Silver, Golden and Platinum Immortals

Back in the cave, Roderick was observing his old classmate with caution. He has seen the Beast Chuch's chevalier and a few others carrying beast body parts, but the power Liam got from these two arms is not just a little.

"Yet he looks so old now, is it because of the arms being implanted into him or he just aged naturally?" I was really curious about how much time has passed since the day he became, and seeing Liam looking like this wasn't comforting to him. Yet, even he himself couldn't help but think of the vast silver grass extending endlessly on a land full of majestic and grandiose palaces everywhere.

"I wonder how everyone is doing on that side." Roderick was in deep thought as he murmured to himself.

Standing not far away was Céline, she stood there, static as her visor completely lit up. A few minutes later, she exits her previous position and slowly reach out with her hands towards the unconscious Liam.

"Immortal Skill: Silver Restoration Light!" Thin little silver threads gathered around Liam's head and vanished in less than a minute later.

"It's done, but he's going to stay asleep for a few days." Hearing Céline he recovered from his deep thought. Everything was so different from what he was used to.

"Oh, right, Can we have a talk?"

"Not bad, I was about to ask the same thing." She didn't have a face he could look at, but Roderick could already guess the expression she was making from her voice. Heading deeper inside the cave, Céline was the first to talk.

"Can you explain clearly what happened to earth while I was away?"

"I was already going to say what I known anyway." Following that Roderick told her first the events, with information from both Eden and what he came to know later. At the end of the 34th century Animals suddenly gained intellect as well as the power to manipulate nature and started a war to take the planet away from the humans, and later were known as Elemental Beasts, Earth's new overlord.

However, human scientist used the gene found in beasts and used several different methods to give the same power to humans. There were many ways, but the best way was to genetically manufacture several thousand children and immerse them in the Elemental Serum.

But while this new human race was being born, he also explained about how the many beasts countries took the survivors of the human race and treated them the same as the humans once treated the beasts who also learned how to create stronger human servants with the power of the Elements.

Different from how the human scientists made a serum with refined elemental power, beasts would implant the body parts of other dead beasts into humans and make those brute and ferocious people.

"I see now... I was born in the late 21st century, but even then I would have never guessed animals would be the cause of doom instead of diseases, war, AI." Hearing what Roderick told her put this Two Thousand year old woman in deep shock. However the story was just beginning when he started to narrate his own story, from the live he had in Eden, his failure in becoming a elemental master due to his soul not pertaining to this world, his one year living as a trash having lost all those he called friends, his first awakening when that blue lightning illuminated both his soul and body.

Then his time with the Divine Guardians, the day he accidentally met Céline's father and got his immortal armor. At this moment, Céline got up and exclaimed. "Wait a little bit, Dad didn't tell you about the grades of armor simply gave the platinum armor to you?"

"Yeah, was it wrong? Now let me continue." He then told anything that happened from the incident with the elemental spirit, Death Hazard Lightning to the blood golem attacking Eden when he had to reveal the armor power.

"..." Hearing how the armor simply obeyed his orders and he fought in the heat of the moment, and then Sky's betrayal that made his immortal armor break as he fell onto the abyss he opened with his lightning. He may have kept a few things out, but then he also explained the last thing he saw before he woke up in this body, and this strange choker he had on his neck.

"Can you let me have a closer look at this choker?" Inclining over to him, he touched the choker, inspected it a little before she retract her hands.

"I can't believe it. No one could wield this armor before and now..." Stepping back, both her hand trembled in shock, but she quickly hid it before Roderick could detect. It was impossible to know how amazed she felt at the moment.

"Er... Rick, can you unleash the armor at any time?"

"Yes..." The blood-haired youth nodded before the choker expanded itself as it started to envelop his body in a crimson crow-headed armor.

"Holy Shit!" Cursing out loud, Céline silver visor stared at him. "Fuck! You are a fucking Isekai main character, ah! You have no idea how hard it was to master my silver armor, and then you get something like this without even knowing how?!"

After this sudden burst of emotion, her voice grew calmer as she explained to him. "Two thousand years ago, when dad, me and the expedition team accepted the mission to head to this newly discovered planet, Dillon H6U, something diverged us from our path and we appeared in a abandoned space station built within the middle of the galaxy. It was where we found the thousand immortal armors, because of the armors wondrous uses, some of us were uncertain if it was a good idea to do anything to these armor as they were most certainly some sort of alien tech they never saw before, but because many wanted to see they homeworld again and doing that would take centuries were reached a agreement and put on the armors.

"The Immortal King, the strongest immortal. He was the leader who brought us across the cosmos in search of our dear planet earth, but with time we started having other thoughts and it led us to start conquering the smaller worlds we passed by, slowly forming the Great Immortal Empire. The Immortal King was so powerful that whole armadas crumbled under his feet, with just a wave of a hand a hundred thousand races would bow down to him, and he has been just a Golden Immortal."

"From the thousand Immortal armor we found, there was 996 Silver Immortal Armors and their users were known in the Immortal empire as Silver Immortals, but we only had a little over Six hundred Silver Immortals."

"Other than silver armors, there was Five Gold Immortal Armors, each one was several levels higher than Silver Immortals. Some had the power to bend space and teleport between worlds. Other than the Great Immortal King, there were two Golden Immortals"

Hearing the way her conversation was going, Roderick felt a bit strange. He could already guess what she was going to say.

"But no matter what, there were only two armors, no one could catch a glimpse of its power. The Platinum Star Crow, and the Platinum Sky Ring. Of course, there is no way to know if there is other space stations with more armors somewhere, but this is something we haven't found and we searched for a long time." From the top of her vision, two hyper realistic holograms of a little Ring and Crow formed in the air.

"No one has seen the true form of these two armors. Back then when the empire was suddenly wiped out by some unknown being, me and my dad only had time to escape with the Platinum Star Crow in hope its future master would have the power to resist that thing. However, for some reason the armor didn't show its true power when you wore it for the first time and it was even destroyed by some weakling."

Following that was her analysis of the armor. "With these many changes, this can't even be called an Immortal armor anymore, it is more likely a mutation that happened in your battle that day. As for the crimson gem you spoke of, I'm sure this thing was the cause of it, but there is no way to know if it will be a good thing or bad. Anyways, the thing you are wearing right now isn't the platinum armor anymore, you have powers of blood now, right? Then Blood Star Crow should be its name from now on We should also be thinking of having you master this armor, with your body's special characteristics you would be able to deal that man named Sky.

"Blood Star Crow, Blood Star Crow..." Roderick repeated the name a few times in his mind. "It sounds good, I guess having the title of blood immortal won't sound bad as well."