
At the first floor of the massive headquarters of the Divine Guardians, a hundred reporter from different transmission companies gathered for a press conference where the divine six would like to make an announcement.

A young man with a rather effeminate face looked at the other experienced reporters standing on the corner and asked his eldest.

"Senior, why there is no one on the middle? We are all gathering on the sides, but all the chairs in the middle are empty" If Rick was here he would certainly exclaim with surprise. Was this not the scholarly Chris who followed him back in high school? It's been close to two years since they last saw each other and the young man had really changed a lot.

His senior, a mid-twenty lady in a red dress stared at her little junior. Chris was the son of long lineage of broadcasters, reporters and people from the entertainment circle. He was sent here by his aunt to work as a cameraman and he really did his job well, so well that he was promoted to become the apprentice of his famous master that trained the senior sister of his.

"It is an old rule. Every time they make a press conference the space in the middle is reserved to those affiliated with the guardians or work for them. A senior reporter by the name of Kim complained about it once, not only he was expelled by his company as all his assets were donated to humanitarian institutions."

"Oh..." Chris quickly understood and closed his mouth. Suddenly, all of them heard sound of steps as a group led by Ares stepped inside the hall. All the reporters got up like ant who saw a mountain of sugar and started taking pictures.

Besides Ares who led the group, they all saw the number one beauty of Eden, Artemis with her white mask covering half her face could be seen walking together with one of the best agents in the guardians, Mystic. There are countless rumors about her beingthe headmaster of an illustrious institute here on Eden, but of course no one is sure if this rumor is true.

Soon Athena and Hermes walked in and then all the reporters were shocked. A middle-aged man with a mask wearing light blue robes left everything gasping with astonishment.

Was he not Neptune, the member of the divine six no one has seen in the past seventeen years? Everyone in the hall was on fire after seeing a famous character that has been gone for more than a dozen years.

When all of them stood together, Ares walked forward and stared at all the reporters from above.

"I'm sorry for calling all of you here so early in the morning. However, it shall be proved worthy soon." Ares stopped for a moment as his eyes wandered before giving a quick look as the youth waiting outside the hall.

"As you all know, it has been two years since the announcement of our new member Artemis. She has done a great job since then and is already at the peak of the second stage."

"What, lady Artemis is already that far?"

"She is only seventeen and on the verge to the third stage?!"

"What a talent. This is why she was the first to be accepted in thirty years." Seeing their overreaction, Ares rose his hand so all of them could keep silent before he continued, "Now we are here to announce our new member we have been training in the past year. I wish for everyone in this hall to welcome the new member of the divine seven, Jupiter!"

A man with a golden mask stepped in. He wore a fancy black suit made from the best materials and tailored by the most famous fashion designer in the island, the Stylist. His long dark blue hair that fell over his shoulders like waterfall gave him a mysterious air combined with the golden mask and his fancy suit.

Behind the mask, his eyes wandered the hall staring at Artemis, Ares, his father before turning his eyes toward the group of reporters. All of this was being transmitted on live to all devices connected to the island massive network. He could feel his own nervousness when he thought of how many people were seeing him at that moment, but he closed his left hand while trying to look normal with his synthetic right arm.

"This man in front of you is Jupiter. He is our new member as well as the unprecedented lightning element master."

The moment the words left his mouth, Rick's body lit with arcs of lightning that were left behind as he stepped forward, vanishing and reappearing behind Ares. Some of the reporters had their mouths so open that even a dog could fit inside.

All the females including Chris senior sister could not take her eyes away from the man as a shining, valiant and mysterious aura was released by him. While just the ominous glow in his eyes could make all of them few like no secrets could be hid from him and his eyes could invade their deepest parts.

Chris was the only one who felt a familiar feeling coming from that guy. Despite knowing someone like that was from a complete different world, he could not shake out that feeling. It was when time stopped for a moment and he could swear he saw a thin line on his wrist only synthetic should have.

'What! It is him? No way, I'm sure it is just me seeing things.'