Rebirth Through Blood And Thunder (Last Chapter)

In the middle of the pacific ocean was a massive hole leading deep within the earth, and down at its bottom was a humanoid being standing before a sphere of infinite light.

"World's Heart, I can't believe it's finally mine..." The humanoid sighed with emotion. For a thousand years, this had always been their goal, the world's heart, sphere of incomparability dense and immaculate energy and the source of all life on this planet. Right above him, he forced a immense force field englobing the whole area so no one would

Reaching out with its hand, the humanoid felt it hit some sort of barrier that blocked him from moving any further towards the golden sphere.

"Oh? I can't believe this weak consciousness won't wield to me!" A strong power that could shake the heavens and earth burst forth from its platinum body. The power of a Platinum Immortal Armor wasn't something a lowly mortal world such as this could resist and it immediately showed numerous cracks.

"Blood Immortal Growth!"

"Immortal Skill! Silver Moon Five Slashes!"

A crimson spear came flying directly downwards, heading straight to the barrier and smashing it apart with a huge shockwave.


All the water was blown away by the impact as two lights ventured deep within the underground. The entire structure surrounding the golden sphere shook with the impact right above.

At the same time all the creatures in the whole planet had lost connection to the elemental powers and were reduced to ordinary humans and beasts.

Feeling the new presences heading towards him, the platinum man as arrogant as it sounded, snorted clearly before turning around, his gaze focused to the path leading to the surface of the sea.

"Foolish..." Its imposing voice reached Roderick. "It's too late now, ever since the beginning it didn't matter who was in the top, humans, beasts, it all ended the same. Even this world itself is no less tyrant, giving these wondrous powers that we can't fully use, and the heart of this world having all the power but not using even a tenth of its potential. We are going to do so much more..."

During its speech, Roderick stopped as he recognized the voices of Sky, his brothers and sisters, and traces from Ares, Hermes, His parents Neptune and Hecate all mashed together into a single voice.

Distracted by it, the armor suddenly appeared right before the globe of golden light and its hands reached towards a thin golden gem laying deep within the light.

With urgency in his face, he shot a glance at Céline who understood his meaning before unleashing hundreds of silver chains from her armor that surrounded The Platinum Armor from all directions before pulling him away from the golden light while Roderick came form bellow in his armor and hit him with a flaming punch on the chin.

Pang! The sound of metal being hit by a strong force repeated a few times before a crimson silhouette was shot upwards breaking another hole on the ceiling and being launched several miles above the sea together with a massive platinum armor.

"Defend this! Immortal Skill: Platinum Aura! Explode!" A Platinum aura gathered in its fists with such intense momentum that shook the heavens and earth, turning into a single streak that when touching the surface of the Giant Blood Armor, the powerful impact travelled through the nearly impenetrable defense of the Blood Immortal Armor delivering a strong force that shook Roderick's internal organs before launching him even farther away to the point of leaving the orbit of the planet.

"Huh!" For the first time Roderick felt pain when inside the Immortal Armor. Immortal Armors were a piece of otherworldly technology built by an unknown and ancient civilization, both the armor's material and its energy source were something way out of everything a human could imagine. In fact, the true defense of a Platinum Level Armor when fully activated was so higher than even the explosion of a star would barely do any damage to its outer shell as it could easily repair itself in a few moments.

Whoosh! Unraveling its marvelous pair of blood red wings, The Blood and Platinum Armors stood in the void facing each other.

"You know Roderick, We've read a little about your past. If it was before all of this We would have never believed that reincarnation could even be possible, but for beings who lived as long as a monster like you, the Mighty Thor, God of Thunder would know. To achieve unity, we had to leave a being such as yourself out in the open and even after finally dealing with you, you return to mess with our plans."

"I really don't know where you got the courage to plan against me even after knowing I was a God, but don't think I will ever let you life after what you did to Mel." Hearing the Platinum Immortal's voice through the communication of the armor only made him even angrier. After delivering his cold answer, petals bloomed in the void as thousands of blood red petals encircled the Platinum Immortal and flew from one side to another delivering countless blows on its body.

"Petty tricks." With a snort, a pulse of platinum light erased all the petals around him, but another figure had appeared right above him with a pure red beam that nearly melted the energy shield around the armor.

Pang Pang Pang! Recovering from the laser, the two Immortals exchanged blows once more while flying all over the space, passing by the moon and then stopping right above the beautiful and blue planet down below.

"Ah, I really respect you Thor. If you want to kill me so much, then let's try the old way like in the old stories. You and me will unleash all our power at once, and leave fate to decide the winner."

"I accept, but I'm not Thor, not anymore... I'm the son of Richard and Anna Graham! the recruit of the Divine Guardians Shocker. The savior of Eden, Jupiter. The Divergent Beast King, Nomad. Thor is my past but not my future, NOW I AM THE FIRST OF MY NAME, THE BLOOD PROGENITOR!!!"

