Elemental Arts

[I said something similar to elemental arts, not real elemental arts.] The voice replied with a bored voice before he would start explaining, [Elemental arts from what i can tell are different from what I will teach you despite having similar uses. The former are trump cards to any elemental master, however it is required for the elemental master to control his element in the outside world which means only second stage masters can learn with the exception Elemental Fusion Art first stage masters can use to transfer the effects of their Reinforce to their weapons. Divided into three power grades and potential grades. One for power and one for the required level.]

[Power grade was the potential of brute power it had between the Novice, Continental and Planetary. Novice-grade arts were what you could see from the arts Flame Palm, Rock bullet and Gale steep. Continental-grades were about the arts most elemental kings used and Planetary-grades were massive arts with the power to move the entire world. The last one was so rare than even the divine guardians only had one and it was just an auxiliary-type art.]

Everything the voice said, Rick would guard in the heart. Because arts were used in the middle of a battle, it was hard to see who had one and when he was using his art. Like those bullets shot from guns, most of them were formed by the Maddox Bullet art. An novice-grade art that could form thin little bullets to serve as ammo for fire-weapons.

It was similar to how Elemental Kings could form real objects with their elemental force, but of a much lower grade. Since a two thousand years ago when fire-weapons turned obsolete, many military companies tried to find substitutes like laser, Proton Blaster and even his lightning hand blaster, however they all wasted a lot of energy.

It was what he learned in high school when the Third-grade elemental master, Gregory Maddox created his Bullet Art in the year of 3657. Since them his family founded one of the greatest companies that exist even today, The Maddox Weaponry. Every year, they would sell millions of Maddox Ammunition box fabricated by the their second-stage elemental masters to those non-elemental masters or first stage masters.

Hearing the voice explaining all of this, Rick could not even understand how a fragment of his past life could even study so much about this world and learn things even he didn't knew.

[Potential grades were how far a elemental art could go like how certain novice-grade art learn by a second-stage elemental master could evolve into Continental-grade arts when the elemental master reach the king stage. Most arts has the human potential followed by earth potential and heaven potential.]

"So what are you going to teach me?" Even he knew it was impossible for him to learn a elemental art if he is the only one with his powers.

[Aetherius. The present you has the pure energy belonging to a god inside you, there is no reason to teach something far above your level. Go outside and take a few stones and a a knife from the ground before I start teaching you.]

Following the voice instructions, Rick left his room in the middle of the night, took a few dozen stones from the ground before returning. The stones were small and Rick struggled to understand what was he going to do with it.

[Good, now pick the knife,throw the stones and try to slash through them while repeating the chant I'm transmitting to you.] Several runic and clearly ancient words were engraved in his mind forming an old and mysterious chant in his mind. Without thinking the same chant flowed out of his mouth naturally as positioned himself and slashed downwards.

With his ability with blades, the knife swiftly reached the stones when something incredible happened. When the tip was about to touch the stone, thin lightning spark spread out from the tip to the stone which turned to dust while pieces of all the near stones fell on the ground with marks of lightning.


"What?!" When Rick stared at the knife, the entire blade was flickering with blue light. Even a lightsaber seemed inferior when he saw it.

[This is the Lightning Enchant, its similar to using the reinforcing your weapon with your element. What you did was the first level, Lesser Lightning Enchantment. The Greater Lightning enchant turns your weapon in a magic weapon capable of casting magic. You should sleep for now, we have a long journey tomorrow.]

In the bed, Rick thought of the past events. Even if he was happy that Nerys didn't betray him, he already thought there it was better for them to stay like this. He also thought of the bell he left with her before falling asleep. In his dreams, countless stars danced around him when the silhouette of a silver airship was seen falling on the planet, with creatures shrouded in darkness followed that silver figure down to the planet.