South Eden Fortress

In a island located at the end Eden's territory, a huge fortress stood as a mountain making all the trees look small. A hundred soldiers in blue uniform held their weapons as they the assault of countless beasts coming from the sea around them.

"Carlos! Give some ammunition!" A one-eyed female with short hair and rough facial features cried out while smashing her red handgun on the head of green-blue fish with a sharp horn between its eyes.

"Understood!" A dark-red thin and light-green crystals charged with a fiery and a gentle elemental energy respectively was thrown from behind as she grabbed it with her hand and inserted each crystal on different slots.

Aiming for the crossbow in front of her, she pulled the trigger when a huge tongue of flame fell on them. The fish of before stared at the female soldier with hatred in its eyes before letting out a shriek.

Ten fished jumped from the sea and the water around it flew towards its horns, forming several water balls that clashed with the flames.

"Lisa, Carlos, Today's horde of ocean beasts is a pain in the ass. How long must we keep up. The others are tired already." A youth with a pair of silver gun-blades slashed at a dozen beasts under a green light that accelerated his attacks when one of them was about to dodge.

"We all must keep us as long as we can. The higher ups sent reinforcements to us, but they said it will take a while for their arrival." A heroic figure stepped forward, a middle-aged man with a short pale-golden hair swinging around a huge two-handed sword with small burst of flames every once and awhile.

"Understood!" All the soldier in the area shouted in unison. No matter what, they could not the most important fortress they human side has fall on enemy hands. Other than Eden there is four big fortress that serve as the most important line of defense they had. They were located at the far end of the frontier between the beast territories and the neutral ones, each named East Eden Fortress, North Eden Fortress, West Eden Fortress a and South Eden Fortress.

Despite all having huge importance to Eden, only the South Eden Fortress could not be taken no matter what happen because not only it had a special secret, it was also the core of the soon to be started plan to grow their territories by taking the near neutral islands.

At the moment of their large scale battle, the fortress have received lots of damage in its outer structure while one third of their forces fell in battle. Many used all their power shooting dozen of wind blades, condensing large balls of flames and earth walls to protect their allies while some used too much and were consumed.

"Die you motherf**ker beasts!" A man was surrounded by horned sharks that bit him in the leg. With hatred in his eyes, the man waved his hands one last time forming a huge whirlwind that attracted all the sharks and some of the others beasts inside it.

Inside the whirlwind, each breath of air turned into sharp blades that cut through the beasts hard scales before slashing them into countless pieces. When the wind dissipated, the man fell on the ground together with the pieces of the beasts before his own body slowly turned into air. It was in this chaotic battle when a flash of blue light came from above.

A youth wearing a mask jumped from his flying bike toward the middle of the fight. His eyes behind the mask shone with blue light as he observed the entire battlefield, the number of survivors and enemies from the energies he saw bellow him.

"All of them are coming from the sea, I guess this should do it." Taking three small black slabs from the huge backpack he carried with him, before inserting each on different slots on his belt. "Lets see if these power banks and belt made by Athena are as good as she said."

The moment he inserted the slabs, Rick could see all the hundred lightning threads inside him forming the huge energy web he was used to. However this time he saw something new, from each slab he could seen a hundred threads forming its own energy web just like the one inside him and it was even better that he could feel it was all connected with him.

Kilo, Mega, Giga!

When all the soldiers noticed this sudden arrival of the blue-haired man, the later aimed his hand-blaster at the sea as he pressed the trigger. It was when the magic started, instead of drawing his own energy, the lightning threads in the black slabs flowed through him before reaching the hand blaster in his hand, gathering into a huge lightning bolt.

Pang! The huge lightning bolt hit the sea at full power while all the soldiers stared at the water with terror as the beasts transmitted the countless screams of pain to their minds as they were fried by the lightning. Soon, all the beasts on the water floated on the surface of the sea while Rick sat on the ground waiting for the soldiers to kill the rest.

The man with a heroic air easily saw Rick and walked toward him with pure admiration in his eyes. In all his years in the fortress, he had never seen such a imposing youth. Even behind the mask he could feel how calm and composed this boy was in front of him, the Golden Echion and commander of the South Eden Fortress.

No matter if he was intact or covered in blood, the heroic air this commander in front of Rick gave him really dangerous vibes. Maybe anyone who thought of this man only as a powerful elemental master would have a big surprise.

"So you are the famous Jupiter everyone was talking about back on Eden."