Intense powers were unleashed together with Roderick's valiant voice, a bloody light quickly concentrated on the powerful Immortal Armor. With increasing momentum, Roderick was putting everything he had in this last attack.

"Blood Immortal's Transcendental Skill! Rebirth Through Blood And Thunder!"

Out of a thin black snake mark on the back of the armor, streaks of pure black lightning, the forces merged together forming a massive red and black nebula cloud in space.

Watching from down below on the atmosphere, Céline in her armor stood there watching the battle without doing anything, unlike them the Silver-grade Immortal Armors couldn't engage in battles in outer space due to the durability of the armors and its lower power.

"I can't believe he's already at that level, this is what a transcendental skill looks like..." Every Immortal Armor had many different skills skills, a Immortal Tool that was the weapon that came with the armor, and like anything the grade of the Immortal Tool and Skill were decided by the grade of the armor itself which made Gold-Immortal Tools and skills way above the silver and lower grades, but the Transcendental Skill was the only one and it had to come form the pilot's own insights and with luck even a Bronze Immortal could unleash a power comparable to a Gold Immortal.

The power of the skill was so great that it shook the entire planet down bellow and the nearby planets alike. This was the supreme technique Roderick devised in his dreams, within the blood clouds millions of thin blood particles unleashed traces of Fire, Wind, Earth and Water.

Watching the immense power under his hands, Roderick sighed as he continued pushing forward. Seeing the apocalyptic technique getting closer, even the Platinum Immortal was astounded by its power.

"If the planet is hit by it... No, even the solar system would remain after being hit by that. The man didn't tell us about any of this!" He didn't know the details of it, but the instinct of the eleven saints that stood behind Eden knew not even the weapons made by humanity at its peak could show a candle to it.

"No I can't be shocked by it. I must find a way to survive..." Seeing how powerful Roderick really was made it rethink what it just said. Releasing its platinum light, twelve big spheres encircled around the armor holding a platinum Spear that slowly absorbed the power.

Even if he died, he decided to take Roderick down with him.

The Platinum Immortal was going to fight the Nebula head on, the two forces quickly approached and when they were about to meet each other attack, that was a change in the platinum armor as its voice escaped with a hint of surprise and hatred.

"No! Don't do that!" Ignoring the screams of Sky and the others, the Armor moved by itself lowering the weapon in its hands before gazing deeply at the All Powerful man standing amidst blood and thunder.

After being forcibly taken absorbed by the Armor, Artemis, no, Melanie Graham with the last fragment of wisdom that remained cut all the passages of energy of the armor and lowered the shields to its minimum potency, giving just enough time for Roderick to destroy the armor.


Within the boundless and silent space, the massive Blood and Thunder Nebula devoured the Platinum armor, its thin particles were like sharp blacks that cut through the Armor's unknown material like butter, destroying the armor on a molecular level.

It was this few seconds that Sky recalled the day that man brought the Immortal Armor to him, promising it would make him invincible. However Sky alone wasn't enough to get the armor's approval and had to use the special ritual left in the book by the same man, with it he thought he could finally rule over the world that oppressed him, but now he saw only him would gain something from it.

"Graham, you have won the game." "Brother, I'm happy for you. Goodbye."

At the last moments, Roderick managed to hear two separate voices before every trace of the armor was wiped out. His lone figure standing above the clouds like a god slowly descended down to earth as the demon-like armor on his body withdrew, the man was eying the sunrise from the east with watered eyes.

"Mel..." Roderick sighed with grief.

Still in the space, another figure appeared. It was a golden-headed lion with a body of the same material as its head. If Céline was there she would recognize the man as once the King and founder of the Immortal Empire.

Reaching out with his hand, a thin piece of what looked like a spherical platinum core was resting on his palm.

"The Core of the Immortal Armors is not something that can be destroyed. Good, I have no reason to stay here any longer. The Northern Star Empire and the other two are stronger than ever. They can arrive at this side of the galaxy at any moment, but I'm more curious about what this Blood Progenitor with his mutant Armor will do." When saying that, the man flew up to a certain location in Planet Mars before opening a purple gate at the depths of that red world, vanishing within it.


On a rainy day just after the start of a new year, a man was standing on a mountain peak before a boundless field while putting flowers over a grave besides a lonely lake.

[Here lies Richard, Anna and Melanie Graham. Let their souls be carried to Valhalla.] This lone grave was filled with many different flowers covering the entire mountain peak, flowers that Roderick plated himself.

Rosemary, Lotus Flowers, Pink Carnations were just some of the flowers that served to give the grave a more elegant look and express some of his own thoughts.

