I Forgive You

"What?!" Rick and Artemis both sucked in a mouthful of cold air when they saw the huge passing through the ship while they saw the footage of the south fortress fall.

"Brother Roderick what is that?"

[Boy, we've arrived just in time. I think it is clear now, looks like we will have to face that thing earlier than expected.] Inside his mind, the old god's voice reverberated within his soul and his body shook while hearing what was said.

Ares was standing above the ship with a serene expression, but a huge five hundred feet tall sword appeared on his hand while his body slowly grew to be as tall as a mountain.

'My god! Elemental king second stage, elemental transformation.'

Partial Transformation, Boundless Rock!

Tum! Splash! Splash! Loud sounds of steps were heard by all when the ground shook, a massive figure stepped forward within the ocean and caused a mass of water wash over the dead bodies covered in lightning.

Artemis and Rick approached from behind and stared at the city with wide eyes. Before their eyes, there was a small crater with the debris of a fallen airship than fell moments before. a group of survivors stood on the middle of the crater protected by the few elemental masters that survived the crash.

From the group of people an blond yout holding an elemental flamethrower stood out from the rest, it was someone Rick knew. His body was covered in blood and the flames he shot waves of fire at the monster-like lightning that controlled the dead bodies to attack them.

"Oh god, how is this happening and where is the the guardians or the police force? They should be protecting us from these creatures."

"Are you stupid? If there is no one here, the are surely fighting the same thing all over the island."

"She's right, we can only wait for reinforcements here."

The crowd chatted freely among themselves while the six master who were on board the ship blocked the way to make sure these lightning zombies won't reach them.

The old lady, the third stage master who was travelling with her grandchildren couldn't stand anymore and knelt on the ground and Lian ran from behind to help her stand.

"Are you alright? If you can't hold anymore then go stay with your grandchildren and leave this to us."

"He's right." The twenty year old woman said while she smashed her fist on the ground and a dozen spikes rose from the bellow blocking three zombies who dashed mindlessly towards them. She may have been the strongest of the six, but as a eighty year old grandma, her body is to frail to fight continuously and she could be consumed without even unleashing her all.

"Ah!" Lian who was helping the old lady didn't saw that a lightning snake sneaked from the pieces of the ship and bit on his leg. It may have been close to millennium since the era humanity wasted their time making movies, tv shows and other types of entertainment. But some of it have been preserved until the present days and as a person who loved to watch the two thousand year old zombies movies, he knew what awaited for him after being bit

'Shit, is this how I will end...' Thinking this may be his last moments, he didn't seemed scared as he thought he would die. Instead he left the old lady under the care of her grandson and rushed to the front.

From within him, a fiery heat spread from his heart to every cell of his. His blood boiled and his sweat turned into steam.

Without saying anything he gave a last look at the few hundred zombies surrounding them on the crater, and he thought he should be fine if he was to save all those people. At this point the other elemental masters looked at him in surprise when noticing the change inside him, and because his entire body was bathing in flames.

"Blaze family elemental art, Blazing Shroud!" Before anyone could understand, he simply dashed forward. With the temperature of his flames raising to a level even the metal of the ship remains melted just from being close to him.

Any zombie who tried to touch his body would burn to ashes and so he opened the path before his body slowly lost energy and his flames decreased. The other elemental masters realized what he was doing and ran behind him with the other survivor and so they succeed in escaping the crater.

'Good...' Seeing everyone was well and managed to leave the crater his body slowed down, when he was about to touch the cold ground, he felt a pair of hands grasping him and helping him get up while holding in her bosom when noticing his decreasing life force. She used her water element to heal some of the injuries on him, but the heat on the surface of his body made her step back.

Black light started to appear on the surface of his eyes, but them a hand surged out of nowhere and pressed on his head when a thin black snake appeared on his body and was absorbed by the hand.

"You can rest now, leave this to me. I forgive you." A voice Lian heard countless time back in school ressounded on the back of his head like a whisper

"You..." Lian tried to speak when his temperature slowly went back to normal and his body fell unconscious on the ground.

"Take him and leave this place." Rick handed Lian to the female elemental master before turning around and vanishing in a bolt of lightning.