Familiar Faces

Returning to the cave, Roderick saw Céline waiting for him. Céline may have helped remove whatever was controlling his mind, but the damage he took on his body wasn't anything that could be dealt with easily.

"You have finally arrived. Your friend has woken up, but there are a some serious internal injuries on his body, preventing him from moving or speaking. This is something I don't have the capability to heal." Céline took him to Liam, the that blazing youth is really not in his best state.

His face was pale, his skin slightly grey and a bit dried, the other parts of his body were full with lacerations and other scars that didn't look much older. Walking closer, Roderick noticed Liam's eyes wide open, staring at him. Even with no capacity to move, there was still a flame burning intensely within his eyes.

"Don't worry, it's me Roderick." Pressing his hand on Liam, he could feel the flow of blood in his body slightly slow as well as several damaged parts near his lungs, ripped veins, and a more than a dozen broken bones.

"This is serious!" His voice sounded a bit urgent when he saw how bad his old classmate's injuries were. Céline who only heard about the situation from him felt slightly apoplectic, but no matter how much she thought, she couldn't think of anything. "My armor doesn't specialize in healing, my healing abilities are only the standard for every Silver grade armor."

"Huh?" With her eyes turning over to him, she noticed Roderick was completely focused, his mind had moved somewhere else.

"Ha!" His sudden scream left her a bit startled, but then he grabbed her silver gauntlets and jumped high.

"I don't know how I forgot it! I know of a place, the spaceship I got in the past. We captured many enemy elemental masters, so there is a lot of elemental arts there, as well as many other things. It may be enough to save him."

"I see, then you should go locking for it yourself. I will take care of him and keep an eye of the city for any news and sent it right back to you. However, I'm still not sure how long wait for you."

Roderick turned around with surprise, he was about to ask the same thing and she already spoke what he wanted to hear.

"Thanks!" Since she was being so good to accept taking care of Liam while he was away, Roderick could not help but thank her sincerely. Since he was already certain on what do do, he returned to the city of Espar on the same day just in time he received a message from the other wolves, saying the Wolf King had gone away on a trip to the beach with his children and was going to return right after the weekend.

"I see, no problem then." Having a last look at the situation in the Villa, and seeing all the Darkmoon wolves playing happily by the fountain made Roderick feel at least a bit happy.

He did remember to notify the Darkmoon wolves about his leaving so they could be careful in the two to four days he's going to be away. Leaving the surroundings of the city, Roderick headed to the forest and only when assuring he was alone did a pair of bloody wings form behind his back as he pressed his paws against the ground and with a sudden impulse, he propelled himself towards the sky.

Since the experiments he made before, he kept guessing if he could do anything more than just imitate the other elements, even if he couldn't, he should at least be able to use the Water-elemental arts to see if he can use his blood to cure others.

The speed which he moved was really fast, and soon he hit the edge of the barrier surrounding the kingdom of Espar. He and the rest of the human race had tried to explore this vast post-apocalyptic world, and part of the reason they never found a clue about these kingdoms and many other nations was because of this barrier in front of him.

He also noticed the energy to maintain this huge barrier wasn't being provided by anyone, the barrier itself was drawing in energy to keep its existence.

"Wow, this thing reminds me of the runic formations used in artifacts and buildings. I should make a deeper research about these barriers, but I have more important duties right now." Turning his back to the barrier, Roderick continued on his journey. He remembered to have left that crimson ark in one of many islands in case anything bad happened to him.

And he arrived at the ship, something surprised him. As he left the ship alone in an island full of trees, he already expected the ship to have been taken over by plants, but surprisingly this is not the case, it was way past 8pm and the sky was already pretty dark, but several lights were lit inside the that massive crimson starship and could be seen from the windows.

"There is somebody living on that ship?" Noticed there living beings have been living on his spaceship. Slowly getting closer, he hid just behind one of the windows and not much time later I could hear several voices.

"Leader, it seems that people we've been looking for has been taken deep in one of the near countries. We have been to the border of the kingdom, we think, is the one and asked a few of the less aggressive species of beast, and we discovered the name of the place is Espar, Espar Kingdom." Inside the ship, a man reported the findings of their mission, and Roderick was put in deep shock, mainly because the voice was really familiar to him.

"Don't call me leader when we're alone, I'm still your sister. As for that mission, you should forget it for now, if he's taken that deep into any of the beasts kingdom we have no hope of saving him."

"I understand, but sister, what about his wife and children? Is there something I should say to them?"

"No, I shall be the one to talk with them. It is my fault he was taken away after all. You can return to your duties." Hearing that his sister had made a decision, the man turned around and left, leaving only the woman there.

The woman stood there for a few moments, but she turned around and shot a massive ice sword at a near window.

"Who are you?!" The woman yelled loudly, making the aura around her grow many times deeper.

And shortly after a figure stepped in the room, a youth with a long blood red hair and crimson eyes brighter than any jewel.

To her surprise, the youth had his eyes wide and mouth opened so much that you could fit an entire head. "Nerys?!"