
In a villa located on the Eden Northern Sector, a beautiful young lady stared at the simple, yet special golden bell in her hands. She simply sat on her bed, petting the bell while staring at the wall with dead eyes. It was hearing her sobbing that a burly youth walked in the room and he felt a pain in his heart when seen the look on his sister's face. Her eyes were red, marks left behind by the countless tears she shed, yet her pain never decreased even after a few months. When two big hands embraced her she didn't even reacted, she sobbed unceasingly, hands clutching at her brothers jacket.

The youth also hold his tears while holding his sister. At that time, the girl could see countless images passing by her eye endlessly.


At the edge of the Eden, a boy and a girl embraced each other with the moonlight falling over them while they kissed under a waterfall. The boy was valiant and handsome while the girl was gracious and cute. The boy took the bell from his pocket and handed it to her. This bell was something that he always had with him.

"I want you to carry this bell with you. The day I take it back will be on the day of our wending."

The boy whom she met through her cousin and who always watched her back showed a bright smile. For some reason he had an strange and otherworldly aura that attracted her towards him, an aura that made her have fully belief he was going to do great things.

Then the images changed to a few months later, they shared lunch on the back of their school while all the males and females stared at them with envy. The boy by her side had always been her greatest pride, even many years before she really met him when saw that bright and valiant young boy training in the sword bellow the trees, practicing the same move for a hundred times before jumping to the next while the other kids played on the park.

Most kids would not even start a training like that, yet he would never stop until he was satisfied with the result. Since them she never stopped paying attention to him and always followed him with her eyes. Years later when they were on their teens that she discovered her older female cousin knew that boy and his family and asked to introduce her to the boy, later after numerous advances from her their started going out while everyone else besides her brother thought it was him who asked her out.


"Gaius, what should I do..." The wept her eyes before staring into her brother's eyes. Only him knew how much pain she felt, on the day the boy lost his arm she was the first to stand up and want to look after him. However the moment their family heard of it, the Blaze family arrived on their family ground with their young master asking her hand in marriage.

The elders of the family by knowing Rick's fate thought the Blaze family had made a good and were about to accept when Nerys raised a knife and prepared to cut her throat. Only by threatening her family with her death countless times that they stopped pestering her, but the price was that she could never see that boy again and she had to cut all connections with him.

It was easy to say, but how could she do it. She just decided to remain stuck in her family villa using the excuse of wanting to train by herself. She even had a third-stage Water Element Master from the all-female Elemental Master Faction, Wing Empress Academy invited to teach her in the villa. The Wing Empress Academy were one of the few factions that could be compared the Divine Guardians, they were the overlords of a island to the south of Eden, but not so far away. From the port in the southern sector, you could easily see the magnificent buildings of the academy, all their students, teaches and elders were all top-grade beauties with great talent and power.

With their help, she didn't had to worry about her family setting her up with someone else. However her teacher also shared the same feelings as her family to not let her see the boy she loved so much anymore.

Now she didn't even had that chance anyone because he is dead for close to a year. Since the news of his death were released, all the members of her family united to keep this news from her and of course her teacher also agreed with them. Her feelings were still to deep and knowing the truth could be dangerous for her.

Even then, on the day her female cousin who introduced her to the boy returned from the border. She quickly left her room to met her cousin and together they left to the market. At the same time it was all a plan of hers to use meeting Lisa as an excuse to head to the marked by the route that passed by the boy's apartment.

Nerys stared at the building in front of her full of expectation, but when she was about to sneak inside she heard the neighbors talking about the young man that lived on that building being killed by elemental masters in the docks. When her mind finally reached the last part two weeks ago, Nerys let go of her brother as her eyes filled with resolution.

"Gaius, I'm going to leave Eden.If he cannot carry out his promise, I will take this bell with me and make sure those who are responsible for his death find their demise." This was the last time he had seen his sister. From that day on she boarded the flying ship that stopped by her window and vanished within the night.


Seating on a chair, Rick heard everything Nerys went through the past months and his eyes grew red. The more he wanted to believe Nerys would never betray him, he could not negate he had his worries for not seeing even her shadows those past two years. Even with Lisa telling him, he was not there so how could he understand how much she suffered.

"I understand now." Rick suddenly stood up. His face was serene and full of tranquility. At this moments, all his worries about her vanished. Even if they were not to end up together, he would really like to see her happy.

"Don't tell her I'm alive. There are dangerous people after me, maybe even the beast gods. This is the main reason to way I made others believe i'm dead." Rick attached his right arm once again and moved his fingers to calibrate the artificial arm before his figure turned into a blue light and vanished leaving Lisa behind. Without this heavy weight on his mind, everything felt easier.

In his room, Rick stared at his figure on the mirror and asked. "It's been some time already, when it you teach me about those arts you told me before."