It has been over three months since Roderick's battle with the Platinum Armor, all the beasts and humans had lost all the power they once had making the balance between the races collapse, but the man known as the Blood Progenitor who haven't lost anything to the Platinum Immortal stopped the races who were filled with uncertainty and with the help of the two fallen gods, restored order to the Blue Planet.

The World's heart was intact, but it's intelligence had been lost long ago when it gave Roderick its powers.

"Humans! Beasts! It has been a long time since we ended the conflicts between the two sides, with the support of the previous beast gods of earth and fire, I declare the dawn of a new race, The Thunderblood Race!" Holding the snake-headed jet black scepter made of the Dead-hazard Lightning, The man known as the Progenitor spoke to the entire world via transmission of these words. This was the declaration made by the progenitor on the day the representatives of the entire world gathered in the City of New Eden to discuss the direction the Planet Earth and its children were going to take from now on, also known as the Thunder Blood Day.

On this same day, Roderick used his innate third ability to connect with all the beings, bestowing the power of the Thunderblood and thus unifying both sides as a single species. The beasts admired strength more than everything and with a being such of the progenitor saying such words didn't offend them, but some of the humans weren't happy with the declaration and demanded for the Progenitor, a man of the human race to do justice for the years lived in fear by humanity.

But how could the man care about such small-minded people? Once he integrated the two races, a few changes started to happen to the beasts that slowly changed into more humanoid forms similar to the demons while even humans slowly gained the ability to transform into beasts.

With this, Roderick made all the preparations before coming here to this place one last time before leaving.

"Dad, Mom, Mel. I have finally freed this world of the hatred between humans and beasts, sure some of it will forever remain, but I believe this world is destined to greater heights. Now that everything is done and I've made preparation is case of any trouble, I plan to leave this planet and explore the worlds beyond the stars." Roderick knelt on the ground and gave his goodbye to his family before standing up. He already passed the news of his parting to everyone else and even had a farewell party his friends had arranged for him, now he only had one last thing to do.

Leaving the grave, Roderick walked down the mountain with the Death Hazard in the shape of black chains around his clothes. The Death Hazard had changed after the meddling the Patriarch made to it, now it became just like an infant that had just arrived on the world, and thus being completely loyal to its "father".

Seeing his figure from far away, Céline who was checking the crimson space ship that was waiting by the landing docks. It wasn't the same as the large transport ship, but a small cruiser with the same crest as the one representing the Thunderblood Race. "Hey Roderick where were you just now?"

"I was just saying farewell to my family. How is the ship made by the Thunderblood Laboratories? Do you think it will handle the travel?"

"Of course, and all the supplies had already been stored. Fortunately the only one who requires food and blood is you, we are going to leave before the sun rises? I would be really sad if my little Dracula got burned by the sun..." Céline sounded serious at first when she suddenly threw a joke in, making Roderick's face form black veins.

"Again with the jokes about Vampires? How many times must I say I'm not a vampire!" Roderick was fed up with all the jokes made about him, especially the ones about vampires since his Title of Blood Progenitor only made matters worse, and this woman was the reason behind all of it.

But then a pair of hands came toward his mouth, he tried to resist by the forceful hands and ended up opening his mouth and revealing a pair of fangs that grew on his mouth once he merged with his mortal body.

"he-he." Céline couldn't stop giggling once she stared at the two fangs like this was the indisputable proof.

"Stop with it." Shaking her hands away, Roderick immediately entered the ship and carried some of his belongings with him to his personal chamber within the ship. Céline didn't need much because of her armor that replaced sleep and food with the energy it captured from its surroundings but she was also given a whole chamber for herself since in the end they were the only two going on this journey.

Inside the ship, Roderick watched Céline enter the ship after him and then asked. "Hey, are you sure you want to follow me?"

But instead of answering, this question once more only made her angry. "Do you think I'm stupid. I know how dangerous outer space is and after the fall of the immortal empire I have no idea about the forces that rose to power after them, nonetheless you will still need me. Since you saved me that day I've decided to follow you, and there is also the reason before my empire's fall that I must know so this is not just about you."

"Okay, okay... Maybe something can't be changed after all." This time he was the one who kept silent. At this moment he thought of what he saw on that, the memories that didn't belong to him. He was sure it was a vision just like the one where he was shown the future of his people and the betrayal of his wife when he was Thor.

Now, what was shown was a new life with a family that he didn't know when or how it would happen, or like how similar the voice of Céline was to that beautiful woman he saw in that vision. With that armor on there was no way for him to confirm his guesses, maybe this was the true charm of it after all.

If he knew how it happened it would be no fun at all, he thought.

Turning on the engine, the crimson spaceship, the Mjöllnir rose from the ground under the eyes of humans, beasts and demons before parting towards a new and boundless world.
