State of Calamity

Yes. On an island five kilometers away from Eden's northern sector's docks, five large non-elemental airships rose from underground as countless females clad in white with small winged-badges boarded the ship in a organized way. And if looked closely, you could see the number 3 on all their badges.

Any of the women here could be seen as a heaven-defying beauty with noble and reserved aura. At this moment they all had serious expressions as a middle-aged woman in black robes stood in the ship in the middle and her powerful voice ressounded in the island together with a earth-shattering pressure on all of them. She was the only one without a badge. "Listen here everyone, the mainland is facing a enemy attack. We've lost communications with the south fortress, and the Eden is in state of calamity. We can rely on the guardian to fight in the frontline, but our academy won't stay still. Each ship will take fifty third-stage masters to each sector to assure the security of the civilians. Remember, if Eden falls, we will too."

"Yes Headmaster!" All the females shouted in unison, felling their blood boil. In the wing empress academy, an only-female institution located as far as possible from Eden, it was known to all they would rarely interfere with matters outside the territory unless it was really needed. So the students and professors easily understood how serious it was if they had to sent this many people.

While they boarded the ships, a female silhouette left the shadows and stood next to the middle-aged woman. Noticing the new presence, the woman sighed. "Nerys, I know you want to participate, but I can't let you leave. You may have incomparable talent in healing arts, even better than many third-stage water element masters. Yet you won't be able to protect yourself, look at this footage of the south fortress the guardians sent me."

The woman waved her hand with a wrist computer lit up before showing a holographic screen with images of the past hour on south eden fortress.

"This!" Nerys gasped when she reached the part where the soldier surrounded the strange man covered in black veins and the part where everyone he killed rose from the ground and started killed others next to them. Seeing all the things others would say it was taken from a horror movie made her feel sick and she blocked her mouth to not throw up.

"See, this is shy teacher won't let you follow us." Saying this, waves of a gentle wind gathered on her back, forming translucent wing as she rose to the sky and followed the ships.


Right at this moment, Eden was in stage of chaos. Buildings all over the southern sector collapsed while a huge army formed by hundreds of lightning-clad people with eyes devoid of life approached the soldiers and agents of the divine guardians.

Taking a silver lighter from their pockets, ten-plus people wearing the guardian's dark suit formed a huge 30m fireball and shot it at the group of undead soldiers who released guttural shrieks for a while before charging forward again.

"Gold Leader, we can't stay like this or everyone is going to be turned into this thing."

"I know, earth masters prepare to separate this land." Smashing their feets on the ground. The elemental masters of earth closed their eyes and used their power to the limits as they formed a huge split the two sides and threw this entire piece of land into the ocean.

Pang! a loud explosion ressounded and they stared at the sky only to see three figures fighting a huge mass of black lightning.

A claw and a trident clashed in the sky before the trident-wielding man was shot through the clouds. Howl... The humanoid figure within the black lightning howled before a lightning snake shot through its mouth toward the man only for woman wearing an dark red armor rose from the clouds and shot a huge purple water blade cutting the lightning snake in half.

"No you won't be killing him. Hermes, Neptune, this battle is not going well."

"And you need to tell me? This thing is a monster,I knew there was someone making experiments related to raising dead beasts to fight, but I would never imagine it was something like this." A burly man holding a bright red battle-axe appeared standing on a ball of fire. He could see how dangerous this thing was for it to take on three of them without having any injure.

"I think the man within the the lightning is not even alive. Can't you see he's only a normal human? I believe this damned alchemist faction is doing things worse than I could imagine. Just the previous results of their experiments the little brat roderick brought to us gave me a scare, but this... this is a totally different level."