The Wolf King

"King Nomad, its the Wolf King and his clan, they've arrived."

"So soon." Looks like I underestimated the value this kingdom gives to its elemental kings, it has been less than a day and they already came looking for me. Waving my hand, my blood covered the body of the Darkmoon Chief and formed a layer of crystal around her so her body wouldn't decompose before I returned.

"I'm going!" Replying to the Darkmoon wolf on the hut's entrance, I changed into my Bloodmoon form, but now slightly older and headed to where this wolf king is waiting for him.

"Did you hear? The wolf king himself came here looking for King Nomad."

"Yes, King Nomad is so powerful! I just don't know if the wolf tribe is good for him, they only have one king after all."

As I walked down the tribe, i heard lots of Darkmoon wolves chatting and learned a lot from their conversation.

'The Wolf Noble Clan only had one king?' From what Lorel told me, the 16 tribes differ in rank according to how many kings there is in their clan. However, no matter how weak, it is, it will only benefit me.

"Oh, I'm pleased to finally see King Nomad." A amiable voice sounded in my head as a white wolf appeared out of thin air.

'Wind-element perfect transformation!' The second I put my eyes on him, I could see he was at the peak of elemental king. Only a bit more and he would be comparable to that saint of the beast church. But I heard no beast has achieved this stage, an event he royal clans only has kings at the initial-phase of the transformation stage.

"I suppose you are the wolf king?" I threw him a question and the latter nodded. "Yes, I'm known as the wolf king. Can I ask for a bit of privacy?"

Hearing his voice everyone else, including the wolves that followed him here leave the hut, leaving only me and the wolf king.

"From what I heard, the Wolf Clan was the weakest of the 16 clans having only one king. But it seems now rumors will all be rumors after all, it is truly impressive that Wolf King has achieved the peak of the 5-star (Beast King). You should be the strongest in this country right?"

"Little brother has a really impressive eyesight. I guess there is no reason to for me to hide my objectives here. Some time ago, I left some experts here in this region in case any talented wolf beast appears among those many tribes and they managed to detect little brother's existence in your battle against the Magma tribe."

"So brother Wolf King noticed I'm a king as well and came here to recruit me?"

"Hehe." The wolf king shyly laughed before continuing. "As you said, I'm the highest ranking beast in this country, however, because of that the other clans are always trying to decrease the power of my wolf clan by stealing all the talented beasts and gathered more and more kings at their side. I understand that any young beasts would be attracted by the many fortunes the other tribes can offer while my tribe doesn't have even half of their fortune."

"But what I can offer you is protection and freedom. If you enter my tribe, I will personally move the entire Darkmoon tribe to the capital, and you will have the freedom to live as you like in the capital, only having to lend a hand in case something happens. Until then I'll do my best to satisfy your demands."

"No need, I accept."

"Wait, what?" The Wolf King stepped back in utter shock. It seems he had prepared a whole speech just to convince the beast king before him, when the latter didn't even tried to raise any demands and accepted right away.

"We beasts don't need any contracts, I believe in you. Because I have the ability to detect any change in your blood flow and if you are speaking the truth or not."

"Wait, you can do that!" This time the old wolf was even more surprised than before to the point of of his drool fell off his mouth and form a small puddle on the floor.

"I can do way more than that." My eyes shone a little as I stepped forward. The blood within the wolf king's veins boiled and without any clue, the wolf king suddenly slapped himself with his paw. "I'm a Blood-element Divergent Beast King. I could easily use your own blood to destroy you from the insides if you had any ill will against me or the Darkmoon tribe."

"God!" The wolf king would have never expected he would meet such of a dangerous little fellow in a place like this. Once in a neighboring county he met a divergent beast before, this beast could release a piece of his spirit out of his body and assume control of others one stage lower than him, but like every other divergent beast this one never had the chance to surpass the third stage being a 3-star beast for the rest of his life.

"Good, really good. You are my little brother from now on, let's go have you tribe prepare to leave for the capital."