
"Thor? What a strange name, but I don't seem to remember anything like it." Nerys then gave a closer look at the young Thor, he really looked to be no older than fourteen and both his facial features as well as his own manner of acting were similar to that person.

"I see... But can you tell me how did you find this place and why, it was your D-dad who told you to come here?"

"Er... I came here to look for a few things that he did hid in this place." While trying to not reveal too much information, Thor came to explain about how he is a Blood-Element Divergent Master and that he's been living in a beast kingdom, without speaking anything about his ability to disguise as a beast he narrated things he saw in Espar like that underground dungeon and the humans that were clearly used in horrific experiments.

"Wait, blood element?" Nerys was a bit startled. Since Roderick had died thirty years ago, she had come to know about what Divergent Elemental Masters truly were. Roderick himself is the first divergent master she had seen.

Seeing the look on her face, Thor decided it was better to explain a little and he told about some of his abilities as well as some of his own doubts about this power, only leaving out the part about his transformation. These doubts being the constant desire for blood and no matter how much power he used, he only had to consume some blood in order to not suffer any damage like how Elemental Masters would be consumed by their own power if they're used it took much.

Of course, he explained that his desire for blood wasn't anything like a vampire, it was more like ordinary thirst, and it didn't need to be human, any blood would do.

"Wow, not only you're as special as your dad, when I really those novels when I had your age, those with vampires were my favorite." Thor saw a pair of eyes shine when Nerys heard how similar his powers were to a vampire's. Since they dated, the latter would make him watch some movies about vampires. However, differently from vampires his skin wasn't nearly as pale, it was a pinkish-red instead, while both his eyes and hair had the same color as his blood.

After that, Nerys kept silent the whole time hearing everything that Thor had to say. And only when she did heard Thor's description of Liam and how he had both arms removed and replaced with those of a beast's, her face paled a lot as guilt began to appear in her crystalline and intelligent eyes.

"So Liam is alive? Good, at least I don't need to bring any bad news to his wife. I think its late now, we should go meet the others, I will introduce you." When she heard that Liam had been saved and was resting in a secure place, her expression was much better.

Grabbing his hand gently, Nerys took him to the upper floors of the ship, and while she was pretty normal, Thor didn't seem as comfortable.

'In the billions of years I lived as a god, I never knew that acting as a woman's past lover's son could be this most embarrassing. At least being as shy as he was feeling right now would help other only see me as a child.'

At first he came here only looking for elemental arts to heal Liam, and among the many arts the only the water element had the best healing arts if you remove the Dual-element arts that used both water and earth. His hope was that his blood could activate a water-element art with his innate ability of assimilation, but now he seems to have found something just as good.

When they arrived at the second floor from the top, the gate before he opened and what he saw was several people in tattered clothes, mostly women and children. He wasn't sure of how many,but it couldn't be less than a 3.000.

When he passed by that many people, Thor noticed the way those civilians without any power looked at Nerys, she really is their leader. No matter what, he wasn't that surprised because he did know Nerys had potential in her, and it was good seeing that his ex had matured so much since they last saw each other.

Heading to the back of the ship, Nerys pointed at a woman about fifty years old and a man and a woman in their twenties by her side. The older woman may have aged a little, but he could see it was the same woman he saw with Liam that day, that the water-Element Master that was with him when there was the incident with the Flame Union and the Death Hazard Lightning.

"That is Liam's Wife, and those two are their daughter and son. They had been really bad since they discovered about Liam."

"..." Thor nodded lightly, and continued to follow right behind her. Many of these people were only ordinary humans, well, the elemental master must be taken care of security, but what surprised him was that most of these people are all from Eden. He was really getting worried about what happened in these thirty years since he vanished that day.

Reaching a door, Nerys stopped and gave him a key. "This is the key to my apartment."

When they stepped inside the room, what he saw was a really nice place. Kitchen, bathroom, two large rooms and two beds.

"Niel! Are you there?"

"Yes, mom." Hearing Nerys voice, a young voice replied moments before a young lady in her teens slowly headed to the entrance. Thor, no, Roderick had his mouth open wide when seeing this young girl that looked so much like Nerys. From her previous words, he knew she had a daughter, but the fact he was seeing her in person was a bit of shock.

"Could you keep an eye on this child for a moment, I'm going to look for something and be right back. Oh, he's also Divergent Master your idol, and a king." After that, Nerys left once again leaving only her daughter and the slightly embarrassed Thor.

"What?" Niel focused her eyes on Thor, his fair and smooth face, pinkish skin and blood red eyes and hair was truly a wondrous combination and it would be hard to find a boy as cute. This was one of the few advantages he got since gaining this new body, just in terms of appearance, he was many times cutter than his previous self and certainly it would make him more handsome in the future as well.

"...." He was starting to feel nervous when he suddenly calmed down. No matter what, he's a god and when he came to think about that he was simply staring back at her and then he gave a smirk.

Both his finger of his right hand closed their distance and then thin threads of blood would leave his palm and form a small sphere on the top of his hand.

Under his intense control the blood suddenly turned into a crystal, a floating puddle of red water, a a red iron bar and then it burst into countless crimson flames before it vanished into thin air that blew past his face and was caught by his hand before it returned to be a simple sphere of blood.

The young lady's eyes shone when seeing this skillful demonstration of his, and since then they chatted for a long period of time.

Thor told her about what he spoke with her mother, and like he thought she looked just as scared when she heard that he is Roderick's son. Every single person in Eden even before his sacrifice knew about him, he's the first and only human to be a lightning-element master.