Magma Wolves

I ran out of the hut with the wolf Lila, the entire village wasn't that small, with several wooden structures and small buildings the place even looked nice.

As for the source of noise, other than those I could recognize as part of the Darkmoon Wolves. A pack of red, burly wolves with blazing red lines all over their body gathered by the entrance of the village.

The tone of Lila's voice sounded really worried as she sighed,"Oh no..."

"The Magma Wolf Tribe is here."

From what I was told by Lila herself, The Valley of Wolves is occupied by sixteen wolf tribes. The Darkmoon wolves were the Tenth in the Rank while The Magma Wolves are the number 4.

"Magma Tribe what are you doing here? You weren't supposed to come to this side of the forest." From the bigger hut in the entire tribe, I saw an old wolf, which should be the same Elder Lanis he heard before stepping towards the couple dozen beasts by the gates.

As for the other wolves, there all seemed pretty intimidated as they retreated into their huts. Surely, those Magma wolves must be somewhat dangerous.

"Snort* We have no reason to talk with you, our young master is about to surpass the 3-star and our chief sent us to find some females to help in his advancement. Elder Lanis, you surely won't negate this simple wish of our chief, right?" The red wolf in the front had an evil glint in its eye.

While Elder Lanis felt very conflicted, the fact her tribe was ranked 10 didn't mean they were better off than most tribes. The Darkmoon wolves were a tribe of water-element beasts and unlike any other tribes, the females of their tribe could only give birth to females, which means they had no males in their tribe making them the perfect target for any other tribe.

It was pretty normal a couple wolves of their clan to be sent to hunt some meat and never return. Sometimes, there were even kidnaping cases happening within the Darkmoon territory next the village. However, the situation changed when the birth rate for females in one of the most powerful tribe I in the region, the Magma tribe started to decrease. The Darkmoon tribe chief made a deal with the Magma chief, in the deal the Darkmoon tribe would send a couple females every year to marry in their tribe in exchange for protection.

"Wait, we've already sent thirteen females six months ago. Now you bring others here and demand for more? The only ones who remain here are too young for that, it will take at least one year before they are at the right age for marriage." Elder Lanis took the Magma wolves to her hut as she told them the truth. Third minutes later, the leader of the ground the same wolf, which I saw before had a long talk with the elder before he decided to accept her terms.

"Okay then. There's still a few months before the young master advances, so 5 months is the most we wait, understand?"

"Yes, the entire tribe thanks the commander for his patience." Lanis bowed, lowing down her front paws and was about to guide the commander of the magma clan and his kin when I noticed a pair of vicious eyes locking on me.

The Magma commander was leaving with his subordinates when his eyes noticed a human silhouette hidden within the crowd. It was a young and small figure with a pair of profound and deep crimson eyes staring straight at him as if he was some sort of monster. A large smile was about to form in his mouth when it changed into a ferocious face.

"Human?! I'm seeing it right? Are you protecting a human?" The other wolves heard their commander's voice and shot their gazes at the human figure. A powerful and oppressive force burst forth from their bodies making the many cubs of the Darkmoon tribe feel hard to breath.

"Keke." Noticing their leader's thoughts, all the wolves laughed as all the aggressiveness and viciousness within them was fully released at that moment. They already knew this commander of theirs would use all of this as an excuse to do whatever he wanted.

"Colluding with humans within the territory of our kingdom, I wish to know what the royals would think if they knew about that...." The wolf talked as if he didn't want that to happen with trying to hide the evil feelings in his heart, after stepping forward, he snorted. "Boys! There is no need to talk with traitors, kill the human and take the others with us to the tribe."

The wolf Commander reached out with its paw and a flaming claw slashed out towards Lanis who was the closest. The elder who wasn't that strong to begin with didn't even had the time to move as her head was cut in two.

"Granny!" Lila, who was by my side cried out as she tried to rush towards Lanis, but a grabbed her and didn't let move.

"Let me go!" Lila howled as she tried to remove my grip on her, but then I saw the wolves under that huge wolf's command come all at me while others were going into the hut and bringing the females out, no even sparing the newborns.

All those wolves were pretty powerful, all of them could freely control flames and shot it through the air something which should be pretty hard to do.

I was supposed to have lost my memories and I have no idea about what I should do with my life, however, seeing the bloody air within the Darkmoon tribe as innocent blood was spilt. Especially when seeing those dirty and evil wolves extending their paws towards mere children together with the smell of blood in the air made my entire body boil.

When I recovered from my deep thoughts, I saw a pair of blood claws bathed in fire aiming straight at him. Yet, I have been as calm as I could get when I simply reached out with my hands.

The choker around my neck shook gently as a bloody light illuminated the whole village. Lila's jaw dropped as she started intensely at me, but I couldn't even care because I also didn't believe in what I saw.

From the tips of my fingers a dozen crimson needles were shot into the pair of wolves attacking him. The needles cut through the flames and went straight into their vital points, leaving little to no change of saving.

Ahhh! Those who saw it all happening all stepped back, feeling intimidated by this strange killing method which even I didn't understand myself. But when seeing the puddle of blood oozing from the bodies of the few wolves he killed, I felt something.