis whispered on his ear: "Good luck brother."

He nodded with his head and the corner of his lips rose in a smile as his figure walked towards the door. The moment it opened as it senses his presence, he realized he could not see its insides as he draw a deep breath and stepped in.

The insides changed and he was not in the underground anymore or even Eden. He was standing in the middle of the ruins of what looked like an ancient temple. Twelve huge thrones were spread through this huge temple, thrones that could not have been made by human hands and certainly could not be used by them as it would take at least a thousand humans to sit on a single one of those thrones.

"So you have finally come to visit me, outsider." A powerful and imposing voice came from behind attracting his attention as Rick turned to see the owner of the voice and he nearly cried out.

What he saw was a hundred meters tall man, he wore a golden armor with countless scratches with a magnificent purple cloak on his back. His eyes were as bright and immense as the sky itself. He didn't even need to think before understanding this was a true god. Rick, who could not even open his mouth because of this god's incredible presence, only stood quietly as the god scanned him with his eyes.

"I have never felt something like this before. Your power is similar to mine, but different at the same time, so you could not be a descendant of mine. My power is a mixture of wind, water and thunder. However, your power is thunder and lightning, and the source of this power doesn't seem to be from the elements of this world. Tell me who are you?"

Before he could even think of an answer, another deep and powerful voice left his mouth."You have a really similar aura to Zeus, but I can see you two aren't the same. I'm just an outsider from beyond the stars."