Airship Dominus

Reaching the docks, A pitch-black airship was waiting for him. Equipped with eight first-grade wind elemental engines, last generation AI system an a hybrid cannon, it was more than enough for the mission. This was the Airship Dominus, even the divine guardians only had a few of these. Designed for use at almost any region, this was an elemental airship with the first generation of airships fully dependent on elemental force.

"Sir, everyone is waiting for you on the conference room within the ship's highest floor." Heading to the entrance of the ship, Rick saw the engineers giving their last touch and the workers taking all the load to the storage.

Walking to the third floor, all the crew members the guardians prepared for him saluted before returning to their duties. The ship was not the largest, yet there was at least a hundred people to make it work. Within the conference room, the general in charge of the fortress sat on the left side together with Cassius while the Sharon and Lisa sat on the right, leaving the central chair to Rick.

Stepping into the room, Rick exchanged glances with Lisa before he sat on his chair. Now it was his time to shine. Taking a look at his obelisk he pressed something and countless holographic images appeared above the table.

"As most of you in this room knows, the guardians are responsible for dealing with crimes related to Elemental masters or events that could disrupt the balance we have at the moment. One of the reasons the four fortress are still on their feet is because our foes are dependent of us in some ways. They firmly believe that only by facing powerful enemies they could grow strong so they left us here waiting for the day we could give them a good fight. Now take a look at these documents." Rick turned to the holograms. Images showing underground facilities where humans tested things any government would be scared of. Then it changed into a video of human alchemists testing genetic and enhancement drugs on beasts and even humans.

"One of the Alchemist guild's branches, the flame union had been working side by side with both the beasts and the human traitors we know as the beast church. Taking innocent bystanders of Eden and turning them into test subjects. However with some of their members working directly on the government of Eden, the guardians knew this matter must be approached with caution so they sent me." Then he showed the records he had on each of of the three. At this point, Cassius could already guess where he was going with this and kept quiet. However Rick could see how he clenched his fists when seeing the horrible things those alchemist were doing.

"I choose the three of you for a special mission. All of you can think for yourself before giving me your answer." The eyes behind Rick's mask lit up with fluttering blue sparks. "However if you accept there is not turning back."

Even Lisa felt chills down her spine when she heard his voice. It was like a completely different person, but as she already knew it would all come to this she was the first to get up. "I, Lieutenant Lisa Fountain will accept the mission."

Sharon also let out a laugh and Rick and her looked in each other eyes for a second. When Ares send him the information about all the candidates, the was something that caught his interest. How could he fail to notice a person used the same style of fighting than Mystic? Of course this woman was part of the best spy force in the guardians. They all had varying identities, so it wouldn't be difficult for one of them to be a pilot either. Like she could see his thoughts, Sharon got up soon after and shot a charming glance at him.

"If the little one is going, why should I refuse the company of a gallant man on a mission? Count me in."

With two of the three accepting, there was only one left. Rick turned his eyes to Cassius, "How about you?"

Despite being pressured by Rick's glance, he kept his emotions under control. Being a blunt and straightforward man, he already had the answer on the tip of his tongue. In all the years he served in the Hunter and Explorers' Guild, and now in the army, he never saw a superior like him. He could easily see he was just acting at the moment and it was not who really was, but the clumsy way he tried to hide his thoughts made he fell like a amateur or cadet that suddenly got promoted to a high position.

"Well, if the two ladies accepted, it would be rude of my part to refuse." Rick smiled under the mask, turning to the golden-haired commander, the latter knew it was time to leave and walked away leaving only the four of them in the room.

"With all of you on the mission, then the little I should do is to show a little of trust and reveal my face." Raising his right hand, all of them could see the lines on the joints and a faint mark on the slot for the battery that was for some reason empty. Then he slowly removed his mask and revealed his face.