Divergent Elemental Masters

"Puppy, what should we do now?"

"Return and wait, let them come for us. Just let me do something before we leave." Well, I guess it is a joyful thing that the beasts were so trustful and straightforward, especially when I knew very well how humans were more than just unreliable.

Walking to the center of the battlefield and searched for any trace of wolves that weren't burned down to the ashes. Few drops of blood that didn't evaporate rose into the air and floated around him.

"Change!" The drops gathered in the air and slowly grew in volume before I touched my choker. I didn't noticed before as there were many things in my mind, but I had a familiar feeling towards the crimson choker I wore, it reminded me of the silver immortal bracelet I wore.

"No way, maybe?" I started to think of something, but then I decided it was best to finish dealing with this first.

All the drops of blood he gathered in the air were sucked into his hand, replenishing the blood he consumed in order to create that fire.

"Welcome back, King Nomad!" Returning to the tribe, we're welcomed by the hundred plus Darkmoon wolves with a huge banquet. I couldn't help but find cute they waving their tails so excitedly.

At first, I was eating the many dishes they prepared for me when I noticed the many wolves were staring at me as if they wanted something, but were too scared to ask. "There is no need to act this courteously with me, I don't bite. You can ask anything you want to know..."

"What was that element you used before? Was it water or fire?"

"No way that is water, right? The way that you used their own blood against then isn't something water-elemental beasts can do."

"Really? Would you accept my daughter as your mate?"

"Wait, who said the last one?" All the wolves immediately surrounded me started bombarding me with questions. However, as a former god I felt having living creatures, treating me like that made me feel like when I was a god.

The banquet continued without any large problems, and because of the help I gave them as well as the fact they believed I was an elementary king, I knew it would be truly vicious of me to leave them and go to the capital by myself.

It was pretty late when Liena came closer and whispered to me. "Boy, the tribe chief pretty weak right now, and she asked me to call you for her. She is in the larger hut behind the village."

"I see." I nodded with my head and followed the path she pointed to me, hiding behind the village, I saw a large wooden hut. This is the place Liena told me about, I guessed.

"It's me, Nomad. Liena told me to find you." Announcing my identity before coming in, I stepped forward and found an old wolf lying on a bed made from a soft by dense material I never heard of.

"Oh." Struggling to open her thin eyes, the old wolf scanned his body and sighed with admiration. "Good really good, Liena didn't lie to me. You really are a Divergent Master."

"Divergent Master?" In my entire life as Roderick Graham, i never heard anything about a Divergent Master.

"Hoho, I mean those who wield powers that most cannot. Beasts or humans who can control elements that aren't part of the four primal elements are called Divergent Elemental Beasts/Masters. You must have met one before."

"Sky!?" I suddenly seemed to realize something. The primal children, the first human elemental masters to exist, including Mel's father. From what the chevalier told him, Darkness who had the power of shadow was also part of the twelve great primal children and Sky was one of the.

So the twelve thrones in the temple underneath Eden is not just for show, it means what Sky said about being the last of the twelve left was also a big fat lie.

"Don't be so surprised that I know so much. It's just I lived long enough to understand things others cannot. A Divergent like you is something really rare, for your information there has never been a divergent beast king that succeeds in becoming a saint. Only the twelve big Saints within Eden could reach that level." The old wolf reached with her paw and threw an old photo towards me, and I quickly caught it.

"This!" In the picture, he saw the photo was taken in what seemed like an underground research center. Sixteen children standing next to each other when the picture was taken, but what surprised me was that one of the children, a little girl standing behind the others had a pair of wolf ears.

"Yeah, you must've guessed the girl in the photo is me. The others in there are all the primal children, I was one of them. A thousand years ago, other than the elemental serum, there were many experiments with elemental beasts. One of the early ones were to fully inject an elemental beast's core into a human child, from the thirteen hundred subjects only I survived, but because of the mutations I suffered this method was dropped by them."

Hearing her story, I seemed to understand how horrible it must have been when remembering the scene I saw in that underground laboratory where I found the elemental serum.

"A few years later, the group of scientists finally got the final product. Twelve children with power and potential far above others, so powerful that they butchered all the humans who did horrible things to them and their brothers and left that place. I was with them at that time, but the core of the beast inside me started to mutate, and my whole body started to show changes as I grew older."

"The core injected into me was a concentrated formula made with the blood essence of a Water-element wolf. Facing the fact I was bound to become some sort of monster like a Werewolf, I run away and lived my life in seclusion until I met this Darkmoon Tribe five hundred years ago and became their chief."

"Yet, even after living so long, my talent and strength isn't that strong and I managed to only become a first stage elemental king, I think this body of mine can't even handle another day. Like my brothers and sisters, I noticed you have a unique element of yourself. I saw your battle with the Magma wolves, and the power you have really scared me and gave me hope. I know your potential is even greater than them, and before I leave this world, I just wanted you to promise me to take care of this little tribe of mine as they are everything I have."

"Hmm..."Having felt the slight amount of life within the old wolf lady, Roderick, who kept silent the whole time seemed to finally reach a decision and spoke. "If you are so sincere towards me then I guess I should be honest as well. There is no need for you to compare me with that asshole Sky, because now that I'm awake no one else will stand above me. As for your tribe, I swear by my true name... That I will protect those of your tribe."

"Ohh..." Hearing my words, the lady finally seemed to have solved all the worries in her heart as she closed her eyes for the last time. Patting her head, I sighed while I draw a rune in the air with my blood. "Have a fine journey to your next life. I'm not a god of this universe, but I give all the blessings of a former god to you."