Once a God

The moment he spoke his name for the first time in ages, memories of the long and forgotten past resurfaced.

If there was one place that could be described as boundless and dark, it would be the universe, but at the moment a lone white planet surrounded by dozens of moons stood in the void like a jewel in this immense and pitch-black jewel box that was the universe.

Within this calm and strangely beautiful planet a huge war was taking place.


A giant icy hand smashed on the mountain, causing the snow on its peak to fall from the sky like a rain of snow and ice while a dozen figures mounting winged horses as they crossed this endless snowy plain towards the source of that huge hand.

However, that hand divided itself into countless thin little white butterflies and other small butterflies and swarmed towards the one in the far distance of the others in the group.

"No, you won't!" Seeing the swarm of these little things, a man in the middle of the group waved his hand and a wave of diamond spikes were shot forward as he thin ice blade formed form one of the butterflies managed to cut onto his helmet, but lucky for him there was a flash of blue light in the distance.


A blue lightning bolt covered in thin yellow sparks flashed out and burned all these little butterflies to the dust.

"Nice shot my prince." The man thanked the source of that lightning bolt turned to continue smashing that little white creature.

It was when a man with dark orange hair, holding a small and worn hammer. "Heith! How many of these Icewind butterflies must we kill before their king arrives?"

A beautiful woman wearing a lightweight white armor made of a wind dragon's scales replied to him while slashing the butterflies apart with her dagger. "I have no idea my prince, but this low-rank mortal world is not that far from Niflheim, and your father the king wants us to connect the majority of worlds as we can to Yggdrasil. As for us, we are just the warriors sent by the king to support you."

Stretching his long beard, the man pulled a small seed from a thin crack he opened in space. This was the super rare seed of the World Tree, if planted in a world, this world would be connected to the World Tree Yggdrasil in Asgard.

The man, Thor, returned the seed into the crack in closed it. His face was full of emotion as he sighed with expectation "I can feel a highly formidable energy in this place, but I don't you if its on the level of a god or not."

These Einherjar were all warriors sent by Odin were all exceptionally powerful for mortals, and their ages were all lower than two centuries old. This was supposed to be like every single day of his life, but little did he know at that time what was waiting for him.

They headed deeper in the huge mountains in the distance and found a deep ravine connecting to a passage that lead even deeper. On their path, the warriors took the front and used their powers to kill most of the butterflies inside this system of caves, and not much longer they found themselves standing at the entrance to a huge and majestic construction not worse than Asgard itself.

As if it felt their presence, huge doors made of pure celestial silver opened revealing a truly magnificent view.

Massive braziers at the bottoms of each of the eight white stone columns light up every part of the throne hall and shroud it in a silver white radiance, that coupled with the thousands of gems on the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies look down upon the wooden floor of this monumental hall made it even more amazing.

This place was old and full of cracks, being only a shadow of what it once had been, but the flames in the braziers were a proof that this place was not as empty as seems.

"I see... " While the Warriors trained in Valhalla were too busy staring at this grand throne hall, Thor slowly firmed his grip on his hammer before sending out a sudden energy pulse that spread at full force only to stop by the exit of the hall. At this point, the warriors with him tried to communicate with Asgard only to realize all communications have been cut.

"My prince, where exactly is this Place?" Being only mortals that had been recruited right after their death in battle, this was the first time they have been in a place this grand, and with an ethereal and sacred aura even stronger than Asgard's Palace.

"This isn't a low-rank planet. We're inside a God's Domain, no, It is an Immortal's Domain."

"Really?" All the eleven men and women in glamorous shiny armors felt a chill in their spine.

"In the Asgard archives, this planet had always been a nameless world without any intelligent life, and " Heith declared while she pulled out a golden worm from her pocket and infused in her dagger which gave an earthly yellow light.

"No!" Thor used his hand to block Heith, Immortals and Gods weren't in the best of relations, Mainly because Immortals won't age or die unless their body is completely destroyed while gods despite aging very slowly, they were eternal and would live and reincarnate endlessly as long as their divinity was kept intact.

"You are wise, Thor, son of Odin!" A cold and deep voice sounded in the throne hall as countless wind blades fell on their group of twelve.


Sound of thunder echoed in the room as that thin orange-haired man had completely transformed. Releasing his divine body, his entire being was covered in deep blue lightning while both his hair and eyes gained an azure layer.

"Icewind Immortal! You have nothing to do with the Aesir Clan, also, there is no reason for you to be here in a desolate mortal world."

