Espar Kingdom Capital City

Following on the next day, three hundred 3-star beasts from the Wolf Clan helped the Darkmoon wolves pack their things as we all parted to the Capital of Espar Kingdom. On the way, I approached the wolf king when I told him that I just awake at the Darkmoon tribe and had no idea about who am I, and he was kindly enough to explain.

And just like I thought, 1-star, 2-star and 3-star were the same as the three stages of elemental master, 4-star and 5-star were the Elemental King stages, 6-star were the saints and 7-star was the realm of the beast gods.

"Oh, right, I heard from the Darkmoon wolves that you were found unconscious. Do you really not remember anything of your past?" The wolf king asked with a tone of curiosity in his voice.

"I don't know, there are a few things I remember like how to fight and use my elemental powers. However, I've no idea where I come from."

"I see, your power is really out of the ordinary. But if you say this king is suspicious, in reality, I feel really curious about the powers of a blood-element divergent beast. What species of wolf are you?"

"Well..." I stopped for a second and while I took a glance at the sides. While beasts weren't as advanced in technology as humanity, they still had pretty smart ideas like this vehicle adapted for wolf-type beasts to drive, looking from outside it would look like a truck. Seeing no one was looking inside the vehicle, I turned into a Magma wolf and then back to a Bloodmoon wolf.

"Ohhh! This is amazing!" The wolf king's eyes turned red as his paws nearly let go of the control mechanism on his chair. The entire truck shook as I grabbed my seat. "You can transform like this?!"

"While I have no idea about my identity, it seems I can pretty much assimilate the blood of others to change like this, but I do not know its limits yet."

"Wow, you really don't know how great this ability of yours would be to every other beast. If I met you back then this old king would do anything to have a disciple as talented as you." The wolf king grumbled lowly as he fantasized about me being his disciple.

A few hours later, I observed a huge gate from afar. Those gates were made of a strange metal alloy, probably the product of several elemental arts.

[Opening the Dhurdor Gate, 893 Life Signatures detected, no humans.]

"We finally arrived at Espar City's two entrances, the west gate Dhurdor." The Wolf tribe's trucks approached the gate and without any inspection the gates just opened by itself. Yet, I felt a strange pulse of energy pass taught me and all the other wolves before I heard a voice in my head.

["What is this?"]

Hearing the voice I turned my head to the side and asked the wolf king."Did you hear something?"

"Hear what?" Seeing he didn't seem to notice what I meant by my question, I knew the voice was something only I heard. I stared in surprise as we entered the capital city of Espar, I felt like I was transported into another world.

Pastures of reddish grass and a deep orange sky that shone like a brilliant gem. This city was gorgeous phenomenon, the stylish and pleasing to the eyes architecture used in buildings made to accommodate all sorts of beasts like a mix of many different cultures and races living together in one city.

The wolf king was the owner of an entire city district, the Wadwan Garden on the south of Dhurdor Gate. Noticing the symbol of the wolf clan on every truck, all other bests open ways for us as we headed to the wolf clan's territory in the city.

Warden Garden, was one of the most prosperous districts of the city, being the location of the Warden Auction house, the greatest action with a partnership with the Holy Beast Trading Company, a company known in several regions with a branch of almost every country.

Arriving at the destination, I observed the Villa the wolf king gave to me and the Darkmoon wolves to live. Of course, to the outside, I'm a beast king scouted in the wildness and took me to his clan, and the Darkmoon wolves were the brought as well to serve in my villa.

The Villa had several pavilions, a training ground full of high-end training devices, a medical center with all types of augmenting drugs and medicine. I put my eye on these and when I saw the symbol of the Flame Alliance on these, I immediataly put them back where I found them.

As the Darkmoon wolves carried everything into the Villa, I went to the main pavilion. But before I could enjoy the view of everything my new home could offer, I felt an intense headache as my vision started to blur and the same voice from before resounded in my mind.

["Again? Wait, the connection completed. Are you hearing me, I need help...."] The voice I heard sounded a little robotic to me with a hint of fear, but even when the voice interrupted the pain I felt in my head just increased.

Seeing I was the only one on the main pavilion, I tried to leave, but then my eyes were covered by a mass of red. Bright crimson veins extended from my neck and covered my whole body, when I recovered my senses, I saw myself in a deep black space. I was fully covered by a set of blood red armor, and before me was a figure in a light blue armor laying down on the ground.

Immediataly this space vanished and I was back to the main pavilion, however, when I returned I was in the same set of armor I saw before and there was an intense feeling attracting me to the northeast of where I was.