Eden's Disarter

With the sun below the horizon and the street is as dark as it could be and colorful lights of the distant buildings lighting up the boundless farms in the southern sector. In the middle of this desolate area of Eden, the grand and modern airport stood out from everything around it.

As a white airship landed on the platform while people boarded in it. It was an ancient model that has been used for transportation for more than one century. With its low-efficiency, more than twenty first stage elemental masters were needed in order to power it up. A 16-17 year youth had just departed from the old woman he called grandma and turned to board on the ship while countless girls who lived in the close villages and small assessments and farms threw passionate gazes at the youth who walked forward without looking back.

He wore a with shirt and a red jacket and a silver badge with a large II stamped on it attracted others attention. Those with a little more knowledge noticed he wore the uniform of one of the best elemental colleges in all five sectors, the Inferno Fist Institute.

"So young!"

"My god, that youth is a second stage elemental master."

The old ladies seating two row behind him exclaimed as they chatted. The badge was something any citizen of Eden recognized, the badge given to every elemental master once awakened. there is three types of badges an elemental master could receive by the government as a proof of their identity.

Inside the ship, a elite squad of elemental masters sent directly by the guardians lined up and stood at the lower floor below the passagens.

Heading to his private chamber on the third floor of the air ship, the youth sat on a chair with the view of Eden from above as he played some music. Even if Roderick was here he would find difficult recognizing this youth as the second son of the blaze family, Lian Blaze.

He truly changed a lot, his body emanated with an air of nobility completely different from before while both his eyes carried a fiery light. It has been a few more than two years since he was accepted in the Inferno Wing Institute and became the first of his class to break into the second stage achieving the status of first place of all the new students.

"Why I can't forget him" In a moment of reflection, the image of a black-haired boy practicing his sword with a cute and gracious girl by his side appeared on his mind. Ever since finding out about Roderick's death made him a little disturbed, regretful even. He regretted not being able to compete on equal grounds before his death and the fact he felt like cheating. When his family received news of his death they were the first to move, sending people to propose marriage between himself and Nerys who threatened to kill herself if they went with it. However what she and her own family didn't knew was that he was also against the proposal from the very beginning.

"What is this?" His thoughts were disrupted when he saw blinding light on the distance. The amount of light was so huge he had to hold his eyes while feeling it burn. Suddenly all corridors of the ship ressounded with loud alarms and red light lit all over the ship when all the passagens heard the sounds of explosion and their ship dived down.

"Captain, we've detected a huge signature of energy." A man with dark-brown skin yelled from one side of the bridge while activating the alert. Then four huge silhouettes floating in the air stared at the ship from above a second before it started to fell. The captain then pressioned a button and transmitted her voice.

"Dear passengers, we are facing a slight unforeseen situation. Please stay on your seats and don't panic, we will arrive in thirty minutes." At the same time the captain saw the list of passagens and sent footage of the security cameras on the ship appeared before her showing a little more than six people.

"Good, God must be blessing us. Six elemental masters, five 2nd-stage elemental masters and one 3rd-stage. Go find them we need all the help we can get."

At that time six men rushed to the third floor where the elemental masters were staying and they were all brought to the captain's cabin. Other than Lian, there were a twenty-year old female, a middle aged man with thick moustache and his wife, a old woman who was travelling with her grandkid and a retired soldier. For the six of them to be called here, something very bad must have happened.

"I'm thankful for you being here." The captain was a straightforward woman with eyes full of bravery as well as the only third stage elemental master in the crew. She quickly explained about the signature of energy which explained the light they all saw before.

"The ship is not going to resist. Two of the eight wind engines burst apart when the signature of energy was detected and we can't generate enough power to sustain the ship, we can only make it fall slower..." When hearing all the elemental master grasped with shock as they shivered. There is a about a hundred people here and mostly are innocent people without any power. The captain as wind element master together with the crew could certainly slow the speed of the fall once their bodies were pushed to the extreme.

However with 90% of the passengers not being elemental masters, the chance they could survive the crash without the protection of the elements were close to none and even if they survive, it was certain the captain and her crew will be consumed soon after. Yet they suddenly thought why the captain didn't contacted the council or the divine guardians, the situation would be much better if she did it. And her next words not only explained why she could call for backup, but also brought all of them to the edge of despair.

"I tried to call for help, but Eden in a emergency state. Did you see the light from before as well as the signature of energy? I heard from my superiors the island is being attacked by unknown entities who just wiped out the entire southern sector."