Hearing Thor's voice, a silhouette emerged from the darkness surrounded by countless white butterflies. "Desolate? Ha, do play games with me Asgardian. This is the home of the Icewind Royal Family, the heart of the Icewind Empire. My family and people may have been taken away by time, but this is still our land."

Thor didn't seem moved by his words and unleashed an astounding amount of energy across the four corners. In terms of their domain and control of laws, gods were much better than immortals.

Thunder clouds formed within the throne hall, right below the ceiling. The clouds were dark and full of a ferocious, roaring lighting.

In the battle of beings of a certain level, there was no need for flashy moves or apocalyptic scale attack, those were only used in a celestial-scale war. Instead, they would unleash their domains and fight with their energy and law.

Layers and layers of an icy energy formed on the surface of the Icewind Immortal's skin. Immortals only had one life, unlike Gods, so it was normal for them to keep a greater amount of energy in his or her defenses rather than attack.

Heith and the other warriors had been pushed out of the domain by Thor before they could even protect themselves from the energy of two great celestial beings.

"Not bad." Thor wiped a bit of frost over his chin. The Icewind Immortal's Icewind force was a type of hybrid between energy and law, its attack was good and its defense could adapt to many situations, being able to focus more on wind or ice.

"I understand this place was once something very important to you, but if you aren't leaving now, there won't be any chance for regret later." Within the Icewind domain, the amount of Icewind Force was on every corner of the throne hall and its power could kill many minor gods in a matter of moments, yet, Thor stood there unaffected.

"..." Seeing how confident he looked, Icewind Immortal was unsure on what to do, nonetheless he would still chose to him on the world he was born rather than run away.

"I have decided. You can kill me if you can, but there is no way I would run away. You're an Asgardian so you understand." Icewind Immortal's waved his hand and all the Icewind butterflies gathered into a snow white rapier. When an Immortal brought out his Immortal Armament, it meant this was a fight to the death.

"Well said! Even if you are weaker, this god finds those who see glory in death even better. I will make sure your soul remains so you can try cultivation once again in the future. Thunder God's Lightning Disaster, Melody of Thunder and Lightning."

All the lightning in the clouds gathered in a single thin thread of lightning that fell down on the Immortal Amament that didn't even endured a split second before everything was annihilated. The Icewind Immortal, the palace, his domain and even all the snow covering the whole planed melted in a that same second, covering the whole world with water.

After that, Thor reunited with the Einherjar who were all pretty scared after seeing the result of the battle. The attack Thor used within the Icewind Domain, a different dimension, but even in a different dimension this domain couldn't hold the power of his lightning for long.

"Oh no, I've overdone once again..." Seeing the massive change he brought to that world, Thor scratched his hair in embarrassment, and then he took out that same seed from before and threw it in the water, and it didn't take much time for a huge tree suddenly emerge from the sea.

"What to we do now." The man with the diamond mace asked. Since the job was done, they should have to return to Asgard, and right at the moment the surroundings changed into a long rainbow that slowly condensed into a platform bellow their feet.

Thor was about to follow them, but he felt a sharp pain of his very core. In what seemed like ages, he saw himself standing in nowhere, there was nothing below, above or in any of his sides, however, there were still several thousands thin spheres of light he could in the distance.

There were many, and he didn't know if their small size was because of the distance of if it was truly small.

In front of him, a silhouette of a male appeared right next to him. He didn't seem to hold any evil intentions.

This man didn't say anything the whole time, but Thor felt like lots of information was put on his head which should be hard because of his power.

In his head, he was informed that the man in front of him was an Oracle that came to him because of urgent matters. Thor stepped back, he had no idea to how he knew this, but then the man extended his hand forward and numerous visions appeared in his mind.

At this period he was just past two thousand years old, so he wasn't that old yet, he hadn't even experienced his first reincarnation. But in his vision, he lived for billions and billions of years, he and his wife would occasionally die at different times and wait for the other to reincarnate.

Thor was immersed in that long dream and in its end he was incomparably furious because his wife didn't fall for him in her latest reincarnation, he lost both his life and divinity. His fragmented soul crossed the cosmos aimlessly and it soon left what was the known universe towards a chaotic and infinite multiverse.

When he woke up from all of that, he was already in his bed on Asgard and none of the warriors with him seem to notice anything wrong that happened that day. After worrying for a moment, Thor still convinced himself that what he saw was nothing important.


Standing before Nerys when he revealed his name, Thor knew everything on that day wasn't a lie and he had indeed lived a life just like the one in his dream, but at least it was something he couldn't avoid and faced it without any fear. In it the final war of his universe was about to start, but even then he didn't stay long enough to know what happened.