The Day We'll Become True Gods

As soon as they finished, the forces of both beast gods retreated back into their kingdoms, he had already openly revealed himself as an Alien before returning to Espar with the Wolf King and the others.

Despite being beasts, they knew the concept of extraterrestrial life forms and were stunned when seeing the living proof of that right in front of them. Having their own way of communicating with the others, soon the entire earth and flame god territories was flooded with news about the appearance of an Alien within the Earth God's forces.

During their journey, Roderick had to endure the stares of countless beast kings and saints focusing their gazes on him like he was an incredible rare species, well he is from a incredibly rare species of Gods, but it was still rather a bit new to him compared to the gazes filled with admiration and reverence he received from the Asgardians and their vassal forces.

Reaching the continent, all the kings split up to return to their respective countries, leaving only Roderick, Wolf King and the other kings from Espar Kingdom. When flying towards Espar City, they passed by countless small settlements, cities and beast countries.

In the eastern beast country of La Tansha, in the city a young Wildwing Ape in his teens was in the middle of his class when he turned to stare at the sky and his mouth nearly dropped to the floor when seeing the crowd of a dozen figures flying through the sky.

Beast Kings weren't the only ones that could fly, any beast with wings or wind element can do something similar when reaching a certain level of control, however, because of the laws that strictly prohibited anyone under the level of a king to fly in open space.

"Wow... Wait, why is there a human being escorted by the beast kings?" With the young ape still lost in his thoughts, the teacher continued his class, giving the other beasts the complete explanation of the foundations of dual-elemental arts when used by two beasts of the same element.

"... So when two or more beast with the same elemental affinity unleashes the same art, if done right the arts would be attracted to one another and under the effect of elemental superposition I explained in the last class, it can increase the effects of the elemental art by multiple times. However, this is not always correct because there is still a different beast, a beast with a fire element much more potent and wild, or even one that has acquired an Elemental Spirit of fire can be over thirty time more efficient than elemental fire most beasts."

"And while it is their greatest strength, but because of that it is hard for them to find anyone compatible with them to unleash dual-arts which makes a group of five fire-element kings with similar fire much better than a single saint with a overpowered fire element if those kings can use the superposition effect to increase their elemental output and efficiency by fifty times. Any questions? Hey Lugou why are you staring so fixedly at the window... Human!?" The teacher of class IV of the Jishan Institute had just finished her explanation when she noticed one of her students spacing out, she was about to call his attention when her eyes locked on the dozen flying silhouettes in the sky, including the a human red.

La Tansha was different from the beast countries because it focus in science and technology instead of military or raising powerful beasts. Their belief was that the humans who were immensely inferior to them only rose to power due to their inventions, without it humans would be just like any other primate. However, if the beasts possessed the same talent in other areas and divided into different systems of education in order to raise not only strong, but intelligent and creative beasts with a mind for science and help increasing the quality of life of the entire beast community, the gain would be much greater than even a fourth best god.

The only problem was that because of their creed being different from other beasts and not putting much effort in raising their powers, the beasts of this country weren't that much strong and had to receive protection from the earthen beast god.

"Human?" Hearing the word "Human" all the beasts who couldn't be much older than 14 all ran up to the window, including their teacher who was the only one to find it strange.

The borders of their kingdom were protected by the divine guard of the Earth God and no outsiders could enter their territory unless the guard patrolling the border allows them to pass by this area.

'Huh? From their clothes and banner, those kings must be from Espar, Khirat and Visar, all kingdoms under the earth god that are close to each other, but who is that human? The way those beasts king are just following behind with eyes full of admiration wasn't something that should happen to a human.

After researching the past humanity's achievements in history, she knew how great of a race humanity really was. Elemental powers weren't something beasts created by a power bestowed by the world, yet, humans still succeeded in stealing this ability and made twelve humans with extraordinary power and could even made a 12-person fusion art by combining all their elements.

Thinking about how intelligent some of the humans were made this teacher sigh to herself. "A fusion art made with this sort of power could surely kill a beast god, they just didn't do it because it would only end with the other two gods finishing them off."


Arriving in Espar, Roderick said goodbye to the kings and headed into his Villa. At this moment, none of the beasts wanted to do anything to him, Roderick measured the spatial distortion in the area of both beast gods were devoured by the shadow arrow and said it would take a week for the gods to return.

Until then he would stay there in his house, even so he could feel how respectful they treated him. Maybe it was an effect from having resonated with him on that day, he could clearly feel their thoughts and wishes and at that time all they wanted was to survive which was how he could connect with their minds.

"So having the same objective is what activates my third innate ability..." Roderick made an assumption about why his ability only worked at that moment. After the first time he tried to use it several times when flying on the way back to here and it didn't work.

As soon as he got home, he walked into the villa in his human form, now a sixteen year old teenager instead of a fourteen year old one. He greeted the darkmoon wolves who all lowered their heads and saluted him while Lila ran to him with a ball in her mouth, her tail moving from left to right full of vitality, yet, there was a bit of hesitation in her eyes as she approached him.

"Bro!" A childish voice sounded in his mind before he noticed another young female wolf by her side.

"Lila! Who is that? Tour friend?"

"Hum! She is the one I told big bro Nomad before, the one recruited by the Wolf King's third general. Her name is Nissa."

"Hi Nissa." Roderick immediately greeted her. She remembered she had told him about this friend once, he patted Lila on the head before playing with the two of them.

Nissa was nervous when hearing that the King which helped save her tribe had a human appearance, but once the news about the fight in the sea and that Roderick wasn't neither human or beast but being from another world was too fantastic.

After eating the meal the wolves prepared for him, he headed into one of the empty rooms in his courtyard.

Only after making sure there is no one near him than he murmured. "There is no need to hide, you can leave."

The moment he spoke, a figure leaped off his shadow, the old man from before has rejuvenated into his mid fifties.

"So you are the Roderick I heard so much about." The man sat on a near wooden chair and shot him a glance before nodding. "Yeah, so this is how a true God looks like. My clone was there on the day Neptune and his wife took you and my daughter to Eden, those two weren't able to see it but I saw a rupture in the sky the moment you first appeared in this world."

"Yes, I am not human. And if you know this much then you should be Mel's dad, the Primal Child of Darkness."

Since he awoke a few days ago, he immediately slid into his shadow and didn't come out until now. Yet, he still could hear everything and knew that he confessed about not being human and since Roderick already knew about his identity, but chose to let him rest for the moment.

The man didn't say anything, it took him a moment before he could speak. "I was stuck somewhere else and couldn't escape, when I succeeded in leaving that place my mind was in a frenzy. Something really bad is about to happen, and neither me or my daughter will be able to survive without you."

"Something bad? What is it?"

"It is better if I show you." The second he replied, the man was already standing right in front of him and pressed his hands to Roderick's forehead.

In his mind, he could see the interior of the temple within the ruins of Eden, Sky and the other ten prime children gathered once again.

"Brother Space, did you find something in the ruins of the Divine Guardians building?"

"Yes, one strand of her hair is more than enough, but we should wait until December 31th because it is the Planet's weakest day and the day elemental power is at its greatest. On that day we shall become true gods. "