Blood Creation Art, Mjölnir Descends!

When he first awoke in his body, he had knowledge about three innate abilities of his, those abilities were something he got from that blood crystal, Assimilation, Transmutation and Resonance.

The first two were something Roderick had experience for himself, but the last one remained a mystery.

Standing in mid air, strands of red light spread from his body towards the beasts beside him. A hundred different minds seemed to be connected to him as he all their thoughts reflect back in his heart.

From far away, the dark shadow seemed to have noticed something wrong with them moments before the single black arrow arrived at its destination.

"Huh?" All the hundred beasts, including the saints felt their bodies burning hot as a single, intense and powerful thought resounded in their hearts.


Followed by this feeling came a dark red cloak covering the bodies of the Wolf King First before spreading to the others near Thor.

'Slash!' With the same movements, they all cut their palms, claws, paws at the same time and dropped their blood on the sea like it was an instinct guiding their actions.

Blurb bluuuby!

All the water in the sea on a hundred miles was dyed red before two massive hands emerged from the deep sea and grabbed that thin black arrow, but the latter wasn't so easy to counter and expanded, taking that massive pair of hands away with it.

"What is this, why I can feel their thoughts and intentions." This was the thought Thor and every beast had at the moment, Thor was beginning to understand what was happening though.

"Block that thing!" Taking the lead of the situation, Thor roared before leading the beast forward, who followed him without even thinking about his human form. Now they were united by one wish, to find out that black shadow's true identity.

"Fire-element Art> Flame Explosion!" "Water-earth Elemental Art> Titanic Glacier!" "Earth-element Art> Rocky Blast!" "Water-element Art> Circle of Snow!" "Stardust Flame Spirit! Elemental Art> Supernova!"

Roaring shouts echoed throughout the archipelago as a hundred elemental arts were called out at the same moment, crimson flames, water, ice and other crimson elements were what appeared together with their arts.

This barrage of elemental arts carried immense power, each art was covered in a crimson radiance that seemed to improve its power by two to three times compared to the power these arts should have.

This concentrated assault of attacks puts that black shadow in defense as he couldn't prepare any attack before being hit by one or two of that crimson arts.

"Nice! Keep shooting!" In this instant, it was like they had infinite stamina as they keep repeating their arts without feeling tired. It was the first time they could use their powers without suffering from elemental backlash and being consumed.

Wwooosh! A few moments were all it took for most king and saint beasts to expend most of their energy. However, instead of having their bodies devoid of energy, thin little particles flew from the water, earth, air and the sunlight before gathering around them, slowly recovering their energy to its peak.

"For the Beast Gods..." One of the Saints under the flame god stepped forward, he was a beast in the shape of a huge tree with a pair of light brown eyes, sparking golden leaves and two large branches with hands he carved himself. Even he who was a beast known for wisdom and creativity that other species didn't have found the scale of this battle almost out of imagination.

A hundred beasts formed from Kings and a few saints were unleashing an astonishing battle power out of nowhere the second the red-haired creature that looked like a demon with its huge claws and vertical crimson pupils.

"Saint Isaia, what is the order?" A golden raven covered in a molten stone armor looking similar to magma descended from the sky.

"Nothing. If my guesses are correct, that dark humanoid doesn't have the power to kill our gods, but from that shadow I felt some special suppressive effect. The way they couldn't even resist with their power which could burst this world to pieces made me realize that maybe they couldn't use their true power." Isaia closed its eye before thinking. Differently from most beasts which inherited characteristics and features of the last era's animals, Isaia was the only son of two new types of beast, a species that has never existed before on earth.

"Also, when that thing appeared right before our Lord Flame God, I noticed that a few objects which made contact with his shadows were devoured by it, or transported to another place. As for the red humanoid, I can't see that far away, but it looks like a divergent, one who can forcibly boost the power of others and bestowing them with that strange red cloak and aura around

"So this is what this last ability can do..." Thor was amazed by his third ability. When one becomes a saint, One of the golden rules he learned while being in this world was that Elemental powers come with a price and anyone who abused of this ability would be consumed by it, however, his innate ability could not only amplify others powers, but it can remove their own limitations.

This discovery was too great, but there were more important matters. When this third innate ability of his was activated, it slowly gathered energy from every single source instead of just the ones he had power over.

Blue, Yellow, Red and Green particles flew from every corner of and gathered in his body, these particles happily flooded his body.

Having so much experience with this kind of matter made him already kind of prepared for something like this and he opened both hands.

A spirited and highly excited red whirlwind slowly formed in front of him, followed by a really hot and elegant cluster of crimson flames, a gentle and friendly sphere of red water and a solid and incomparabily massive red rock.

Seeing these four elements he was taken back, this wasn't his use of his innate ability to imitate other elements, no, it was a power he was borrowing from the other beasts from the connection of his Third Innate Ability.

These were the four primal elements after having received the power of his blood, at this moment he could feel each of them had their own aura and personality despite a not too great intelligence.

"This is really good." Thor was really taken back with the results of his test.

Booom! A loud explosion shook the skies before two massive black rays cut through the barrage of elemental arts and sent the beasts several meters away from their previous position.

"Let's end this..." A thin red dot appeared in the middle of the four elements, forming a dozen hand seals, the four elements were slowly attracted to that blood dot.

"Die!" In a crazy state, that black shadow vanished out of thin air and appeared right above the skies in front of Thor.

Bang bang bang!

Three huge black waves ruthlessly struck the saints and kings on Thor's side one, causing black feathers to blast apart that insane storm of elemental arts that were aimed at him.

Before also been hit, a crimson armor appeared on the surface of his body and blocked most of the impact, but other than him all the others were already beat unconscious by that last attack.

"What a powerful attack..." Thor felt some of the lingering impact remaining on his body as he looked at that black shadow. His hands were still focused on that four-elemental sphere slowly appeared between his hand while the other reach out to block a ink black hand filled with darkness approaching him.


The impact of both fists was enough to tear a small crack of the crimson gauntlet covering his hand, within the armor, Thor could feel the pressure as a voice filled with despair and grief sounded in his heart.

"They took everything from me, my brothers and sisters!"

"My daughter, I must protect her!"

Thor's eyes widened, these thoughts that appeared in his mind made him think of something... Pang! A chaotic flow of energy splits both of them who were sent to different directions.

"So it is you." Having made sure of the identity of the person within the darkness, Thor put even more power in that four-elemental mass in his hands which collided with one another.

'This is it...' Behind the mass of shadows, the expression of the person inside it drastically changed as it felt the a threat to him that reached the highest level.

A pair of vertical blood-red pupils were reflected in the pure black eyes of the person within the shadows as he saw the former reveal a Crimson Hammer overflowing with numerous strands of crimson flames, water, earth and blood wind, the four corrupted elements.

"Blood Creation Art: Mjölnir Descends!" An aura filled with the power of destruction fell on that black shadow, forming a massive bloody pillar that reached towards the sky dying all the clouds in red.