Black Light Annihilation

Woosh! Moving at incredible speeds, Rick left a trail of lightning sparks as he followed the airships from afar. Maintaining the same distance so their sensors would not detect him he speed up while hitting any beast on his way with a fist bathed in lightning that would leave them on the ground with their mouths foaming. Soon, the airships lowered their speeds when approaching the top of a mountain covered in mist and vanished.

"I like this lightning enchant, it makes attacking with my hands much better. As for the scouts, they may have noticed a presence following them or they would enter that mist unless..." Focusing his mind on the eyes, it was like a multi-colored ray of light flashed past his eyes. All the energies left by the ship caught his eyes.

Mainly because of their different color, orange. After training and testing his eyes he knew what most of the colors represented like how he could see human in a mixture of red and green light. In a simple way red was like thermic energy, blue was eletric and yellow was pure light. Even in the city he would see millions of particles of energies that no one has even noticed before. Then he turned to look at the mountain, from what he knew there was no mountains on this side and this one was surely one of the tallest. And for a mountain this big appear out of nowhere could mean only one thing. Walking to the foot of the mountain he extended his hand only to see it passing through the ground before it all vanished before his eyes and replaced by an empty desert.

"Ilusion, I should've know. I don't know who they are, but I can't be sure they are from the union or church as they are others remnants of human race on this world. Old man can you make another one of your divinations?" Rick could not help but ask. It would be good if he could know if those people further inside are allies or foes. Because the numbers of beasts here are low and weak, the force inside the ilusion must be really great. Rick thought of walking forward to inspect the insides when he stepped back and prepared to return.

'I came this far, there is no reason to be this stupid. To make a mountain this big is not someone I can hope to face, even if it is a illusion.' In a battle of instinct against reason, he had to let reason win. Right now he could only fight against third stage masters and barely win. If not for using the surprise others would feel when he used his lightning element he would already be dead. And if there is a elemental king inside it will be over for him.

When Rick was about to retreat to call for reinforcements, a void exploded in his mind. [WAIT!]

This sudden voice made Rick lose balance and stubble on the ground as he fell no his face. Wiping out the dust on his clothes, he got up while he asked angrily. "What is it, did you wish to startle me so much?"

[I guess we are in the wrong place. This is not a rechearch facility of the flame union or a base of the beast church. I sense hundreds young souls within the illusions, as well as a immeasurable elemental force coming from a source sealed deep within the ground. There is no need to search on this side, if you wish to find the I suggest the central park back in the alpha city's area, this region here would not have any problems.]

"Understood, then lets retreat for now." From the way he put his words, Rick new what he meant by this region being safe. If the main reason why breasts do not attack Eden is because of the elemental god behind them, them this "mountain" must have something really powerful to justify its existence on a land dominated by beasts.

He thought of warning the crew of what he found, yet he felt hesitant. If not even Ares knew of this place, then they must be really good at hiding all those years where people were sent here. So it was better to keep it a secret for a moment. By the time he reached the position the old voice told him about, he could see lots of shining dots coming from below. Deep red light coming from the deep within the earth nearly blinded him, this was the first time he saw a light so deep and dense as this that reminded him of a block of light. On surface he also saw a few dozen droids, something that was supposed to have banned since their first rebellion when human thought of using machines to fight instead of huge armier in organized war games to decide which country would have water, grains and energy.

"There is a huge circulation of energy in this place, it was better to report first before taking any measure." First he called Cassius and Lisa back and explaining the situation while saying this was the right place, they nearly froze when they saw a group of armored droid all around the what was a small forest. The droid all had the same red eyes, silver arms and hands that could morph into deally weapons in less than a second, what made him sure was a single device on their backs that looked the same to what he saw the armed man from the flame union's base his mother was before.

"Dominus, this is Jupiter. I'm with Lieutenant Fountain and mister Guile to what looks like the entrance to the enemy base. Droid like the ones that haven't been spoken in ages are doing the security here. It looks like we've caught a big fish, contact the closest allied base to send reinforcements to my location." Staring at the ground, the mass of yellow light grew even bigger showing light purple spots that would keep growing with it. While he could just wait for the reinforcements to arrive, there was a ominous feeling that something bad would happen if he kept waiting. Something inside him just came with a intense lust for battle. Rick picket his sniper and turned to Cassius.

"Do you know to use this baby?"

"Yes, Sir! I have trained with gunpowder weapon for a long time."

"We must run now!" Rick suddenly turned back with a grave expression on his face and grabbed Lisa and Cassius by the hand as he rushed backwards the fastest he could. Without even caring for energy consumption he inserted all his energy banks on the belt as he circulated all to Reinforce and Overflow. He did not even look human but a lightning bolt that flew, but it was not enough to escape what he saw coming.


When it reached the surface, it wasn't yellow but a huge pillar of pitch-black light erected from the ground all the trees exploded in a million pieces as the light extended towards the sky. Despite looking like lightning, this black pillar radiated with a annihilation force that decimated anything it touched. While running a thin, nearly invisible black particle touched his leg while he flew away and it was like something was ripping his soul out of the soul.

"Ahhh!" For the first time Rick felt like dying, but he forced all the pain down a deep hole on his mind and continued step by step with Cassius and Lisa on his hands. They were also really scared by the sudden explosion and lost consciousness. Only when he saw the pillar from far away and knowing it would stay there did drop the two on the ground on himself could not hold on anymore and he closed his eyes.