Two Weeks

A purple-haired young man in white robes felt the device of his wrist vibrate, moments later he rose his voice. "Brother, I just received news from our spies that Dian has escaped the exiled space I created. He also fought the beast gods of earth and fire and sent them both to the shadow world."

Sky and all the others exchanged glances before Sky replied with a grin on his face. "Really? Then the heavens are really on our side, without those two it will be much easier to complete our plan. Wait, who's there!? "

Sky roared before unleashing his aura, he could feel a small trace of energy spying on them, and with a wave of his hand he sucked the source of that energy and smashed in his palm.


"What did we just see? It really looked and felt similar to divine sense. " Roderick returned to the place he was before in Espar Kingdom. His mind was a bit tired, but he vividly remembered everything he just saw.

"Divine Sense? I don't know what it is, what I did was to use the connection between me and my brothers and sisters to transport our consciousness to where they were. December 31th? We should have less than two weeks."

"Two weeks for what?" Roderick had recovered from earlier and had a hint of expectation in his eyes. His mind was a little chaotic because of the disturb between his two selves which was still a little exhausting to him.

"It doesn't matter, I saw a little of what you can do. If my guesses are right, in two weeks on December 31th of this year, they will use one of my brother's spatial elements to teleport my daughter to them. Your potential is great, but your fighting style doesn't suit your body and there is too many openings in your stance, if not because I lost control of myself it would be impossible for you to win."

"I know all of that." Roderick clenched his fist. His body has changed and both his memories and personality are not the same anymore, and when mixed with the fighting style of his previous life, he couldn't control his movements or unleash his power very well.

In school, he learned that a person was nothing more than an accumulation of their actions and experiences as they can both grow, adapt and change according to a specific sequence of events that is their lives. No matter what, both Roderick and Thor had different growth and experiences weren't the same, the way they learned how to fight, their challenges, nothing was the same.

Even he could feel the conflict within himself and what should he become, to forsake any of these two lives and become somebody else. Darkness also seemed to have picked up something from the way he fought leaving too many openings.

"If we had enough time I would suggest you do some Buddhist practices and some meditation, but if they plan to act in two weeks this old man will have to train you myself. Earlier you said your name was Thor, right? "

"Yes, it was the name I used as a God." Roderick replied calmly, his identity was something he already revealed way before, so it didn't matter if more people know the truth."

"Okay, I'm going to ask the Wolf King for a place to train." Roderick sent a message to the Wolf King that he needed an empty space and the latter earnestly replied and by the noon, most of the kings of every clan appeared by his door.

"Sir, There is an Elemental Crystal Valley near the Espar Lake. The stones there are pretty hard and no one really goes there because the density of elemental power it speeds up the elemental reaction we have when we use too much of our power and are consumed."

"I see, the you guys can take me there."

"Yes, we will." The kings were still thinking about when Roderick smashed the head of his hammer on that dark shadow, their minds were filled with fear for that man after showing so much power.

After saying that, the beast kings all took flight and headed to a beautiful, yet mysterious four-colored lake filled with shining dots and crystal trees all around it.

Roderick may have lost his elemental eyes, but his sharp senses could catch on the enormous and incredibly dense elemental forces in this lake and crystals.

"Hey guys, why are you are hiding in the corner?" Only now did Roderick notice that the Wolf King and the others stood far away at the entrance to the crystal forest for fear of being consumed by their own power, another reason was the old man standing next to Roderick that had the same aura of the dark humanoid that sealed both beast gods.

"No need, we are staying here." All the kings replied in unison and some even took a few steps back. It was clear how much they feared this lake and crystal trees and no, it wasn't because of the old man.

"Okay." Roderick turned to the old man and asked. "Before we start what should I call you? Darkness is too long."

"Call me Dian, is the name I used when traveling around the world." Dian seemed pretty comfortable in this place, maybe because he was much more powerful than all kings here combined that he could easily endure this sort of pressure and elemental density.

Dian reached out with his hand and the shadow of the nearby trees all gathered in his hand forming a massive ink black Scythe. "Show me your best."

"Right!" Bright red threads gathered in his body as he released the his Immortal Armor. Just like his body, the immortal armor had a similar infinite potential of growth and was something he knew that had to be mastered in order to protect Mel and the others.