Alpha City

With everyone on board, Dominus headed to the first designated area in the mission. The Golden Ark, the first sky city founded in the year of 2948 by a group of several enterprises and governments all over the world. The modern trade center that could travel through the planet faster than any plane while maintaining a size of thousands of times bigger.

It's been eight hundred years since it fell on the western continent and the guardians had rumors of a organization operating there, and not too far from there the previous center of the world, Alpha City also known as New York City before its destruction in 2340 and reconstruction as Alpha city. It's been nearly a thousand years since the beasts took the city, yet the marvelous buildings that represented the sovereignty of the human race could still be seen even if in a deplorable state just like the humans.

Inside the ship, Rick sat on the captain's chair while monitoring all areas of the ship. Being a scout ship, Dominus could be considered a small but very fast ship. Suddenly a crew member sent his voice to him: "Captain, scout ships detected on a range of one hundred miles. It seems there is a organization really operating on this region, otherwise I would be struck by lightning if beasts learned how to pilot."

"Understood, activate stealth mode and make sure to land next to the trees. We must let them inspect the area before returning to their base." By marking the scout ships on the sensor, they could track them even if they run to the other side of the planet. With the ship landed on the ground, they followed the scout ships on the radar and even gathered enough data to form holographic representations of the ships.

Lisa stared at the hologram and felt confused. Each one of those ships had to be at least twelve hundred years old. "These models are really old, where did they got it?"

"I agree." Sharon gave a side look and continued observing the radar as she spoke."The model GF-99 hasn't been used since the last world war, from the looks of it they have made a few modifications on its base model however it's too much outdated. The only reason I think they gone with it is because most no one will be able to tell which organization is doing this. However with a ship this old it won't be able to stay in the sky for long, so they must have been deployed from the ark which fell a few miles away or the ruins of Alpha city. Captain, this mission could be really hard if they are hiding in either of them, at this point it is too dangerous to continue on the ship."

"Thank you for the info Sharon, and I agree with you. Cassius and Lisa will follow me to inspect the ground, I will send news from my obelisk when I find something. For now Sharon will stay on the ship with the crew."

"Yes sir, activating cloaking field." Sharon open the exit of the ship for Rick. Soon, he, Cassius and Lisa left the ship carrying a elemental gun and white weapon each. Rick picked his old gunpowder sniper and a Gladius hanging on his waist. The grenade-launched was on his hand and fully charged with sleeping gas.

Lisa had a upgraded version of her hybrid elemental pistol which can accept two different elemental bullets to create different effects, in this case using water and earth to create the effect of ice.

"I heard the legends about new work and Alpha City, yet it is scary to believe it all became this." Staring at the collapsed buildings, Cassius could not help but sigh in sorrow. The entire sky was dyed in red and the ground had the putrid smell of death. Just the air around this place made Rick fell a chill down his spine.

Bones and pieces of what were windows and grand buildings were scattered across the area. It has been a few years since the last explorers came here on a mission and this place was just as bad as that time. They searched for a place to stay when they finally found one at the parking space of a old building where a pack of eight white wolves played with the bones when three humanoid forms appeared by their side.

Slash! Bla! Woosh! With the tip of his sword shining blue Rick slashed downwards and without even a hint of resistance, a trail of blue light was left in the air as the bodies of five wolves were divided into ten by his sword.

"Lisa!" With his voice echoing in the air, three light blue bullet came from behind hitting the back of the three wolves when the turned to face rick and a burst of green light came forth as Cassius broke his cloaking elemental art.

"Novice-grade Elemental Art: Whirlwind Fists!" Two massive hands bathed in green light smashed on the frozen bodies breaking it into pieces.

"Good, we cleaned this place. Now let's stay here for a while until they show any movement." After cleaning the place, Rick asked for them to watch him as he was really tired from the trip to the fortress and had to rest for a moment.

Two hours later, Rick woke up when the scout ships leaving a trail in the sky as they returned from the patrols. Still feeling a little lazy, he got up. Since he got this powers, there was a constant feeling of boredom wherever he was not on a battle. Even in his dreams there were images of powerful gigantic beings that bathed in the sun and could burn this entire planet to dust with a single glance.

"I suppose it is the old man's memories I'm dreaming with. However I have no time to rest anymore." Slapping his face to recover his senses, Lisa and Cassius stared at him with wide eyes. Not only they were startled by him talking alone, what shocked them was the blue radiance on the surface of his skin. If someone looked closely, they would see small particles being sucked out of the air into each of their pores.

"Why are you staring at me like this? From the three of us, I the faster so I will be the one following them from the ground, wait for my news."