
'Oh...' Roderick's mouth was hanging open in utter terror like he was caught in the middle of the palace in a banquet night wearing just his underwear, something he didn't want to experience ever again.

'Gulp, Should I reveal myself right now or not?' His eyes were fixed on the woman before him, and just like Liam, Nerys looked a lot older, but not in a bad way. Despite the horrible state of her clothes full of dirt, both her face and body were much more mature and her previously pretty girl aura had long since vanished and given way to a beautiful woman in her prime.

In this thin period of time, countless thoughts passed from his mind. Roderick was thinking on what to do in this situation, and while he was sure this place had what he needed, having Nerys right in front of him so suddenly was a great shock.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't knew there were other humans here." Instead of confronting her, Roderick raised his hands on top of his head. Nerys also walked closer with a weapon in hand and inspected him, and with how closer her face was to him, Roderick started to blush, but luckily his skin which was more on the red side made it harder to notice.

Nerys hands touched his face, teeth, eyes and hair as she looked for anything that would show he wasn't a human before her gaze was strange. "Huh? What a smooth and soft hair."

When her hands touched the hair of a small kid who didn't look any older than 12, she was a bit taken away by how soft was his hair and how it felt like water in her hand. Only after being sure the boy wasn't neither a beast and a demon and stepped back.

"At least you didn't lie about being human. Brother! Come down here, take this boy to the interrogation room, but don't touch him, I just want to talk." After that Gaius arrived and took him to a cell on one of the lowest floors of the ship where he stood on his seat for a few moments before Nerys arrived.

They both sat in front of each other and their eyes met as Nerys looked at a object before asking, "Why did you come here, and who's behind you?"

The boy didn't saw anything and just kept staring at the floor without moving, he was still thinking on what to do. Surely it would be impossible to get what he wanted without revealing who he was, but he also didn't want others to know he is alive, so he was pretty confused and only after a few minutes did he open his mouth in a rather arkward tone. "Err... Will anyone else hear what is being said here?"

"Huh?" Nerys was taken aback by his question, but still agreed anyway maybe because of that familiar aura that made her feel somewhat confortable around him.

"Good." The fact that she didn't seem agreessive around him and the way she was acting gave him more confidence in his plan at the same time he felt a little bad for having to take advantage of her again.

Leaving the metal chair, Roderick stood up before touching the crimson choker on his neck and utter the words "Burst forth."

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The choker expanded and soon took the form of a blood red armor. The armor seemed both ancient and modern at the same time by following its shiny light red veins that carried a lot of energy to every piece of the armor.

When he put on the armor, even far away, Roderick could feel a familiar presence far away and from what he felt it was possible talk to her in real time. 'Hah, the connection between Immortal Armor sure is great.'

"This!" Seeing the figure of the armor in front of her, Nerys was transported back to that day where a massive crimson creature attacked Eden and the only one and stood up to fight it and even sacrificing himself on that day, it was a painful day, one which took a lot of time to get over that, but seeing that crimson-colored light and the shape of that armor it was just like that day.

"T-this armor, it can't be!" Nerys felt weak in her knees as she nearly fell off her chair. She seemed to remember that day when the platinum light shone over the sky followed by azure clouds that wiped out a entire piece of the ocean.

Roderick also acted surprised when seeing her reaction and opened his mouth as if speaking to himself. "I knew it! You have seen a armor just like this one right? I mean my dad's armor."

"Dad..." Like she was hit by a lightning, she repeated the word a few times. While what the boy just said shocked her, like a lot, she didn't know if a word of what he said was true, but then the boy did something that utterly convinced her.

"Armor, project my own memories on the near wall." Both he and the armor were one and the same, so it wasn't hard to have the armor scan and project his own memories just like he had done once but in a much easier way.

On a nearby wall, a projection appeared. Tall buildings scattered across a island, people running away from something when a blood red giant Golem attacked the city. In the projection, a ray of Platinum Light crossed the city in a split second and knocked that creature thousands of meters away, and it all happened just in time before a flash of light and the city beneath them both vanished from sight.

After that, a man in a platinum armor similar to the Crimson armor in front of Nerys fought fiercely against the creature before he summoned a clouds on the sky that brought forth a massive pillar of lightning that covered the whole sky while the man stood there like a god watching over the world from above.

At the end, the creature was completely destroyed while the armor the man wore showed numerous cracks and then it broke exposing a weak grey body with silver hair to the world. It wasn't possible to see his face due to the whole projection being in his point of view, but how could Nerys not know who it was.

"You..." Her eyes turned to the boy who had already removed the armor, and she this time she could clearly noticed the similarities between the two persons.

"Roderick... Are you really son?" From her voice just now, Roderick was pretty convinced that she was pretty much convinced already.

"Yes I am." The boy then timidly showed his back showed the same birthmark Roderick had on the back of his neck.

"Err... And do you have a name?" Her hands were trembling as she asked. From how old the boy looked, even if he is a bit older he won't be much older than her own daughter which started to give her hopes that his dad may be alive.

Roderick stared at her, since he already went this far he decided that it was better for Roderick to stay as a memory. After all, he didn't know what has happened, but he was sure that Sky and a few others are the true enemies, and this may very well make him a future enemy of Eden, so he believe it was much better he left that person dead as a hero rather than bring him back just to make him an enemy of Eden.

'Very well, its not like I'm true Roderick after all.' When he became one with his memories he already stopped being the person who he once was, and now that not even his body was human there was no reason to keep believing he was a person who he was not.

And after sorting out his thoughts, the boy happily replied while he extended his little hand to her. "Yes I do, I'm Thor."