
Opening his eyes, what welcomed him was the massive tear in the space right above the abyss. This rift wasn't something Céline or the Water God could notice as it was within the black clouds, but the air it gave him was countless times more terrifying than any god.

Seeing this astonishing energy gather in the sky, he knew this was the calamity of the heavens aiming for him and just its view had the power to shake his soul.


The sky vibrated violently, fortunately moments before it began its assault, golden rays flew from the rift and infused on his body filled with a cleansing power. Under this intense light, Céline and the Whale couldn't see anything while Roderick saw flashbacks of his whole life passing before his eyes and slowly blurring.

Among the many memories, a fragment that didn't belong toRoderick or Thor was revealed to him.


On the other side of a was window a majestic landscape revealed itself as a magnificent city rose from the depths of the ground to the infinite space beyond the stars. The crimson star shone over the land dyeing the sky in a mysterious orange color filled with mystique.

Turning my eyes towards the corner to the room, I noticed a mirror, in it I saw the mirror reflecting myself, a fairly elegant and moderately handsome middle-aged dressed in ceremonial crimson and golden clothes was sitting by the bedside with a pair of children so similar to each other."

"Daddy, Daddy, tell us the story of how you became the Blood Progenitor, founder of Thunderblood." The elder sister pulled my sleeves as she happily found comfort in my arms as the baby brother quickly followed his sister and clinging onto his left arm.

"Yes Yes, I want to hear it too."

I didn't have any control, like all of this were just memories that couldn't be interacted with. Seeing that the two children wanted to be spoiled, the man laughed and happily kissed their cheeks making the two kids clinging on to him shake with a little discomfort due to the man's beard.

"Alright, alright. I've told the same story so many times, but you guys are still so energetic." Hours later, the man left the room with the two children dreaming about the stars before heading to the room on the left.

"How did it go dear? Did the kids asked for the same story again?" An astonishingly beautiful woman with crimson hair and eyes then embraced him and slowly conducted him towards the large bed while caressing his face lovingly. As I heard it, I began to notice the woman's voice wasn't unfamiliar at all, but I couldn't say where I heard it before.

"Yes, I still can't believe they would ask for the same story so many times, but it makes me happy that they like to hear about their dad's past so much... Smooch* Hey, where are you putting your hand? It's too soon for that." Gently grabbing her shoulders, the man planted a long kiss on the beauty's mouth before staring at the window, to the magnificent city around them, the heart of the interstellar empire that rules over a hundred thousand worlds. I, on the other hand, was feeling pretty confused and could do nothing other than watch all the upcoming events with strong embarrassment.


A few moments felt like ages and when he recovered his senses, all the light had vanished along with the rift in the sky.

"It worked?" Murmuring to himself as the memories belonging to Thor were nowhere as clear as before, like a distant memory that didn't belong to himself.

"Roderick!" Seeing there were no signs of danger, Céline immediately cut the distance between the two and appeared right next to him, her eyes behind the helmet studying the changes.

"How curious! Your hair has become fully red like before, but your pupils are silver now, even your eyes and arms are grown. I didn't know that hair and eyes could change like this, people in my time would go crazy over this. Wait, what is this thing in your hands?" As she observed his face, and the many scars on the surface of the body which vanished, but even the symbol of Jupiter, his one-armed and one-eyed figure was gone as well.

"Huh?" Roderick was curious about Céline's remark and immediately lowered his gaze to his hands which held a small silver container.

("In exchange I will give something with equal value to your divinity, something that will not draw the attention of the laws of this world.")

The words said by that man were repeated in his mind. In fact, he knew that in his container was something he had held in his hands before, but it seemed there were a few changes in it.

Plop! It was at this moment that a loud noise echoed in the depths of the abyss, drawing Roderick and Céline's attention.

The beast god of the sea had fallen down on the hard crystal floor, its eyes were weak and the color of it's crystal was a lifeless gray.

"Cough, chough." No matter how weird it was to see a giant flying whale coughing blood, Roderick knew something was wrong and immediately ran up to him.

"Are you alright?!" He searched all over its body, but there was no trace of any sort of injury. However, from the light blue gem on its back losing its color, the state of the whale worsened without stop.

"Don't worry... Cough, Cough... Something is sucking all the planet's essence and its making it lose all the elements. I was already sick way back then, and now without my power to keep me alive there is nothing you can do. You know, I used to work at a zoo and I knew very well how harmful humans could be at that time, when I was first discovered to be sick, the caretakers at the zoo wanted to 'Sacrifice' me before I could suffer. This gem was offered to me on what would be my very last day in this world, the voice told me to fight for the freedom of my species together with two others like me."

"You mean the Beast Gods of Earth and Fire?"

"Yes, but not those two. I mean their predecessors, one of them was a prehistoric Mammoth found frozen in ice and a giant lion from Africa. The gems are the source of our powers which means it can be transferred to other beasts if we want to."

After giving a look at the sky way above them, the whale seemed pretty content with the conclusion as it said to the two of them. "You two should leave now and leave this old whale by himself, otherwise that monster will continue to suck dry the whole planet, leaving no resources. Just promise my kin will receive better treatment in the future."

Hearing the urgency in its voice, neither Roderick or Céline could deny what he said, but before leaving they turned back. "We are leaving, but can you tell us your name?"

"Name? He-he, I remember the name humans gave me, Ollie."

"Very well Ollie, to be honest even I think humans aren't worthy of ruling this planet so I will do my best." When he said this, Roderick smashed the bottle in his hands revealing a mass of ink black lightning which covered his body like a cloak before turning into a crimson ray towards the sky followed by a silver flash.