Sky Shattering Spear

"Hehe." The man/god laughed out loud with a rumble capable of moving the sky and tremble the land. "This god here is has many names. But I prefer if you refer to me as Sky."

The moment he spoke his name, a huge mass of an invisible force surrounded Rick as he felt like he could not hide anything from the eyes of this towering figure. "Just like I thought, an entirely different system, you people chose to lord over the primal forces of nature instead of forming connections and becoming one with them."

[You could see that? It seems different worlds are really different worlds.] This voice continued leaving Rick's mouth as he spoke with a hint of enlightenment,

[You are the reason those beast gods haven't approached Eden in the past thousand years, right?]

"Right, as you can see from the temple. I am the last of the elemental gods, we are the incarnation of the elements that are part of this world, without us this entire planet would crumble. We are the sole foundation that keeps this planet alive."

Sky waved his hand and thousands of images appeared in the air. Images showing countless battles between gods and different beings. Then twelve towering figures appeared, each holding immense power in their hands.

"If you were just an ordinary human like those few over there, I would just calculate your talent then bestow you upon a title that matches with the way you fight. However, as it has been a long time since I saw a fellow god, even if he's from another world, there is no one else I can ask this."

It looks like he misunderstands me, now he believes I from another world like this one. He quickly noticed the error Sky made, but he kept quiet.

"As I said there were twelve of us. Sea, Wood, Flame, Wind, Light, Dark, Space, Time, Star, Emotion, Earth and Sky. When one of us dies, the element they represent should cease to exist, however a thousand years ago on the rise of the three beast kings. They found a way to kill one of us without messing with the natural laws by taking the god far away from his domain and killing him there. This was the way Sea, Metal, Flame, Wind, Light, Dark, Space, Time, Star, Emotion and Earth all died."

The pictures in the air changed to images of each god cornered in the dark by huge armies of beasts and killed in cold blood. From the look in his eyes, Rick could easily see his anger.

"For some reason, this world which should have been destroyed still stand and their positions were empty. Giving way for the three beast gods to assume the place of Sea, Flame and Earth, but even now the other position is vacant. I'm too weak to fight right now, my only use is to make sure this island is safe from any powerful enemies. My only hope is that one of those seedlings of Eden succeeds in reaching that level and getting revenge upon those that made all of that happen."

"For this, I and the other eleven gods made preparations in the case we died. Twelve gods made twelve elemental god weapons from taking a piece of our source and over the past years, I searched for those worthy of carrying our weapons. This is the secret behind the Divine Six, and from now on they will be seven."

A huge spear bathing in golden light appeared in the sky. With the size of a mountain, just the tip could bury the huge green sword from that elemental king a thousand times.

"Child." Sky stared at Rick, not the god inside him, but Rick himself and the former spoke: "I may not know the truth of your origin, but you are destined for great things. Take this Sky Shattering Spear of mine as well as the title of Jupiter, I am waiting for the way you shatter the heavens and the earth apart with this spear of mine."

When he finished speaking, Sky gave a last look at Rick and his eyes stopped on the silver bracelet on his hand for a second before he waved his hand, sending Rick out of this place. Now alone in his throne, Sky breathed heavily as huge amounts of astonishment that can't be hidden on his face appeared the moment he was sure that Rick had left.

"Ohh brothers..." He could not believe in what he saw and scratched his eyes as he sighed with excitement: "The day of humanity's second rise is closer than ever."