Death Zones

By the time they finished, Lisa, and the others all collapsed on the ground. Even to Mystic and Sharon, who had worked for the guardians even longer than Roderick didn't know what to say.

Seeing the empty gazes on him, Roderick sighed. He just showed the a small part of the data he got from the computer, but even then he didn't seem to be as broken as the four in front of him.

While pondering about why he wasn't so disturbed, like them, the old voice speaks inside his mind."Don't let useless thoughts cloud your mind."

"Yeah, I know." Roderick thought in his heart, before raising his voice. "The flame union also knew this secret. They only attacked Eden so they could get the location of this place and the serum."

Will the droids get down to the secret chamber, Roderick had them carry all the containers with the fluid back to the ship. "This serum is the refined essence of elemental powers. It will greatly benefit your powers. For now I should leave all of you to reflect on what you just saw. Come see me in the ship after organizing your thoughts."

From all the containers, he picked the only one with the different color and quickly advanced upwards leaving only a trail of blue lightning.

"What should we do now?" Lisa asked while sobbing. The scene of all the fetuses and half-formed babies that couldn't even decompose as they were immersed in the serum. For any twenty-year old female, this scene could hardly get any worse.

She also felt a sense of loss. Leaving those who left the planet early, they were all descendants of these primal children. Cassius punched the ground in fury, but then he quickly stabilized his state of mind.

Sharon and Mystic were the ones to accept everything faster, as a part of their work, they knew humans could be more ruthless and cunning than any beast ever could. Specially Mystic that works in the a division specialized in hunting down criminal elemental masters. They encountered so many things that made them believe that what Roderick just showed them wasn't that impossible.

Mystic gave a hollow laugh. "I see now what that obedient and smart disciple of mine would act strangely like that."

Anyone would want to find answers when facing shocking huge news as these. However, she didn't know Roderick was facing another problem.

High up on the surface, Roderick went to his private chambers and opened the mysterious container in his hand. Different from others, the container in his hand was pure-black had an ominous air around it.

"Like I thought." When trying to open it, a thin screen appeared on the surface of the container asking for a password. Without even thinking, Roderick typed the word ORPHEUS and pressed enter.

Inside the container there was twelve bottles, however, only one was filled with an ink-black fluid while the others were completely empty. Despite having different colors, the bottle with the fluid was the same as the bottle he found that day in the market, the thing that merged with the beast blood and brought the change within himself.

Suddenly he heard noises coming from afar and went to observe from the window. Having landed on the place full of tall, icy pines and the snow falling from the sky, Roderick spotted several heavily-armed black ships heading towards the south escorted by a dozen flying figures dressed in priest robes, however all of them were hidden in a sort of cloaking field generated by each ship.

Others won't be able to see it because of the cloaking field, but with his energetic eye, it was possible to see through the field. He detected more than a dozen elemental kings, and those in the ships couldn't be lower than a third-stage elemental master, there was also an even stronger energy hidden within one of the ships. Being far away, he wasn't able to see their facial features very well, but it was easy to see they were from the church.

Only when seeing the impressive line-up made him realize how powerful they truly are compared to the small fish there was the flame union. Then he quickly headed to the command bridge and opened the world map with their location.

"Eden is located in the far eastern side of my present location, more in the middle of the ocean. The illusory motion where I met the demons before was in the northwest." In the map he calculated the direction the ships moved and the distance before he finally guess their approximate destination.

"They are planning to head to one of the greatest death zones.The Amazon death continent." Back in Eden, he learned of the most dangerous places for humans in the entire world. One of them was the beast paradise, the center of power of the flame god, Australia. The other would be the place neither humans of the beasts would dare to enter, the Amazon Death Continent. Its name was given because of a rainforest that resided in there in the past before the humans constructed Amazon, the city of commerce.

It as one of the first places to crumble after the rise of the beasts. Now that continent was taken back in the forest, and then being now as the Amazon Continent.

"The explorer's guild sent people there several times, but none managed to survive or sent a picture of that place." For the first time, he felt a shiver down his spine. Just the dozen-plus elemental kings could wipe out the divine guardians in minutes. He knew that there was the existence of Sky, but he didn't trust that one, especially when he realized that there was more than a few experts of that level like that headmaster of the demon school. If the beast church was sending such a great army, then it means their opponent was a lot more formidable than the island of Eden.

He knew it would be stupid and irresponsible for him to follow them, but he was very curious about it. He may even learn more of the truth he sought.

"I want to know, but I can't involve others in this. What do I do??"

"Ask them first. No matter where you are going, you can't choose for yourself if they not even know anything. We have the silver bracelet with you as well as the spear given to you by Sky. Since we found all of that, I began to feel a bit suspicious of him, but it does not change than the fact this spear is a special weapon you can summon to your side wherever you want. To maintain their stealth, they can't fly at very high speeds so it won't matter if we waste an hour or two before chasing them."(Old voice)

He was about to go find his crew when he saw them getting on board the ship. He felt a bit nervous from their stare, but he knew what the old voice said was the truth. He yearned for excitement and wished to learn more about the past, but he could avoid others. Even Artemis, he already saw her as a little sister of his so he had to go back. If he was right with his guesses, he may even turn into an enemy of Eden and the "Fake Humanity".

"I just saw something and the plan changed. And I must say something to all of you first about what I saw. We may have to go to one of the death zones."