A New Enemy?

Crimson Sun Empire, with its capital built on the top the planet's greatest volcano and the home of the Beast God of Flames, Huodi. Ruling over twenty vassal nations, the Crimson Sun stood only bellow the Beast God and the elders at the Sun Temple.

This was the information the Wolf King gave Roderick. Right now they were heading to their destination, flying at high speeds.

Of all the countries under the Beast God of Earth, Espar was the closest to the empire, having only a distance of a few thousand miles of ocean between the two.

Without any spaceship, or aircraft it would still take a bit longer buy it was not a problem to over one hundred kings.


Roderick was flying in the sky together with the Wolf King and the other kings, while the few dozen saints leaded the group were way ahead.

Feeling as if a boundless aura as heavy as a mountain seemed to smash his body together with a burning hot aura that seemed to burn his soul just by heading forward. His eyes searched the crowd and noticed everyone else had the same look in their faces as all the kings lost control of their power and began to fall from the sky.

The Saints had a stronger resistance and managed to keep themselves in the sky for enough time to land softly, and Roderick as well could maintain himself in the air after falling over a few dozen meters and land just like the saints while the Kings had to pull themselves from the holes they made on the ground.

"What is that?" Locking on the distance, two titanic figures were facing each other in the sky. On one side was an eight hundred meters tall Gorilla with its body covered in stones, while a smaller creature, a six hundred meters tall Lion with blue fur and over twenty dazzling blue orbs of flames floating by his side.

He thought orbs, but each of these seemed to be the size of his previous apartment building he used to live on.

"We're f*cked!" After standing up, the Wolf King stretched his back and turned to the source of the commotion. Seeing that two nearly mythical creature, The Wolf King had all the color drained of his face as he muttered two words. "Beast Gods?"

"Beast Gods?!" While others couldn't hear, Roderick could he he was startled. It seems they were too late and the gods had already started their fight.

They weren't exchanging blows yet, but just from their presence and unique aura only those who surpassed the realm of a mortal had made him sure that those two were really gods.

Well, in his world the Divine Realm was different in several different levels. Minor Gods were the weakest and Crowned Gods were the strongest. Back in the day both he and his father were only Higher Gods and Imperial Gods, being a Crowned god was just a dream.

'Those two are stronger than Minor Gods, but I'm not sure by how much...' He could sense those two were much stronger than ordinary gods, yet it was still hard to be sure of their exact level because after becoming a god, using their full power meant the complete destruction of anything around them.

"This is bad." The leader of the saints on the Earth God's side, The Golden Fist Monkey, Sarley helped everyone gather in the small islands down below.

"If both lord gods fight here, we won't escape unscathed. Everyone Back off, we must leave this place!" Smashing his hands together, the piece of the island that they stood on rose from the sea, slowly moving before speeding backwards leaving the two gigantic creatures by themselves.

"Ahhh..." Blood dripped from his orifices as he maintained the control of the island which flew like a missile toward the opposite direction of the battle. Using both his Earth and Wind elements, he could move a piece of land at extreme speed if needed.

Pang! Yet another flash emerged from where both beast gods were facing each other, bringing forth both strong winds and storms that devastated all the island proximal to the source of Impact.

The sky was dyed back as dozens of ink black tornados formed just above the sea and spread towards the every direction, destroying anything in its path. Seeing this scene of utter destruction, the numerous kings and saints joined together in order to prevent this invisible shock wave to go all the way to one of the beast countries in the north of the continent.

"Brothers!" "Block the impact!" "We must protect the beast kingdoms!"

Hundreds of auras surged, each between the colors Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Having so many kings unleash their powers just like this in order to protect their people made Roderick's blood boil as he followed the Wolf King and ignited most of his blood to help blocking the storm and tornados coming at them.

Those four colors merged together into a massive four-colored crystal wall formed by the power of the four prime elements.

As the tornados hit the wall, Roderick senses seemed to have picked up something as his vision focused on the two great beast gods in the ocean as an expression of utter shock appeared.

Maybe because of the sizes of the two beasts gods, he couldn't see those two weren't fighting each other, but instead a human-shaped figure covered in black shadows. Suddenly this figure seemed to have felt something as well and moved its attention to that huge quad-elemental wall blocking the tornados, the beast gods also noticed the way their enemy seemed distracted and two huge pillars of earth and fire emerged from the ground and engulfed that mass of black shadows.

"Is it done?" The two beast Gods had the same question in their hearts and a suddenly their heard sounds of arrows being shot out of nowhere.

From far away, a pair of small black arrows seemed as small as a human arm as they approached the Great Beast Gods.

"What is this?" The two gods united both their powers before countless mountain-sized burning stones fell from the sky moments before the two arrows expanded.

"Huodi, we will have to unleash our Elemental Source."

"I know!" The two gods started to shine as their bodies turned illusory. Roderick, Sarley, The Wolf King, the Kings and saints under the earth god could only watch with silly looks at the scene in front of their eyes.


The black arrow expanded into two great figures half the size of the beast gods and devoured their attacks before another two arrows were shot at their heads, making dark spots cover their bodies as the two titanic beasts were consumed by the shadows before they could unleash their final technique.

It was when another Beast Battalion carrying the banners of the Crimson Sun Empire arrived at the battlefield after running all the way from the empire after the Fire God. No matter which side, the beasts under the two gods were horrified, none of them knew what that black shadow was and how it first appeared, but seeing it take down two of the three beast gods was too much of a hit for them.

Roderick at his moment was standing within the crowd with eyes closed, but his senses were not. He could feel that the black shadow had stopped moving as was turned to their direction, the feelings of those around him were only disbelief, despair and horror as their spirits were broken the second they saw the most powerful beasts in their eyes fall just like that.

Slowly, that dark figure began to raise its arms and grab its bow before pulling the string, dark particles moved out of the shadows of the trees, rocks and bodies of beasts in every corner of the many islands and gather into a single black arrow she aimed at the beasts in the north.

"...." All the beasts were silent, and images of their entire lives seemed to pass before their very eyes as a beautiful yet melancholic melody resounded in their minds as surly and every single beast dropped their hands, paws and claws in defeat.

"What is this pain in my heart." Roderick felt a burning pain in his heart, that small red crystal in the center of his body as he immersed in all those negative feelings on those around him.

Their memories, hopes, wishes were all transmitted to him as he felt a strange phenomenon happen in his body.

"NO!" A single yet thunderous voice sounded across the entire archipelago. Without even thinking, that blood red wolf reverted into a human-shaped creature with huge and sharp wolf claws, crimson red hair, dressed in a long robe made of his own blood.

This time, he wasn't fighting as Roderick or Jupiter, he was Thor!

"RESSONANCE!" Within his mind, everything seemed clear as he uttered a single word before everything was covered in red.